1.建立項目 ( vue init webpack countryside )css
Administrator@PC-20180706NCIX MINGW64 ~/Desktop $ vue init webpack countrysideYunCang ? Project name (countrysideYunCang) ? Project name (countrysideYunCang) countryside ? Project name countryside ? Project description (A Vue.js project) 鄉間雲倉是一個進貨供貨管理的後臺管理系統( 學校-供應商 ) ? Author (Smile-lrn <17839193052@163.com>) ? Author Smile-lrn <17839193052@163.com> ? Vue build (Use arrow keys) ? Vue build standalone ? Install vue-router? (Y/n) y ? Install vue-router? Yes ? Use ESLint to lint your code? (Y/n) n ? Use ESLint to lint your code? No ? Set up unit tests (Y/n) n ? Set up unit tests No ? Setup e2e tests with Nightwatch? (Y/n) n ? Setup e2e tests with Nightwatch? No ? Should we run `npm install` for you after the project has been created? (recom ? Should we run `npm install` for you after the project has been created? (recom mended) npm vue-cli · Generated "countrysideYunCang". # Installing project dependencies ... ..................................................... # Project initialization finished! # ======================== To get started: cd countrysideYunCang npm run dev
3.本地倉庫初始化 ,在本地項目根目錄下執行webpack
$ git init
$ git remote add origin git@github.com:Smile-lrn/countryside.git
$ git pull origin master From github.com:Smile-lrn/countryside * branch master -> FETCH_HEAD fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories
6.執行第5步時,會出現拒絕合併不相關的歷史(refusing to merge unrelated histories)錯誤,此時咱們能夠加上(–allow-unrelated-histories參數 )github
$ git pull origin master --allow-unrelated-histories
git push -u origin master
1.NPM 安裝vue-router
$ npm install iview --save
import iView from 'iview'; import 'iview/dist/styles/iview.css'; Vue.use(iView);
<template> <div class="layout"> <Sider :style="{position: 'fixed', height: '100vh', left: 0, overflow: 'auto'}"> <div class="logobox"> <img src="../assets/imgs/logo.png"> <span>鄉間雲倉</span> </div> <Menu :theme="theme2" accordion class="navbox" width="auto" :open-names="[Submenuname]" :active-name="activeName" @on-open-change="onOpenChanged"> <!-- <Menu class="navbox" :active-name="activename" theme="dark" width="auto" :open-names="['1']"> --> <Submenu name="1"> <template slot="title"> <Icon class="l_iconfont l_iconlvzhou_gailan-copy"></Icon> <span>概覽</span> </template> <!-- 第一種方式 <MenuItem name="3-1" @click.native="choosencomp('Pramaryuser')">普通用戶</MenuItem> <MenuItem name="3-2" @click.native="choosencomp('Otheruser')">董事/總代</MenuItem> --> <!-- 第二種方式 經過設置子路由 --> <MenuItem name="/Overview" @click="onSelected('/Overview','概覽')">概覽</MenuItem> </Submenu> <Submenu name="2"> <template slot="title"> <Icon class="l_iconfont l_iconlvzhou_gailan"></Icon> <span>採購管理</span> </template> <MenuItem name="/Goodslist" @click="onSelected('/Goodslist','貨品清單')">貨品清單</MenuItem> <MenuItem name="/Historylist" @click="onSelected('/Historylist','歷史清單')">歷史清單</MenuItem> <MenuItem name="/Supplier" @click="onSelected('/Supplier','供貨單位')">供貨單位</MenuItem> </Submenu> <Submenu name="3"> <template slot="title"> <Icon class="l_iconfont l_iconlvzhou_gailan"></Icon> <span>貨品管理</span> </template> <MenuItem name="/Goodsmanagement" @click="onSelected('/Goodsmanagement','貨品清單')">貨品清單</MenuItem> </Submenu> <Submenu name="4"> <template slot="title"> <Icon class="l_iconfont l_iconlvzhou_gailan"></Icon> <span>庫存管理</span> </template> <MenuItem name="/Inventorymanagement" @click="onSelected('/Inventorymanagement','庫存管理')">庫存管理</MenuItem> </Submenu> <Submenu name="5"> <template slot="title"> <Icon class="l_iconfont l_iconlvzhou_gailan"></Icon> <span>食堂資料</span> </template> <MenuItem name="/Canteeninfo" @click="onSelected('/Canteeninfo','食堂資料')">食堂資料</MenuItem> </Submenu> <Submenu name="6"> <template slot="title"> <Icon class="l_iconfont l_iconlvzhou_gailan"></Icon> <span>用戶信息</span> </template> <MenuItem name="/Userinformation" @click="onSelected('/Userinformation','用戶信息')">用戶信息</MenuItem> </Submenu> </Menu> </Sider> <Layout :style="{marginLeft: '200px'}"> <Header :style="{background: '#fff', boxShadow: '0 2px 3px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.1)'}"> <span class="breadcrumbItems">{{breadcrumbItems}}</span> <div class="userInfo"> <img src="../assets/imgs/logo.png" alt="" class="photo"> <span>浙大第一美味食堂</span> <Icon class="l_iconfont l_icondingbudaohang-zhangh"></Icon> </div> </Header> <Content class="contentbox"> <Card> <div class="incontbox" id="incontbox"> <router-view /> </div> </Card> </Content> </Layout> </div> </template> <script> export default { data() { return { theme2: 'dark', //主題 Submenuname: '1', activeName: '/Overview', // navActive: '/Overview', //第一種方式渲染 右側內容區域所須要渲染出的組件, breadcrumbItems: '概覽', //麪包屑 accordion: true //開啓手風琴效果 } }, methods: { // 側邊導航路由跳轉 onSelected: function(name,breadcrumbItems) { console.log(breadcrumbItems) // 點擊同一個不作任何操做 this.activeName = name if (this.