How to Design a Good API and Why it Matters


前谷歌首席 Java 架構師談如何設優秀的 API – 碼農網


Joshua Bloch是美國著名程序式設計師。他爲Java平臺設計並實現了許多的功能,是Google的首席Java架構師(Chief Java Architect)。他也是《Effective Java Programming Language Guide》一書的做者,就是人們常說的 Effective Java。本文翻譯自Joshua Bloch所發表的一個PPT:How to Design a Good API and Why it Matters程序員



  • 簡單易學;
  • 易於使用,即便沒有文檔;
  • 很難誤用;
  • 易於閱讀,代碼易於維護;
  • 足夠強大,能夠知足需求;
  • 易於擴展;
  • 適合用戶。







  • 靈活性要遠勝於完整性;
  • 跳出規則:聽取意見並嚴陣以待;
  • 精煉短小才易修改;
  • 得到信任以後將其具體化,在此之中,編程很重要。


  • 對每個實現進行保存,以防丟失;
  • 在開始以前,列出一些合理的規定,保存所寫說明,以防丟失;
  • 繼續編寫和充實API。


  • Service Provider Interface即服務提供商接口,插件服務支持多種實現,例如Java Cryptography Extension
  • 發佈以前編寫多個插件;
  • 「三次原則」(「The Rule of Threes」):指的是當某個功能第三次出現時,才進行」抽象化」。


  • 大多數API設計都過於約束;
  • 對可能會犯的錯誤進行預計,要用發展的思惟來編寫API。



  • API應儘量地輕小:知足需求、對有疑問的地方能夠暫時不使用(函數、類、方法、參數等,你能夠不添加,但千萬不要刪除)、概念性的東西比體積重要、尋找一個良好的動力體積比;
  • 實現不要影響API:關注實現細節(不要迷惑用戶、不要隨便改變實現方式)、意識到具體的實現細節(不要有越權的方法行爲,例如不要制訂哈希函數、全部的調優參數都是可疑的);
  • 不要讓實現細節「泄露」到API(例如on-disk和on-the-wire格式等異常狀況);
  • 最小化可訪問:設計人員應儘可能把類及成員設爲私有,公共類不該該有公共字段(包括異常實例),最大限度地提升信息隱藏,容許模塊能夠被使用、理解、構建、測試和獨立調試;
  • 命名問題:應該見名知意,避免含糊的縮寫、對同同樣東西的命名應該有個一致性的前綴(遍佈整個平臺API)、講究對稱、代碼應該易讀。以下所示:
if (car.speed() > 2 * SPEED_LIMIT) generateAlert("Watch out for cops!");



——摘自 D. L. Parnas 在1994年第16屆國際軟件開發大會上的演講內容



  • API設計決策對性能的影響是真實永久的;
  • 很差的決策會限制性能(類型易變、構造函數替代靜態工廠、實現類型替代接口);
  • 不得打包API來提高性能(潛在的性能問題可能會獲得修復,但救的了一時,救不了一世);
  • 良好的設計一般與好的性能是一致的。


  • 養成良好的習慣:遵照標準的命名約定、避免陳舊的參數和返回類型、核心API和語言的模仿模式;
  • 利用API的友好功能:泛型、可變參數、枚舉、默認參數;
  • 瞭解和避免API陷阱和缺陷:Finalizers、公共靜態Final數組。



  • 最好不要隨便改變類,除非有一個很是合理的理由;
  • 若是是可變類,最好保持很小的狀態空間、定義良好的結構,因時制宜地去調用方法。


  • 子類具有可替代性(Liskov);
  • 公共類不該該繼承其它公共類。

用於繼承的設計和文檔或者直接禁止繼承(Design and Document for Inheritance or Else Prohibit it

  • 繼承破壞封裝
  • 若是你容許子類和文檔自用,那麼要考慮彼此該如何互相調用方法
  • 保守策略:把全部類都設置成Final



import org.w3c.dom.*;
 import*; import javax.xml.transform.*; import javax.xml.transform.dom.*; import*; // DOM code to write an XML document to a specified output stream. private static final void writeDoc(Document doc, OutputStream out)throws IOException{ try { Transformer t = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer(); t.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.DOCTYPE_SYSTEM, doc.getDoctype().getSystemId()); t.transform(new DOMSource(doc), new StreamResult(out)); } catch(TransformerException e) { throw new AssertionError(e); // Can’t happen! } }



public class Thread implements Runnable { // Tests whether current thread has been interrupted. // Clears the interrupted status of current thread. public static boolean interrupted(); }


