import { Link } from 'react-router-dom' //使用 <Link to={{ pathname: "/app/studyMapModule/detail" }} >detail</Link>
browser.js?fec5:49 Warning: Hash history cannot PUSH the same path; a new entry will not be added to the history stack
緣由:這個是 reactr-router 的一個提示,當前路由下的 history 不能 push 相同的路徑到 stack 裏。只有開發環境存在,生產環境不存在,目前還沒看到官方有去掉的意思。看不慣的話能夠採起一些方法關掉這個提示。github
<Link to={{ pathname: "/app/studyMapModule/detail" }} replace>detail</Link>
The warning is there just to let you know that when you're using hash history, you can't actually PUSH the same path; the browser won't add anything to the history stack. But you should only get this warning in development. If you generate your production build correctly (using NODE_ENV=production) you shouldn't see this warning in production.