$route.path == name) { return } this.$router.push({ path: name }) this.breadcrumbItems = breadcrumbItems }, // 默認展開一級菜單時,選中第一項子菜單 onOpenChanged: function(params) { var _this = this this.Submenuname = [params[0]] switch (params[0]) { case '1': _this.onSelected('/Overview','概覽') return case '2': _this.onSelected('/Goodslist','貨品清單') return case '3': _this.onSelected('/Goodsmanagement','貨品管理') return case '4': _this.onSelected('/Inventorymanagement','庫存管理') return case '5': _this.onSelected('/Canteeninfo','食堂資料') return case '6': _this.onSelected('/Userinformation','用戶信息') return } } }, watch: { $route(to, from) { this.activeName = this.$route.path } }, } </script> <style scoped lang="less"> .layout { border: 1px solid #d7dde4; background: #f5f7f9; position: relative; border-radius: 4px; overflow: hidden; /deep/ .ivu-menu { width: auto !important; } /deep/ .ivu-icon-ios-arrow-down:before { display: none; } /deep/ .ivu-menu-submenu-title { padding-left: 20px; text-align: left; } /deep/ .ivu-menu-vertical .ivu-menu-submenu .ivu-menu-item { text-align: left; padding-left: 59px !important; } /deep/ .ivu-layout-header { padding-left: 16px; font-size: 16px; } .ivu-menu-submenu-title { display: flex; align-items: center; i, span { color: #8B97A2; } i { font-size: 26px; } } .ivu-menu-opened { background: #0D1A2C; i, span { color: #F9650C; } } /deep/ .ivu-menu-dark.ivu-menu-vertical .ivu-menu-submenu .ivu-menu-item-active { color: #fff; background: transparent !important; } .ivu-menu-vertical .ivu-menu-submenu .ivu-menu-item { color: #8B97A2; } .layout-header-bar { background: #fff; box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, .1); } .breadcrumbItems { float: left; } .userInfo { float: right; display: flex; align-items: center; font-size: 14px; img { width: 50px; height: 50px; border-radius: 50%; border: 1px solid #ebebeb; } span { margin: 0 10px; } } } // logo .logobox { width: 100%; padding-top: 20px; padding-left: 20px; font-size: 20px; color: #fff; display: flex; align-items: center; margin-bottom: 20px; // justify-content: center; box-sizing: border-box; img { width: 50px; height: 50px; border-radius: 50%; margin-right: 8px; } span { display: flex; } } // 右側內容板塊 /deep/ .contentbox { width: 100%; height: calc(100vh - 64px); box-sizing: border-box; overflow-y: hidden; padding: 16px; .incontbox { width: 100%; max-height: calc(100vh -96px); overflow-y: scroll; &::-webkit-scrollbar { display: none; } } } </style>
$ npm install vuex --save
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex' Vue.use(Vuex)
// 建立vuex實例 const store = new Vuex.Store({ // stat state:{ ...states //vuex數據源 },
getters,//可對vuex數據進行過濾等操做 }) // 導出store export default store
// vuex的數據源 在組件中能夠經過this.$store.state.xx來獲取值 const state = { name:'清華大學的美味食堂', } // 導出state export default state
import states from './state.js' //導入vuex數據源
7.Vuex 容許咱們在 store 中定義「getter」(能夠認爲是 store 的計算屬性)。就像計算屬性同樣,getter 的返回值會根據它的依賴被緩存起來,且只有當它的依賴值發生了改變纔會被從新計算,因此這裏能夠在store問價夾下新建getter.js,Getter 接受 state 做爲其第一個參數,Getter 會暴露爲 store.getters
import state from './state.js' //導入vuex數據源 const getters = { testname: state => { return state.name+'我測試下getters' } } // 導出state export default getters
import getters from './getter.js'
8.更改 Vuex 的 store 中的狀態的惟一方法是提交 mutation。Vuex 中的 mutation 很是相似於事件:每一個 mutation 都有一個字符串的 事件類型 (type) 和 一個 回調函數 (handler)。這個回調函數就是咱們實際進行狀態更改的地方,而且它會接受 state 做爲第一個參數。因此在store文件夾中建立mutation.js 其內容以下
import state from './state.js' //導入vuex數據源 const mutations = { logout: state => { state.name=state.name+"成功退出登陸" } } // 導出state export default mutations
9.在組件中咱們能夠經過this.$store.commit( mutations.js中的方法名字 )去對vuex數據源進行修改操做。雖然達到了修改store中狀態值的目的,可是,官方並不介意咱們這樣直接去修改store裏面的值,而是讓咱們去提交一個actions,在actions中提交mutation再去修改狀態值,接下來咱們建立actions.js文件,而後定義actions提交mutation的函數。Action 函數接受一個與 store 實例具備相同方法和屬性的 context 對象(《==》形參state),所以能夠調用 context.commit
提交一個 mutation,或者經過 context.state
和 context.getters
來獲取 state 和 getters。可是注意這裏的 context 對象並非 store 實例自己。在組建中經過this.$store.dispatch('mutations.js中的方法名字')去使用。其文件內容具體代碼以下:
const actions = { logout: context => { context.commit('logout') //可傳第二個參數 } } // 導出state export default actions