  • 編譯時最好是靜態類型、泛型;
  • 方法裏應該包含錯誤自動提交機制。
// A Properties instance maps strings to strings
 public class Properties extends Hashtable { public Object put(Object key, Object value); // Throws ClassCastException if this properties // contains any keys or values that are not strings public void save(OutputStream out, String comments); }


public class Throwable { public void printStackTrace(PrintStream s); public StackTraceElement[] getStackTrace(); // Since 1.4 } public final class StackTraceElement { public String getFileName(); public int getLineNumber(); public String getClassName(); public String getMethodName(); public boolean isNativeMethod(); }


  • 避免模棱兩可的重載,例如多個重載適用於同一個實物
  • 即便你能分清,也最好不要這樣作,最好起個不一樣的名字
  • 若是非要定義這種重載,相同的參數確保相同的行爲
public TreeSet(Collection c); // Ignores order public TreeSet(SortedSet s); // Respects order


  • 經過類來支持接口類型輸入
  • 儘量地使用最特定的輸入參數類型
  • 若是已經有一個更好的類型存在,就不要使用string類型
  • 不要用浮點型來修飾貨幣值
  • 使用Double(64位)而不要使用Float(32位)
  • 在方法上參數順序要一致,尤爲是參數類型相同時,則尤其重要
#include char *strcpy (char *dest, char *src); void bcopy (void *src, void *dst, int n);

java.util.Collections – first parameter always collection to be modified

or queried

java.util.concurrent – time always specified as long delay, TimeUnit



  • 三個或三個之內的參數是最完美的
  • 長參數列表是有害的,程序員容易出錯,而且程序在編譯、運行時會表現很差
  • 縮短參數的兩種方法:Break up method、建立參數助手類


// Eleven parameters including four consecutive ints
HWND CreateWindow(LPCTSTR lpClassName, LPCTSTR lpWindowName, DWORD dwStyle, int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight, HWND hWndParent, HMENU hMenu, HINSTANCE hInstance, LPVOID lpParam);



package java.awt.image;
 public interface BufferedImageOp { // Returns the rendering hints for this operation, // or null if no hints have been set. public RenderingHints getRenderingHints(); }



private byte[] a = new byte[BUF_SIZE]; void processBuffer (ByteBuffer buf) { try { while (true) { buf.get(a); processBytes(tmp, BUF_SIZE); } } catch (BufferUnderflowException e) { int remaining = buf.remaining(); buf.get(a, 0, remaining); processBytes(bufArray, remaining); } }

Conversely, don’t fail silently

ThreadGroup.enumerate(Thread[] list)

支持Unchecked Exceptions

  • Checked——客戶端確定會作一些恢復措施
  • Unchecked——編程錯誤
  • 過分使用Checked異常會產生一些模板代碼
try {
 Foo f = (Foo) super.clone(); .... } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { // This can't happen, since we’re Cloneable throw new AssertionError(); }


  • 容許診斷和修復或恢復
  • 對於Unchecked異常,有異常消息就好了
  • 對於Checked異常,提供訪問器



public class Vector { public int indexOf(Object elem, int index); public int lastIndexOf(Object elem, int index); ... }


  • 在搜索上不強大
  • 沒有文檔很難使用


public interface List { List subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex); ... }


  • 很是強大——支持全部操做
  • 使用接口來減小概念權重:較高的動力重量(power-to-weight)比
  • 沒有文檔也易於使用


 // Broken - inappropriate use of String as capability.
 // Keys constitute a shared global namespace. public class ThreadLocal { private ThreadLocal() { } // Non-instantiable // Sets current thread’s value for named variable. public static void set(String key, Object value); // Returns current thread’s value for named variable. public static Object get(String key); }


 public class ThreadLocal { private ThreadLocal() { } // Noninstantiable public static class Key { Key() { } } // Generates a unique, unforgeable key public static Key getKey() { return new Key(); } public static void set(Key key, Object value); public static Object get(Key key); }


static ThreadLocal.Key serialNumberKey = ThreadLocal.getKey(); ThreadLocal.set(serialNumberKey, nextSerialNumber()); System.out.println(ThreadLocal.get(serialNumberKey));


public class ThreadLocal { public ThreadLocal() { } public void set(Object value); public Object get(); }


static ThreadLocal serialNumber = new ThreadLocal(); serialNumber.set(nextSerialNumber()); System.out.println(serialNumber.get());




Google首席工程師Joshua Bloch談如何設計優秀的API - Beaver - CSDN博客

Google首席工程師Joshua Bloch談如何設計優秀的API

How to Design a Good API and Why it Matters


Why is API Design Important?

