關於如何基於CoreText來作一個排版引擎,我主要參考的是這篇教程:《Core Text Tutorial for iOS: Making a Magazine App》 以及Nimbus 中的NIAttributeLabel.m 的實現,在這裏我就不重複教程中的內容了,我主要講一些實現細節。異步
咱們在後臺實現了一個基於UBB 的富文本編譯器。使用UBB的緣由是:
爲了簡化iOS端的實現,咱們將UBB的語法解析在服務器端完成。服務器端提供了接口,能夠直接得到將UBB解析成相似HTML的文件對象模型(DOM) 的樹型數據結構。有了這個樹型數據結構,iOS端渲染就簡單多了,無非就是遞歸遍歷樹型節點,將相關的內容轉換成 NSAttributeString便可,以後將NSAttrubiteString轉成CoreText的CTFrame便可用於界面的繪製。
支持圖文混排在教程:《Core Text Tutorial for iOS: Making a Magazine App》 中有介紹,咱們在解析DOM樹遇到圖片節點時,則將該內容轉成一個空格,隨後設置該空格在繪製時,須要咱們本身指定寬高相關信息,而寬高信息在圖片節點中都有提供。這樣,CoreText引擎在繪製時,就會把相關的圖片位置留空,以後咱們將圖片異步下來下來後,使用CoreGraph相關的API將圖片再畫在界面上,就實現了圖文混排功能。
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/* Callbacks */ static void deallocCallback( void* ref ){ [(id)ref release]; } static CGFloat ascentCallback( void *ref ){ CGFloat height = [(NSString*)[(NSDictionary*)ref objectForKey:@"height"] floatValue]; return height/2 + [FrameParserConfig sharedInstance].baselineFromMid; } static CGFloat descentCallback( void *ref ){ CGFloat height = [(NSString*)[(NSDictionary*)ref objectForKey:@"height"] floatValue]; return height/2 - [FrameParserConfig sharedInstance].baselineFromMid; } static CGFloat widthCallback( void* ref ){ return [(NSString*)[(NSDictionary*)ref objectForKey:@"width"] floatValue]; } + (void)appendDelegateData:(NSDictionary *)delegateData ToString:(NSMutableAttributedString*)contentString { //render empty space for drawing the image in the text //1 CTRunDelegateCallbacks callbacks; callbacks.version = kCTRunDelegateCurrentVersion; callbacks.getAscent = ascentCallback; callbacks.getDescent = descentCallback; callbacks.getWidth = widthCallback; callbacks.dealloc = deallocCallback; CTRunDelegateRef delegate = CTRunDelegateCreate(&callbacks, delegateData); [delegateData retain]; // Character to use as recommended by kCTRunDelegateAttributeName documentation. // use " " will lead to wrong width in CTFramesetterSuggestFrameSizeWithConstraints unichar objectReplacementChar = 0xFFFC; NSString * objectReplacementString = [NSString stringWithCharacters:&objectReplacementChar length:1]; NSDictionary * attributes = [self getAttributesWithStyleArray:nil]; //try to apply linespacing attributes to this placeholder NSMutableAttributedString * space = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:objectReplacementString attributes:attributes]; CFAttributedStringSetAttribute((CFMutableAttributedStringRef)space, CFRangeMake(0, 1), kCTRunDelegateAttributeName, delegate); CFRelease(delegate); [contentString appendAttributedString:space]; [space release]; } |
這裏須要注意的是,用來代替圖片的佔位符使用空格會帶來排版上的異常,具體緣由未知,咱們猜想是CoreText的bug,參考Nimbus 的實現後,咱們使用 0xFFFC
函數來得到用戶點擊的位置對應 NSAttributedString
字符串上的位置信息(index) 3.判斷第2步獲得的index是否在第一步記錄的各個連接的區間範圍內,若是在範圍內,則表示用戶點擊了某一個連接。這段邏輯的關鍵代碼以下:
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// test touch point is on link or not + (LinkData *)touchLinkInView:(UIView *)view atPoint:(CGPoint)point data:(CTTableViewCellData *)data { CTFrameRef textFrame = data.ctFrame; CFArrayRef lines = CTFrameGetLines(textFrame); if (!lines) return nil; CFIndex count = CFArrayGetCount(lines); LinkData *foundLink = nil; CGPoint origins[count]; CTFrameGetLineOrigins(textFrame, CFRangeMake(0,0), origins); // CoreText context coordinates are the opposite to UIKit so we flip the bounds CGAffineTransform transform = CGAffineTransformScale(CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(0, view.bounds.size.height), 