此文將列舉經常使用的口語,不間斷的更新。收穫在於積累!Let's go面試
1 這是一個至關寬泛的問題app
That's an incredibly broad question post
is more specialized than #2
or vice versa
which conditions need to be fulfilled to make this method work properly 學習
9 跟我聯繫ui
hit me upthis
10 這是理所固然的,由於這是都是與移植相關的文件spa
it makes sense to do this since these are all port specific files.net
11 爲了討論,你的應用包含了一下文件APP.C, APP.H, APP_CFG.H
For sake of discussion, your application is placed in files called APP.C, APP.H and APP_CFG.H
12 包含一個主要頭文件的缺點就是:可能這些頭文件與實際的.C文件不相關,因此會形成編譯時間延長
The only drawbacks to having a master include file are that INCLUDES.H may include header files that are not
pertinent to the actual .C file being compiled and the compilation process may take longer
13 我很擅長跟人打交道,我工做努力,學東西很快
I'm great with people, I'm hard-working and I'm a quick learner
14 然而,由於一些緣由致使一些GPS設備的定位和估計精度容易產生錯誤
However, the positional and elevation accuracy of any given GPS location is prone to error, due to a number of factors
ps: is prone to sth means it's easy to subject to something
15 然而很巧合的是卡爾曼濾波就是知足了這兩個準則的估計器
It so happens that the Kalman filter is the estimator that satisfies these two criteria
the linear model that represents our system can be derived from the system model presented earlier in this article as follows:
17 對只有一把錘子的人來講,遇到的每樣東西都像釘子。—— 亞伯拉罕·馬斯洛
http://www.careercup.com/book (聖經的原文^_^)
http://hawstein.com/posts/ctci-solutions-contents.html (牛人用C++實現了裏面的全部問題,原文裏面是Java實現)