APIs can be among a company's greatest assets
_ Customers invest heavily: buying, writing, learning
_ Cost to stop using an API can be prohibitive
_ Successful public APIs capture customers

Can also be among company's greatest liabilities
_Bad APIs result in unending stream of support calls
• Public APIs are forever - one chance to get it right

Why is API Design Importantto You?

If you program, you are an API designer
_Good code is modular–each module has an API
Useful modules tend to get reused
_ Once module has users, can’t change API at will
_ Good reusable modules are corporate assets
Thinking in terms of APIs improves code quality

Characteristics of a Good API

Easy to learn
Easy to use, even without documentation
Hard to misuse
Easy to read and maintain code that uses it
Sufficiently powerful to satisfy requirements
Easy to extend
Appropriate to audience

I. The Process of API Design
II. General Principles
III. Class Design
IV. Method Design
V. Exception Design
VI. Refactoring API Designs

The Process of API Design

Gather Requirements–with a Healthy Degree of Skepticism

Often you'll get proposed solutions instead
_Better solutions may exist
Your job is to extract true requirements
_Should take the form ofuse-cases
Can be easier and more rewarding to build something more general

Start with Short Spec–1 Page is Ideal

•At this stage, agility trumps completeness
•Bounce spec off as many people as possible
_Listen to their input and take it seriously
• If you keep the spec short, it’s easy to modify
• Flesh it out as you gain confidence
_This necessarily involves coding

Write to Your API Early and Often

•Start before you've implemented the API
_ Saves you doing implementation you'll throw away
• Start before you've even specified it properly
_ Saves you from writing specs you'll throw away
• Continue writing to API as you flesh it out
_ Prevents nasty surprises
_ Code lives on as examples, unit tests


Writing to SPI is Even More Important

•Service Provider Interface (SPI)
_Plug-in interface enabling multiple implementations
_Example: Java Cryptography Extension (JCE)
•Write multiple plug-ins before release
_ If you write one, it probably won't support another
_ If you write two, it will support more with difficulty
_ If you write three, it will work fine
• Will Tracz calls this 「The Rule of Threes」
(Confessions of a Used Program Salesman, Addison-Wesley, 1995)

Maintain Realistic Expectations

•Most API designs are over-constrained
_ You won't be able to please everyone
_Aim to displease everyone equally
• Expect to make mistakes
_ A few years of real-world use will flush them out
_ Expect to evolve API

General Principles

API Should Do One Thing and Do it Well

•Functionality should be easy to explain
_ If it's hard to name, that's generally a bad sign
_Good names drive development
_Be amenable to splitting and merging modules

API Should Be As Small As Possible But No Smaller

•API should satisfy its requirements
• When in doubt leave it out
_ Functionality, classes, methods, parameters, etc.
_ You can always add, but you can never remove
• Conceptual weight more important than bulk
• Look for a good power-to-weight ratio

Implementation Should Not Impact API

•Implementation details
_ Confuse users
_Inhibit freedom to change implementation
• Be aware of what is an implementation detail
_Do not overspecify the behavior of methods
_ For example: do not specify hash functions
_All tuning parameters are suspect
• Don't let implementation details 「leak」 into API
_ On-disk and on-the-wire formats, exceptions

Minimize Accessibility of Everything

•Make classes and members as private as possible
• Public classes should have no public fields(with the exception of constants)
• This maximizes information hiding
• Allows modules to be used, understood, built,tested, and debugged independently

Names Matter–API is a Little Language

•Names Should Be Largely Self-Explanatory
_ Avoid cryptic abbreviations
• Be consistent–same word means same thing
_ Throughout API, (Across APIs on the platform)
• Be regular–strive for symmetry
• Code should read like prose
if (car.speed() > 2 * SPEED_LIMIT)
generateAlert("Watch out for cops!");

Documentation Matters

Reuse is something that is far easier to say than
to do. Doing it requires both good design and
very good documentation. Even when we see
good design, which is still infrequently, we won't
see the components reused without good documentation.
 - D. L. Parnas, _Software Aging. Proceedings of 16th International Conference Software Engineering, 1994


