1 :若是沒法保證子類行爲的一致性,那麼就用委託 app
If the subClass cann't keep with superClass,use delegate rather than inheritance. 函數
2: 屏幕上看到的,都是 UIVew 性能
Everything you see on Screen is UIView. ui
3: 若是對性能要求高,慎用 Interface Build spa
if application's performance is important,be discreet for the interface build. orm
4: copy是建立, retain是引用 對象
the copy operation is create a new one,but the retain operation is just a reference. 生命週期
5 :alloc須要 release,convenient 不須要 release it
alloc method need corresponding release method,but convenient method not. io
6: 加載到 NSArray/NSMutableArray 裏的對象,不須要負責 release
The objects added to NSArray/NSMutableArray need not to be released.
7: IBOutlet,IBAction 爲你開啓了訪問 Interface Build 中對象的大門
IBOutlet and IBAction open the door to access the objects in Interface build.
8: UIApplicationDelegate 負責應用程序的生命週期,而 UIViewController 負責 View 的生命週期
UIApplicationDelegate is responsible for the application life cycle,but UIViewController for the UIView.
9: 爲了程序的健壯性,儘可能實現 Delegate 的生命週期函數
if you want to develop a robust application,implement the life cycle methods as more as possbile.
10: 觸摸的不是 UIEvent, 而是 NSSet 的 UIView
what you touch on screen is not UIEvent but UIView