Lua string.sub截取UTF8 中英混合字符


 1 --截取中英混合的UTF8字符串,endIndex可缺省  2 function SubStringUTF8(str, startIndex, endIndex)  3     if startIndex < 0 then  4         startIndex = SubStringGetTotalIndex(str) + startIndex + 1;  5  end  6 
 7     if endIndex ~= nil and endIndex < 0 then  8         endIndex = SubStringGetTotalIndex(str) + endIndex + 1;  9  end 10 
11     if endIndex == nil then 12         return string.sub(str, SubStringGetTrueIndex(str, startIndex)); 13     else
14         return string.sub(str, SubStringGetTrueIndex(str, startIndex), SubStringGetTrueIndex(str, endIndex + 1) - 1); 15  end 16 end 17 
18 --獲取中英混合UTF8字符串的真實字符數量 19 function SubStringGetTotalIndex(str) 20     local curIndex = 0; 21     local i = 1; 22     local lastCount = 1; 23  repeat 24         lastCount = SubStringGetByteCount(str, i) 25         i = i + lastCount; 26         curIndex = curIndex + 1; 27     until(lastCount == 0); 28     return curIndex - 1; 29 end 30 
31 function SubStringGetTrueIndex(str, index) 32     local curIndex = 0; 33     local i = 1; 34     local lastCount = 1; 35  repeat 36         lastCount = SubStringGetByteCount(str, i) 37         i = i + lastCount; 38         curIndex = curIndex + 1; 39     until(curIndex >= index); 40     return i - lastCount; 41 end 42 
43 --返回當前字符實際佔用的字符數 44 function SubStringGetByteCount(str, index) 45     local curByte = string.byte(str, index) 46     local byteCount = 1; 47     if curByte == nil then 48         byteCount = 0
49     elseif curByte > 0 and curByte <= 127 then 50         byteCount = 1
51     elseif curByte>=192 and curByte<=223 then 52         byteCount = 2
53     elseif curByte>=224 and curByte<=239 then 54         byteCount = 3
55     elseif curByte>=240 and curByte<=247 then 56         byteCount = 4
57  end 58     return byteCount; 59 end