Document Religiously

•Document every class, interface, method,constructor, parameter, and exception
_ Class: what an instance represents
_Method: contract between method and its client
_ Preconditions, postconditions, side-effects
_ Parameter: indicate units, form, ownership
• Document state space very carefully

Consider Performance Consequences of API Design Decisions

•Bad decisions can limit performance
_ Making type mutable
_ Providing constructor instead of static factory
_ Using implementation type instead of interface
• Do not warp API to gain performance
_ Underlying performance issue will get fixed,but headaches will be with you forever
_ Good design usually coincides with good performance


Effects of API Design Decisions on Performance are Real and Permanent

•Component.getSize()returns Dimension
•Dimension is mutable
• EachgetSize call must allocateDimension
• Causes millions of needless object allocations
• Alternative added in 1.2; old client code still slow


API Must Coexist Peacefully with Platform

•Do what is customary
_Obey standard naming conventions
_Avoid obsolete parameter and return types
_Mimic patterns in core APIs and language
• Take advantage of API-friendly features
_ Generics, varargs, enums, default arguments
• Know and avoid API traps and pitfalls
_Finalizers, public static final arrays


Class Design

Minimize Mutability

•Classes should be immutable unless there’s a good reason to do otherwise
_Advantages: simple, thread-safe, reusable
_Disadvantage: separate object for each value
•If mutable, keep state-space small, well-defined
_Make clear when it's legal to call which method

Bad:Date, Calendar
Good: TimerTask


Subclass Only Where It Makes Sense

•Subclassing implies substitutability (Liskov)
_Subclass only when is-a relationship exists
_Otherwise, use composition
• Public classes should not subclass other public classes for ease of implementation
Bad: Properties extends Hashtable
Stack extends Vector
Good: Set extends Collection

Design and Document for Inheritance or Else Prohibit it

•Inheritance violates encapsulation (Snyder, ‘86)
_Subclass sensitive to implementation details of superclass
•If you allow subclassing, documentself-use
_How do methods use one another?
• Conservative policy: all concrete classes final

Bad: Many concrete classes in J2SE libraries
Good: AbstractSet, AbstractMap

Method Design

Don't Make the Client Do Anything the Module Could Do

•Reduce need for boilerplate code
_ Generally done via cut-and-paste
_ Ugly, annoying, and error-prone
import org.w3c.dom.*;
import javax.xml.transform.*;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.*;
// DOM code to write an XML document to a specified output stream.
private static final void writeDoc(Document doc, OutputStream out)throws IOException{
try {
Transformer t = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer();
t.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.DOCTYPE_SYSTEM, doc.getDoctype().getSystemId());
t.transform(new DOMSource(doc), new StreamResult(out));
} catch(TransformerException e) {
throw new AssertionError(e); // Can’t happen!


Don't Violate the Principle of Least Astonishment

•User of API should not be surprised by behavior
_ It's worth extra implementation effort
_ It's even worth reduced performance
public class Thread implements Runnable {
// Tests whether current thread has been interrupted.
// Clears the interrupted status of current thread.
public static boolean interrupted();


Fail Fast–Report Errors as Soon as Possible After They Occur

•Compile time is best - static typing, generics
• At runtime, first bad method invocation is best
_ Method should be failure-atomic
// A Properties instance maps strings to strings
public class Properties extends Hashtable {
public Object put(Object key, Object value);
// Throws ClassCastException if this properties
// contains any keys or values that are not strings
public void save(OutputStream out, String comments);

Provide Programmatic Access to All Data Available in String Form

•Otherwise, clients will parse strings
_ Painful for clients
_ Worse, turns string format into de facto API
public class Throwable {
public void printStackTrace(PrintStream s);
public StackTraceElement[] getStackTrace(); // Since 1.4
public final class StackTraceElement {
public String getFileName();
public int getLineNumber();
public String getClassName();
public String getMethodName();
public boolean isNativeMethod();

Overload With Care

•Avoid ambiguous overloadings
_ Multiple overloadings applicable to same actuals
_ Conservative: no two with same number of args
• Just because you can doesn't mean you should
_Often better to use a different name
• If you must provide ambiguous overloadings, ensure same behavior for same arguments
public TreeSet(Collection c); // Ignores order
public TreeSet(SortedSet s); // Respects order