1.f, -1.f); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { CGPoint linePoint = origins[i]; CTLineRef line = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(lines, i); CGRect flippedRect = [self getLineBounds:line point:linePoint]; CGRect rect = CGRectApplyAffineTransform(flippedRect, transform); if (CGRectContainsPoint(rect, point)) { CGPoint relativePoint = CGPointMake(point.x-CGRectGetMinX(rect), point.y-CGRectGetMinY(rect)); CFIndex idx = CTLineGetStringIndexForPosition(line, relativePoint); foundLink = [self linkAtIndex:idx linkArray:data.linkArray]; return foundLink; } } return nil; } |
咱們在使用CoreText時,還遇到一個具體排版上的問題。正常狀況下,在生成CTFrame以後,只須要調用:CTFrameDraw(self.data.ctFrame, context);
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static NSString* const kEllipsesCharacter = @"\u2026"; CGPathRef path = CTFrameGetPath(_data.ctFrame); CGRect rect = CGPathGetBoundingBox(path); CFArrayRef lines = CTFrameGetLines(_data.ctFrame); CFIndex lineCount = CFArrayGetCount(lines); NSInteger numberOfLines = MIN(_numberOfLines, lineCount); CGPoint lineOrigins[numberOfLines]; CTFrameGetLineOrigins(_data.ctFrame, CFRangeMake(0, numberOfLines), lineOrigins); NSAttributedString *attributedString = _data.attributedString; for (CFIndex lineIndex = 0; lineIndex < numberOfLines; lineIndex++) { CGPoint lineOrigin = lineOrigins[lineIndex]; lineOrigin.y = self.frame.size.height + (lineOrigin.y - rect.size.height); CGContextSetTextPosition(context, lineOrigin.x, lineOrigin.y); CTLineRef line = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(lines, lineIndex); BOOL shouldDrawLine = YES; if (lineIndex == numberOfLines - 1) { CFRange lastLineRange = CTLineGetStringRange(line); if (lastLineRange.location + lastLineRange.length < (CFIndex)attributedString.length) { CTLineTruncationType truncationType = kCTLineTruncationEnd; NSUInteger truncationAttributePosition = lastLineRange.location + lastLineRange.length - 1; NSDictionary *tokenAttributes = [attributedString attributesAtIndex:truncationAttributePosition effectiveRange:NULL]; NSAttributedString *tokenString = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:kEllipsesCharacter attributes:tokenAttributes]; CTLineRef truncationToken = CTLineCreateWithAttributedString((__bridge CFAttributedStringRef)tokenString); NSMutableAttributedString *truncationString = [[attributedString attributedSubstringFromRange:NSMakeRange(lastLineRange.location, lastLineRange.length)] mutableCopy]; if (lastLineRange.length > 0) { // Remove any whitespace at the end of the line. unichar lastCharacter = [[truncationString string] characterAtIndex:lastLineRange.length - 1]; if ([[NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet] characterIsMember:lastCharacter]) { [truncationString deleteCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(lastLineRange.length - 1, 1)]; } } [truncationString appendAttributedString:tokenString]; CTLineRef truncationLine = CTLineCreateWithAttributedString((__bridge CFAttributedStringRef)truncationString); CTLineRef truncatedLine = CTLineCreateTruncatedLine(truncationLine, self.size.width, truncationType, truncationToken); if (!truncatedLine) { // If the line is not as wide as the truncationToken, truncatedLine is NULL truncatedLine = CFRetain(truncationToken); } CFRelease(truncationLine); CFRelease(truncationToken); CTLineDraw(truncatedLine, context); CFRelease(truncatedLine); shouldDrawLine = NO; } } if (shouldDrawLine) { CTLineDraw(line, context); } } |