
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# def foo():
#     print("this is a test")
# foo1 = foo #把函數對象賦值給一個變量
# foo1() #---->foo()函數執行

# def foo1(args): #此處args的是foo2函數對象
#     print(args)
#     args()  #------>foo2()函數的調用
# def foo2():
#     print("this is foo2")
# foo1(foo2) #---->把foo2函數對象當作參數傳遞給foo1,最後實質是先print,而後args()--->foo2()

# def foo():
#     print('from foo')
# def bar(func):
#     return func #--->返回傳入函數對象
# f=bar(foo) #---->把foo函數對象傳入bar函數賦值給變量f,f實質仍是foo函數對象,f()調用函數執行的是foo()
# print(f)  #---->打印的是foo函數對象
# f() #---->foo()

# def andy():
#     print("this is andy")
# def yang():
#     print("this is yang")
# test_l = {
#     "andy":andy,  #--->此處andy是函數對象
#     "yang":yang,  #--->此處yang是函數對象
# }
# while True:
#     chei = input(">> ").strip()
#     if chei in test_l:
#         test_l[chei]() #---->此處是經過字典的鍵取到對應的函數對象,而後加上()調用
#     else:
#         break

# def foo5():
#     def foo6():
#         print("this is foo6")
#         def foo7():
#             print("this is foo7")
#         foo7()
#     foo6()
# foo5() #正常
#foo6() #此處報錯,foo6()爲內部函數只能在函數內部使用,當函數執行完成即銷燬

import time
# name = 'andy'
# def func():
#     pass
# class Foo():
#     pass

# print(sum)
# import builtins
# for i in dir(builtins): #查看內置名稱空間
#     print(i)

# x=1 #全局名稱空間
# def func():
#     money=2000  #---->局部名稱空間
#     x=2  #---->局部名稱空間
#     print('func')
#     print(locals())  #---->{'x': 2, 'money': 2000}局部名稱空間名字
# print(x)
# print(func)
# # print(money)
# func()
# print(x)
# #print(globals()) === print(locals()) #由於全局名稱空間對於它自己來講也是一個局部,所以此處打印全局名稱空間和局部名稱空間是同樣的

# x=10000
# def func():
#     x=1
#     def f1():
#         print("this is %d" %(x))
#     f1()
# func() #---->legb規則(locals -> enclosing function -> globals -> __builtins__)
# print(x) #---->輸出10000,由於x=1是局部名稱空間,因此在函數執行完成以後,就銷燬


# gx = 1000 #全局做用域的全局名稱空間
# def gfoo():
#     gx = 2000 #局部做用域的局部名稱空間,函數執行完則銷燬
#     def lfoo():
#         print(gx)
#         print(locals()) #
#     lfoo()
# print(locals()) #---->等於print(globals())
# gfoo()
# print(gx)

# def bibao(x):
#     def relb():
#         z = x + 1
#         return z
#     return relb #將這個局部函數對象返回,以便在全局做用域調用
# ssg = bibao(4) #---->relb函數對象
# print(ssg())

# def bibao2():
#     x = 5
#     def bibao3():
#         return x + 3
#     return bibao3
# sp = bibao2()
# print(sp())

# from urllib.request import  urlopen
# def contr(url):
#     def wraper():
#         conts = urlopen(url).read()
#         return conts
#     return wraper
# sycont = contr("http://www.baidu.com")
# print(sycont().decode('utf-8'))

import time
from urllib.request import urlopen

# def newb(func):
#     def newbi():
#         start_time = time.time()
#         func() #--->index()
#         stop_time = time.time()
#         print("spent times: %s" %(stop_time-start_time))
#     return newbi
# #@newb #--->index=newb(index)
# def index():
#     time.sleep(2)
#     print("welcome to my page")
# # index() #----->index=newbi
# f = newb(index) #---->f ==newbi函數對象,由於newb()執行返回的結果是newbi函數對象
# print(f) #----->f就是newbi函數對象
# f() #---->f()等於newbi()

# def zhuangsq(func):
#     def fuck(*args,**kwargs):
#         stime = time.time()
#         news = func(*args,**kwargs) #----->yang()
#         etime = time.time()
#         print("spent times:%s" %(etime-stime))
#         return news
#     return fuck
# @zhuangsq
# def andy():
#     time.sleep(2)
#     print("this is andy")
# @zhuangsq  #--->yang=zhuangsq(yang)--->fuck函數對象
# def yang(name):
#     time.sleep(3)
#     print("this is yang")
# andy()
# yang("zhangyou") # ---->fuck('zhangyou')