Use Appropriate Parameter and Return Types

•Favor interface types over classes for input
_Provides flexibility, performance
• Use most specific possible input parameter type
_ Moves error from runtime to compile time
• Don't use string if a better type exists
_ Strings are cumbersome, error-prone, and slow
• Don't use floating point for monetary values
_ Binary floating point causes inexact results!
• Use double (64 bits) rather than float (32 bits)
_ Precision loss is real, performance loss negligible


Use Consistent Parameter Ordering Across Methods

•Especially important if parameter types identical
#include <string.h>
char *strcpy (char *dest, char *src);
void bcopy (void *src, void *dst, int n);
java.util.Collections – first parameter always
collection to be modified or queried
java.util.concurrent – time always specified as
long delay, TimeUnit unit

Avoid Long Parameter Lists

•Three or fewer parameters is ideal
_ More and users will have to refer to docs
• Long lists of identically typed params harmful
_ Programmers transpose parameters by mistake
_ Programs still compile, run, but misbehave!
• Two techniques for shortening parameter lists
_ Break up method
_ Create helper class to hold parameters
// Eleven parameters including four consecutive ints
HWND CreateWindow(LPCTSTR lpClassName, LPCTSTR lpWindowName,
DWORD dwStyle, int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight,
HWND hWndParent, HMENU hMenu, HINSTANCE hInstance,
LPVOID lpParam);


Avoid Return Values that Demand Exceptional Processing

•return zero-length array or empty collection, not null

package java.awt.image;
public interface BufferedImageOp {
// Returns the rendering hints for this operation,
// or null if no hints have been set.
public RenderingHints getRenderingHints();

Exception Design

Throw Exceptions to Indicate Exceptional Conditions

•Don’t force client to use exceptions for control flow
private byte[] a = new byte[BUF_SIZE];
void processBuffer (ByteBuffer buf) {
try {
while (true) {
processBytes(tmp, BUF_SIZE);
} catch (BufferUnderflowException e) {
int remaining = buf.remaining();
buf.get(a, 0, remaining);
processBytes(bufArray, remaining);
• Conversely, don’t fail silently
ThreadGroup.enumerate(Thread[] list)

Favor Unchecked Exceptions

•Checked – client must take recovery action
• Unchecked – programming error
• Overuse of checked exceptions causes boilerplate

try {
Foo f = (Foo) super.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
// This can't happen, since we’re Cloneable
throw new AssertionError();


Include Failure-Capture Information in Exceptions

•Allows diagnosis and repair or recovery
• For unchecked exceptions, message suffices
• For checked exceptions, provide accessors

Refactoring API Designs

Sublist Operations in Vector

public class Vector {
public int indexOf(Object elem, int index);
public int lastIndexOf(Object elem, int index);
} •
Not very powerful - supports only search
• Hard too use without documentation

Sublist Operations Refactored

public interface List {
List subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex);
} •
Extremely powerful - supports all operations
• Use of interface reduces conceptual weight
_ High power-to-weight ratio
• Easy to use without documentation

Thread-Local Variables

// Broken - inappropriate use of String as capability.
// Keys constitute a shared global namespace.
public class ThreadLocal {
private ThreadLocal() { } // Non-instantiable
// Sets current thread’s value for named variable.
public static void set(String key, Object value);
// Returns current thread’s value for named variable.
public static Object get(String key);


Thread-Local Variables Refactored (1)

public class ThreadLocal {
private ThreadLocal() { } // Noninstantiable
public static class Key { Key() { } }
// Generates a unique, unforgeable key
public static Key getKey() { return new Key(); }
public static void set(Key key, Object value);
public static Object get(Key key);
• Works, but requires boilerplate code to use
static ThreadLocal.Key serialNumberKey = ThreadLocal.getKey();
ThreadLocal.set(serialNumberKey, nextSerialNumber());

Thread-Local Variables Refactored (2)

public class ThreadLocal {
public ThreadLocal() { }
public void set(Object value);
public Object get();
• Removes clutter from API and client code
static ThreadLocal serialNumber = new ThreadLocal();


•API design is a noble and rewarding craft_ Improves the lot of programmers, end-users, companies• This talk covered some heuristics of the craft_ Don't adhere to them slavishly, but..._Don't violate them without good reason• API design is tough_ Not a solitary activity_ Perfection is unachievable, but try anyway---------------------
