# what is 'stream'?ip
Stream represents any data source or sink as an object capable of producing or receiving pieces of data.ci
To produce input from different sources.it
# Types of InputStreamclass
ByteArrayInputStream: allows a buffer in memory to be used as an inputStream.stream
StringBufferInputStram: converts a String into an inputStream.sed
FileInputStream: For reading info from a file.object
PipedInputStream: produces the data that's being written to the associated PipedOutputStream.file
SequenceInputStream: Combine 2 or more InputStream objects into a single.sso
FilterInputStream: abstract class that is an interface for decorators.
--> types of outputStream is similar to inputStream.
# types of FilterInputStream
DataInputStream: used to read primitives(int, char, long, etc.) from a stream.
BufferInputStream: to use a buffer instead of physical read every time you want more data.
LineNumberInputStream: keep track of line number in the inputStream.
PushbackInputStream: ...