# def zhuans(func):
#     def wrapper():
#         startime = time.time()
#         scont = func()
#         stoptime = time.time()
#         print("spent times: %s" %(stoptime-startime))
#         print(scont)
#     return wrapper
# @zhuans # ---->geturl=zhuans(geturl)
# def geturl():
#     time.sleep(10)
#     sp = urlopen("http://www.baidu.com").readline()
#     return sp.decode('utf-8')
# geturl()

# userdb = {
#     "name":None,
#     "status":False
# }
# def auth(func):
#     def wrapper(*args,**kwargs):
#         if userdb["name"] and userdb["status"]:
#             res = func(*args,**kwargs)
#             return res
#         else:
#             name = input(">> ").strip()
#             password = input(">> ").strip()
#             if name == "andy" and password == "123":
#                 userdb["name"]="andy"
#                 userdb["status"]=True
#                 res = func(*args, **kwargs)
#                 return res
#             else:
#                 print("login failed!")
#     return wrapper
# @auth
# def mypage():
#     print("this is my homepage")
# @auth
# def mainpage(name):
#     print("this is my mainpage %s" %(name))
# mypage()
# mainpage("andy")

# userdb = {
#     "name":None,
#     "status":False
# }
# def timer(func):
#     def newt(*args,**kwargs):
#         stime = time.time()
#         func(*args,**kwargs)
#         etime = time.time()
#         print("spent time:%s" %(etime-stime))
#     return newt
# def choi(driver):
#     def auth(func):
#         def wrapper(*args,**kwargs):
#             if driver=="file":
#                 if userdb["name"] and userdb["status"]:
#                     res = func(*args,**kwargs)
#                     return res
#                 else:
#                     name = input(">> ").strip()
#                     password = input(">> ").strip()
#                     if name == "andy" and password == "123":
#                         userdb["name"]="andy"
#                         userdb["status"]=True
#                         res = func(*args, **kwargs)
#                         return res
#                     else:
#                         print("login failed!")
#             elif driver=="mysql":
#                 print("this is mysql auth")
#             else:
#                 print("unkown auth")
#         return wrapper
#     return auth
# @timer
# @choi("mysql") #--->auth---mypage = wrapper(mypage)--->index=wrapper
# def mypage():
#     print("this is my homepage")
# @timer
# @choi("file")
# def mainpage(name):
#     print("this is my mainpage %s" %(name))
# mypage()
# mainpage("andy")

# h = [1,2,3]
# m = h.__iter__()
# print(next(m))
# print(next(m))
# print(next(m))

# j = {"a":1,"b":2,"c":3}
# n = iter(j) #此處n是迭代器
# print(n)
# key = next(n)
# print(j[key],key)
# print(next(n))
# print(next(n))

from collections import Iterable,Iterator

# f=open('a.txt','w')
# print(isinstance('abc',Iterable))
# print(isinstance([],Iterable))
# print(isinstance((),Iterable))
# print(isinstance({'a':1},Iterable))
# print(isinstance({1,2},Iterable))
# print(isinstance(f,Iterable))

# print(isinstance('abc',Iterator))
# print(isinstance([],Iterator))
# print(isinstance((),Iterator))
# print(isinstance({'a':1},Iterator))
# print(isinstance({1,2},Iterator))
# print(isinstance(f,Iterator))

# def foo12():
#     print("first")
#     yield 1
#     print("second")
#     yield 2
#     print("third")
#     yield 3
# hk = foo12() #此處hk是生成器對象
# for i in hk:
#     print(i)
# print(next(hk))
# print(next(hk))
# print(next(hk))

#tail -f a.txt|grep "python" #定義2個生成器,一個用於輸出最後一行的內容,一個用於查找關鍵字

# def readt(name):
#     with open(name,"r",encoding='utf-8') as f:
#         f.seek(0,2)
#         while True:
#             m = f.readline().strip()
#             if m:
#                 yield m
#             else:
#                 time.sleep(0.2)
# # t = readt("a.txt") #--->生成生成器對象
# # # print(t)
# #
# # for line in t:
# #     print(line)
# def grep(pattern,lines):
#     for line in lines:
#         if pattern in line:
#             yield line
# g=grep('python',readt('a.txt'))
# # print(g)
# for i in g:
#     print(i)

# print(dir(__builtins__))
# for h in dir(__builtins__): #查看內置函數的方法
#     print(h)
# help(sum) #查看具體函數的幫助

# list_a = []
# print(dir(list_a))

# s = "andy"
# b = "1234"
# t = "wesr"
# z = zip(s,b,t)
# for i in z:
#     print(i)

# dic="{'a':1,'b':2}"
# d=eval(dic)
# print(type(d),d['a'])