double subtractTimes(uint64_t endTime, uint64_t startTime) { uint64_t difference = endTime - startTime; static double conversion = 0.0; if(conversion == 0.0) { mach_timebase_info_data_t info; kern_return_t err = mach_timebase_info(&info); //Convert the timebaseinto seconds if(err == 0) conversion = 1e-9 * (double) info.numer / (double) info.denom; } return conversion * (double)difference; }
// Test1.m + (void)test { uint64_t start,stop; start = mach_absolute_time(); for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) { NSArray *array = [[NSArray alloc] init]; } stop = mach_absolute_time(); double diff = subtractTimes(stop, start); NSLog(@"ARC total time in seconds = %f\n", diff); } // Test2.m // 在target->Build Phases->Compile Sources中,添加編譯標識-fno-objc-arc + (void)test { uint64_t start,stop; start = mach_absolute_time(); for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) { NSArray *array = [[NSArray alloc] init]; [array release]; } stop = mach_absolute_time(); double diff = subtractTimes(stop, start); NSLog(@"MRC total time in seconds = %f\n", diff); }
// A組 ARC total time in seconds = 0.077761 MRC total time in seconds = 0.072469 // B組 ARC total time in seconds = 0.075722 MRC total time in seconds = 0.101671
嗯,那咱們再來看看官方文檔是怎麼說的吧。在Transitioning to ARC Release Notes中有這麼一段話:函數
Is ARC slow?性能
It depends on what you’re measuring, but generally 「no.」 The compiler efficiently eliminates many extraneousretain/release calls and much effort has been invested in speeding up the Objective-C runtime in general. In particular, the common 「return a retain/autoreleased object」 pattern is much faster and does not actually put the object into the autorelease pool, when the caller of the method is ARC
One issue to be aware of is that the optimizer is not run in common debug configurations, so expect to see a lot more retain/release traffic at -O0 than at -Os.優化
再來看看別人的數據吧。Steffen Itterheim在Confirmed: Objective-C ARC is slow. Don’t use it! (sarcasm off)一文中給出了大量的測試數據。這篇文章是2013.3.20號發表的。Steffen Itterheim經過他的測試得出一個結論ui
ARC is generally faster, and ARC can indeed be slower
嗯,有些矛盾。不過在文章中,Steffen Itterheim指出大部分狀況下,ARC的性能是更好的,這主要得益於一些底層的優化以及autorelease pool的優化,這個從官方文檔也能看到。但在一些狀況下,ARC確實是更慢,ARC會發送一些額外的retain/release消息,如一些涉及到臨時變量的地方,看下面這段代碼:
// this is typical MRC code: { id object = [array objectAtIndex:0]; [object doSomething]; [object doAnotherThing]; } // this is what ARC does (and what is considered best practice under MRC): { id object = [array objectAtIndex:0]; [object retain]; // inserted by ARC [object doSomething]; [object doAnotherThing]; [object release]; // inserted by ARC }
// this is typical MRC code: -(void) someMethod:(id)object { [object doSomething]; [object doAnotherThing]; } // this is what ARC does (and what is considered best practice under MRC): -(void) someMethod:(id)object { [object retain]; // inserted by ARC [object doSomething]; [object doAnotherThing]; [object release]; // inserted by ARC }
這些些額外的retain/release操做也成了下降ARC環境下程序性能的罪魁禍首。但實際上,之因此添加這些額外的retain/release操做,是爲了保證代碼運行的正確性。若是隻是在單線程中執行這些操做,可能確實不必添加這些額外的操做。但一旦涉及以多線程的操做,問題就來了。如上面的方法中,object徹底有可能在doSoming和doAnotherThing方法調用之間被釋放。爲了不這種狀況的發生,便在方法開始處添加了[object retain],而在方法結束後,添加了[object release]操做。
若是想了解更多關於ARC與MRC性能的討論,能夠閱讀一下Are there any concrete study of the performance impact of using ARC?與ARC vs. MRC Performance,在此就不過多的摘抄了。