本文引自個人博文 APK加殼【2】內存加載dex實現詳解php
dalvik/vm/native/ dalvik_system_DexFile.cpp
static native int loadDex(byte[] dex,long dexlen);
生成好對應的 .h
看着u四、u1這些從java程序猿眼中怪怪的類型我不由長出一口氣——幸好當年是C出身的。溯本清源,在源碼 /dalvik/vm/Common.h 類中找到了這羣貨的宏定義,因而照葫蘆畫瓢,在jni目錄里弄了一個僞造版的Common.h,搜刮了一下全部須要定義的類型以後,這個文件基本上是這個樣子的:app
#ifndef DALVIK_COMMON_H_ #define DALVIK_COMMON_H_ #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <assert.h> static union { char c[4]; unsigned long mylong; }endian_test = {{ 'l', '?', '?', 'b' } }; #define ENDIANNESS ((char)endian_test.mylong) //#if ENDIANNESS == "l" #define HAVE_LITTLE_ENDIAN //#else //#define HAVE_BIG_ENDIAN //#endif #if defined(HAVE_ENDIAN_H) # include <endian.h> #else /*not HAVE_ENDIAN_H*/ # define __BIG_ENDIAN 4321 # define __LITTLE_ENDIAN 1234 # if defined(HAVE_LITTLE_ENDIAN) # define __BYTE_ORDER __LITTLE_ENDIAN # else # define __BYTE_ORDER __BIG_ENDIAN # endif #endif /*not HAVE_ENDIAN_H*/ #if !defined(NDEBUG) && defined(WITH_DALVIK_ASSERT) # undef assert # define assert(x) \ ((x) ? ((void)0) : (ALOGE("ASSERT FAILED (%s:%d): %s", \ __FILE__, __LINE__, #x), *(int*)39=39, (void)0) ) #endif #define MIN(x,y) (((x) < (y)) ? (x) : (y)) #define MAX(x,y) (((x) > (y)) ? (x) : (y)) #define LIKELY(exp) (__builtin_expect((exp) != 0, true)) #define UNLIKELY(exp) (__builtin_expect((exp) != 0, false)) #define ALIGN_UP(x, n) (((size_t)(x) + (n) - 1) & ~((n) - 1)) #define ALIGN_DOWN(x, n) ((size_t)(x) & -(n)) #define ALIGN_UP_TO_PAGE_SIZE(p) ALIGN_UP(p, SYSTEM_PAGE_SIZE) #define ALIGN_DOWN_TO_PAGE_SIZE(p) ALIGN_DOWN(p, SYSTEM_PAGE_SIZE) #define CLZ(x) __builtin_clz(x) /* * If "very verbose" logging is enabled, make it equivalent to ALOGV. * Otherwise, make it disappear. * * Define this above the #include "Dalvik.h" to enable for only a * single file. */ /* #define VERY_VERBOSE_LOG */ #if defined(VERY_VERBOSE_LOG) # define LOGVV ALOGV # define IF_LOGVV() IF_ALOGV() #else # define LOGVV(...) ((void)0) # define IF_LOGVV() if (false) #endif /* * These match the definitions in the VM specification. */ typedef uint8_t u1; typedef uint16_tu2; typedef uint32_tu4; typedef uint64_tu8; typedef int8_t s1; typedef int16_t s2; typedef int32_t s4; typedef int64_t s8; /* * Storage for primitive types and object references. * * Some parts of the code (notably object field access) assume that values * are "left aligned", i.e. given "JValue jv", "jv.i" and "*((s4*)&jv)" * yield the same result. This seems to be guaranteed by gcc on big- and * little-endian systems. */ #define OFFSETOF_MEMBER(t, f) \ (reinterpret_cast<char*>( \ &reinterpret_cast<t*>(16)->f) - \ reinterpret_cast<char*>(16)) #define NELEM(x) ((int) (sizeof(x) / sizeof((x)[0]))) union JValue { #if defined(HAVE_LITTLE_ENDIAN) u1 z; s1 b; u2 c; s2 s; s4 i; s8 j; float f; double d; void* l; #endif #if defined(HAVE_BIG_ENDIAN) struct { u1_z[3]; u1z; }; struct { s1_b[3]; s1b; }; struct { u2_c; u2c; }; struct { s2_s; s2s; }; s4 i; s8 j; float f; double d; void* l; #endif }; /* * Array objects have these additional fields. * * We don't currently store the size of each element. Usually it's implied * by the instruction. If necessary, the width can be derived from * the first char of obj->clazz->descriptor. */ typedef struct { void*clazz; u4 lock; u4 length; u1* contents; }ArrayObject ; #endif // DALVIK_COMMON_H_
還有個值得一提的結構就是最後面的ArrayObject,這玩意定義在源碼的/dalvik/vm/oo/Object.h 中,本來的定義是這樣的:函數
