常見問題 及 解決方案 (重點)

問題一:Error: C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\myApp is not a vaild project <AndroidManifest.xml not found>android

解決方案:項目文件夾 -- platforms -- android -- 在此文件夾下執行 android update project -p .ios


F:\adt\sdk\tools\ant\build.xml:597: ...\build.xmljson

解決方案:複製android文件夾下 的 local.properties 更名爲 ant.propertiesxcode

問題三:Error: No emulator images (avds) found.bash

解決方案:開啓手機開發者模式 和 USB調試功能app

問題四:Error: Cannot find module 'xml2js/lib/processors'ionic

解決方案:npm install xml2jsui

問題五:項目中的package.json 插件數據 與 config.xml 插件數據不一致(plugin數據沒法添加到config.xml中)this


問題六:cordova 安裝插件之後 插件數據沒有 同步到 config.xml 上


問題七:Ionic bug: Error: Source path does not exist: resources/iOS/icon/icon-40@3x.png

緣由 :缺乏相應的icon

解決方案: ionic resources

問題八:執行 命令: ionic platform add ios 或 ionic platform add Android 時報Error: spawn EACCES錯誤


解決方案: 執行命令進行添加 ionic hooks add

問題九:Error:Error code 65 for command:xcodebuild with args

解決方案: ionic platform remove ios ionic platform add ios 或 cordova platform update ios

問題十:ipa 上傳Appstore時審覈失敗,提示:Missing Info.plist key(上傳安裝包後提示:此構建無效)
We have discovered one or more issues with your recent delivery for "米飯公社". To process your delivery, the following issues must be corrected:
This app attempts to access privacy-sensitive data without a usage description. The app's Info.plist must contain an NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription key with a string value explaining to the user how the app uses this data.
This app attempts to access privacy-sensitive data without a usage description. The app's Info.plist must contain an NSCameraUsageDescription key with a string value explaining to the user how the app uses this data.


問題十一:xcode 打包時用到的 簽名證書

解決方案:info 導入

問題十二:ionic plugin list 時,顯示 bash: ionic: command not found (因爲系統PATH設置問題,PATH沒有設置對,系統就沒法找到精確命令了)

解決方案:1.sudo npm cache clear

npm install -g cordova

2.npm install -g cordova ionic

問題十三:Unable to generate images due to an error Failed to upload source image: Error: connect ETIMEDOUT

解決方案:ionic resources icon (去掉icon前面的 '--' 竟然就能夠了)
