慢慢的看《GROOVY IN ACTION》的一箇中文節譯本,根據上面的東東慢慢練習。spa
Book gina = new Book('Groovy in Action') assert gina.getTitle() == 'Groovy in Action' assert getTitleBackwards(gina) == 'noitcA ni yvoorG' String getTitleBackwards(book) { title = book.getTitle() return title.reverse() } def groovyBook = new Book() groovyBook.setTitle('Groovy conquers the world') assert groovyBook.getTitle() == 'Groovy conquers the world' groovyBook.title = 'Groovy conquers the world' assert groovyBook.title == 'Groovy conquers the world' def nick = 'Gina' def book = 'Groovy in Action' assert "$nick is $book" == 'Gina is Groovy in Action' assert '12345' =~ /\d+/ assert 'xxxxx' == '12345'.replaceAll(/\d/, 'x') def x = 1 def y = 2 assert x + y == 3 assert x.plus(y) == 3 assert x instanceof Integer def roman = ['', 'I', 'II', 'III', 'IV', 'V', 'VI', 'VII'] assert roman[4] == 'IV' roman[8] = 'VIII' assert roman.size() == 9 def http = [ 100 : 'CONTINUE', 200 : 'OK', 400 : 'BAD REQUEST' ] assert http[200] == 'OK' http[500] = 'INTERNAL SERVER ERROR' assert http.size() == 4 x = 1..10 assert x.contains(5) assert x.contains(15) == false assert x.size() == 10 assert x.from == 1 assert x.to == 10 assert x.reverse() == 10..1 [1, 2, 3].each { entry -> println entry } def totalClinks = 0 def partyPeople = 100 1.upto(partyPeople) { guestNumber -> clinksWithGuest = guestNumber - 1 totalClinks += clinksWithGuest } assert totalClinks == (partyPeople * (partyPeople - 1)) / 2 if (false) assert false if (null) { assert false } else { assert true } def i = 0 while (i < 10) { i++ } assert i == 10 def clinks = 0 for (remainingGuests in 0..9) { clinks += remainingGuests } assert clinks == (10*9)/2 def list = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] for (j in list) { assert j == list[j] } list.each() { item -> assert item == list[item] } switch(3) { case 1 : assert false; break case 3 : assert true; break default : assert false }