struct Object { ClassObject*clazz; u4 lock; }; struct ArrayObject : Object { u4 length; u8 contents[1]; };
#include "com_android_dexunshell_NativeTool.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <dlfcn.h> #include <stdio.h> JNINativeMethod *dvm_dalvik_system_DexFile; void (*openDexFile)(const u4* args,union JValue* pResult); int lookup(JNINativeMethod *table, const char *name, const char *sig, void (**fnPtrout)(u4 const *, union JValue *)) { int i = 0; while (table[i].name != NULL) { LOGI("lookup %d %s" ,i,table[i].name); if ((strcmp(name, table[i].name) == 0) && (strcmp(sig, table[i].signature) == 0)) { *fnPtrout = table[i].fnPtr; return 1; } i++; } return 0; } /* This function will be call when the library first be load. * You can do some init in the libray. return which version jni it support. */ JNIEXPORT jint JNI_OnLoad(JavaVM* vm, void* reserved) { void *ldvm = (void*) dlopen("libdvm.so", RTLD_LAZY); dvm_dalvik_system_DexFile = (JNINativeMethod*) dlsym(ldvm, "dvm_dalvik_system_DexFile"); if(0 == lookup(dvm_dalvik_system_DexFile, "openDexFile", "([B)I", &openDexFile)) { openDexFile = NULL; LOGE("method does not found "); }else { LOGI("method found ! HAVE_BIG_ENDIAN"); } LOGI("ENDIANNESS is %c" ,ENDIANNESS ); void *venv; LOGI("dufresne----->JNI_OnLoad!"); if ((*vm)->GetEnv(vm, (void**) &venv, JNI_VERSION_1_4) != JNI_OK) { LOGE("dufresne--->ERROR: GetEnv failed"); return -1; } return JNI_VERSION_1_4; } JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_android_dexunshell_NativeTool_loadDex( JNIEnv * env, jclass jv, jbyteArray dexArray, jlong dexLen) { // header+dex content u1 * olddata = (u1*)(*env)-> GetByteArrayElements(env,dexArray, NULL); char* arr; arr=(char*)malloc(16+dexLen); ArrayObject *ao=(ArrayObject*)arr; ao->length=dexLen; memcpy(arr+16,olddata,dexLen); u4 args[] = { (u4) ao }; union JValue pResult; jint result; LOGI("call openDexFile 33..." ); if(openDexFile != NULL) { openDexFile(args,&pResult); } else { result = -1; } result = (jint) pResult.l; LOGI("Java_com_android_dexunshell_NativeTool_loadDex %d" , result); return result; }
static void Dalvik_dalvik_system_DexFile_openDexFile_bytearray(const u4* args, JValue* pResult) { ArrayObject* fileContentsObj = (ArrayObject*) args[0]; u4 length; u1* pBytes; … length = fileContentsObj->length; pBytes = (u1*) malloc(length); … memcpy(pBytes, fileContentsObj->contents, length); … }
static native int loadDex(byte[] dex,long dexlen);
要知道咱們花這麼大力氣實現的這個方法,實際意義在於讓源程序的dex數據在內存中傳遞,而不是必須保存在某個地方、以文件的方式。也就是說,咱們須要一個新的 DexClassLoader,去替換在上一篇提到的基礎加殼方案中自定義Application—— ProxyApplication
類,經過反射設置到 android.app.LoadedApk
中 mClassLoder 屬性的那個系統 DexClassLoader,即至少那一段應該改爲這樣:
DynamicDexClassLoder dLoader = new DynamicDexClassLoder(base,srcdata, libPath, (ClassLoader) RefInvoke.getFieldOjbect( "android.app.LoadedApk", wr.get(), "mClassLoader"), getPackageResourcePath(),getDir(".dex", MODE_PRIVATE).getAbsolutePath() ); RefInvoke.setFieldOjbect("android.app.LoadedApk", "mClassLoader", wr.get(), dLoader);
沒錯,DynamicDexClassLoder 它的構造參數中應當去接收源程序的dex數據,以byte數組的形式,這樣、相關把dex數組保存爲文件那段代碼能夠刪除,/data/data 中相關目錄就找不到緩存dex文件的身影了;
替換DexClassLoader,要知道相對於系統版本的加載器咱們的少了什麼,又多出了什麼,在一一對接上,就沒問題了。少了什麼呢?是dex文件路徑、多出了什麼呢?是dex byte數組,考慮到已經實現的jni庫,那就是多了一個加載好的dex文件對應的cookie值。那麼,這個Cookie 是否可以完成替換呢?這須要到源碼中找答案。
package com.android.dexunshell; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.URL; import java.util.Enumeration; import com.eebbk.mingming.k7utils.ReflectUtils; import android.content.Context; import android.util.Log; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import dalvik.system.DexClassLoader; import dalvik.system.DexFile; public class DynamicDexClassLoder extends DexClassLoader { private static final String TAG = DynamicDexClassLoder.class.getName(); private int cookie; private Context mContext; /** * 原構造 * * @param dexPath * @param optimizedDirectory * @param libraryPath * @param parent */ public DynamicDexClassLoder(String dexPath, String optimizedDirectory, String libraryPath, ClassLoader parent) { super(dexPath, optimizedDirectory, libraryPath, parent); } /** * 直接從內存加載 新構造 * * @param dexBytes * @param libraryPath * @param parent * @throws Exception */ public DynamicDexClassLoder(Context context, byte[] dexBytes, String libraryPath, ClassLoader parent, String oriPath, String fakePath) { super(oriPath, fakePath, libraryPath, parent); setContext(context); setCookie(NativeTool.loadDex(dexBytes, dexBytes.length)); } private void setCookie(int kie) { cookie = kie; } private void setContext(Context context) { mContext = context; } private String[] getClassNameList(int cookie) { return (String[]) ReflectUtils.invokeStaticMethod(DexFile.class, "getClassNameList", new Class[] { int.class }, new Object[] { cookie }); } private Class defineClass(String name, ClassLoader loader, int cookie) { return (Class) ReflectUtils.invokeStaticMethod(DexFile.class, "defineClass", new Class[] { String.class, ClassLoader.class, int.class }, new Object[] { name, loader, cookie }); } @Override protected Class<?> findClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException { Log.d(TAG, "findClass-" + name); Class<?> cls = null; String as[] = getClassNameList(cookie); for (int z = 0; z < as.length; z++) { if (as[z].equals(name)) { cls = defineClass(as[z].replace('.', '/'), mContext.getClassLoader(), cookie); } else { defineClass(as[z].replace('.', '/'), mContext.getClassLoader(), cookie); } } if (null == cls) { cls = super.findClass(name); } return cls; } @Override protected URL findResource(String name) { Log.d(TAG, "findResource-" + name); return super.findResource(name); } @Override protected Enumeration<URL> findResources(String name) { Log.d(TAG, "findResources ssss-" + name); return super.findResources(name); } @Override protected synchronized Package getPackage(String name) { Log.d(TAG, "getPackage-" + name); return super.getPackage(name); } @Override protected Class<?> loadClass(String className, boolean resolve) throws ClassNotFoundException { Log.d(TAG, "loadClass-" + className + " resolve " + resolve); Class<?> clazz = super.loadClass(className, resolve); if (null == clazz) { Log.e(TAG, "loadClass fail,maybe get a null-point exception."); } return clazz; } @Override protected Package[] getPackages() { Log.d(TAG, "getPackages sss-"); return super.getPackages(); } @Override protected Package definePackage(String name, String specTitle, String specVersion, String specVendor, String implTitle, String implVersion, String implVendor, URL sealBase) throws IllegalArgumentException { Log.d(TAG, "definePackage" + name); return super.definePackage(name, specTitle, specVersion, specVendor, implTitle, implVersion, implVendor, sealBase); } }