File status in views 文件狀態一覽表 html
Colorweb |
File Statuside |
Descriptionidea |
CHS Descriptionspa |
Black3d |
Up to datehtm |
File is unchanged. |
文件未修改,跟倉庫是同步的。rem |
Grayget |
Deleted |
File is scheduled for deletion from the repository. |
將要從倉庫中刪除的文件 |
Blue |
Modified |
File has changed since the last synchronization. |
已修改的文件 |
Green |
Added |
File is scheduled for addition to the repository. |
增長的文件 |
Violet |
Merged |
File is merged by your VCS as a result of an update. |
經過更新被SVN合併? |
Brown |
Unknown |
File exists locally, but is not in the repository, and is not scheduled for adding. 本地文件, |
倉庫中沒有該文件,也不會提交到倉庫中。 |
Olive |
Ignored |
File will be ignored in any VCS operation. |
忽略的文件 |
Light brown |
Hijacked |
File is modified without checkout. This status is valid for the files under Perforce, ClearCase and VSS. |
僅在Perforce,ClearCase,VSS中使用的狀態 |
Red |
Merged with conflicts |
During the last update, file was merged with conflicts. |
衝突的文件 |
Lilac |
Externally deleted |
File is deleted locally, but was not scheduled for deletion, and still exists in the CVS repository. |
本地刪除,未同步到倉庫,倉庫中仍然有該文件 |
Dark cyan |
Switched |
The file is taken from a different branch than the whole project. This status is valid for CVS and SVN. |
從其餘分支取出的文件 |
Line status in the editor 行內狀態一覽表
Color |
File Status |
Description |
CHS Description |
Modified |
Denotes the lines modified since the last synchronization. |
修改的 |
Added |
Denotes the lines added since the last synchronization. |
增長的 |
Deleted |
Denotes the lines removed since the last synchronization. |
刪除的 |
File editied by Leo.
2014-10-22 10:59
Ref location: