SDWebImage 源碼解讀(五):Decoder

圖片緩存框架繞不開的一個問題就是編碼和解碼,SDWebImage 也不例外。在系統的瞭解 SDWebImage 是如何編碼和解碼圖片以前,要先理解什麼是編碼和解碼。html



雖然咱們可使用 UIImage 的類方法直接把二進制數據轉化爲圖片,可是這個過程是在主線程執行的,這樣會形成線程阻塞。因而 SDWebImage 實現了本身的 Coder 來進行圖片的編解碼,而接下來咱們就來了解一下它是怎麼實現的。數組

Coder 協議


SDWebImage 中包含不少種不一樣類型的 coder,靠 SDImageCoder 協議統一接口。聲明以下緩存

@protocol SDImageCoder <NSObject>

#pragma mark - Decoding
/** Returns YES if this coder can decode some data. Otherwise, the data should be passed to another coder. @param data The image data so we can look at it @return YES if this coder can decode the data, NO otherwise */
- (BOOL)canDecodeFromData:(nullable NSData *)data;

/** Decode the image data to image. @note This protocol may supports decode animated image frames. You can use `+[SDImageCoderHelper animatedImageWithFrames:]` to produce an animated image with frames. @param data The image data to be decoded @param options A dictionary containing any decoding options. Pass @{SDImageCoderDecodeScaleFactor: @(1.0)} to specify scale factor for image. Pass @{SDImageCoderDecodeFirstFrameOnly: @(YES)} to decode the first frame only. @return The decoded image from data */
- (nullable UIImage *)decodedImageWithData:(nullable NSData *)data
                                   options:(nullable SDImageCoderOptions *)options;

#pragma mark - Encoding

/** Returns YES if this coder can encode some image. Otherwise, it should be passed to another coder. For custom coder which introduce new image format, you'd better define a new `SDImageFormat` using like this. If you're creating public coder plugin for new image format, also update `` to avoid same value been defined twice. * @code static const SDImageFormat SDImageFormatHEIF = 10; * @endcode @param format The image format @return YES if this coder can encode the image, NO otherwise */
- (BOOL)canEncodeToFormat:(SDImageFormat)format NS_SWIFT_NAME(canEncode(to:));

/** Encode the image to image data. @note This protocol may supports encode animated image frames. You can use `+[SDImageCoderHelper framesFromAnimatedImage:]` to assemble an animated image with frames. @param image The image to be encoded @param format The image format to encode, you should note `SDImageFormatUndefined` format is also possible @param options A dictionary containing any encoding options. Pass @{SDImageCoderEncodeCompressionQuality: @(1)} to specify compression quality. @return The encoded image data */
- (nullable NSData *)encodedDataWithImage:(nullable UIImage *)image
                                  options:(nullable SDImageCoderOptions *)options;


全部的 Coder 類都要遵照這個協議,經過實現的不一樣來實現不一樣的解碼能力。app


SDProgressiveImageCoder 是提供漸進式圖片編解碼的協議,聲明以下:框架

/** This is the image coder protocol to provide custom progressive image decoding. These methods are all required to implement. @note Pay attention that these methods are not called from main queue. */
@protocol SDProgressiveImageCoder <SDImageCoder>

/** Returns YES if this coder can incremental decode some data. Otherwise, it should be passed to another coder. @param data The image data so we can look at it @return YES if this coder can decode the data, NO otherwise */
- (BOOL)canIncrementalDecodeFromData:(nullable NSData *)data;

/** Because incremental decoding need to keep the decoded context, we will alloc a new instance with the same class for each download operation to avoid conflicts This init method should not return nil @param options A dictionary containing any progressive decoding options (instance-level). Pass @{SDImageCoderDecodeScaleFactor: @(1.0)} to specify scale factor for progressive animated image (each frames should use the same scale). @return A new instance to do incremental decoding for the specify image format */
- (nonnull instancetype)initIncrementalWithOptions:(nullable SDImageCoderOptions *)options;

/** Update the incremental decoding when new image data available @param data The image data has been downloaded so far @param finished Whether the download has finished */
- (void)updateIncrementalData:(nullable NSData *)data finished:(BOOL)finished;

/** Incremental decode the current image data to image. @note Due to the performance issue for progressive decoding and the integration for image view. This method may only return the first frame image even if the image data is animated image. If you want progressive animated image decoding, conform to `SDAnimatedImageCoder` protocol as well and use `animatedImageFrameAtIndex:` instead. @param options A dictionary containing any progressive decoding options. Pass @{SDImageCoderDecodeScaleFactor: @(1.0)} to specify scale factor for progressive image @return The decoded image from current data */
- (nullable UIImage *)incrementalDecodedImageWithOptions:(nullable SDImageCoderOptions *)options;


若是但願 Coder 支持這樣的能力,須要遵照 SDProgressiveImageCoder 協議,並實現其所有方法。less


SDAnimatedImageProvider 是一個專門爲了動圖提供的協議類,包含了一系列方法來控制動圖的渲染。dom

/** This is the animated image protocol to provide the basic function for animated image rendering. It's adopted by `SDAnimatedImage` and `SDAnimatedImageCoder` */
@protocol SDAnimatedImageProvider <NSObject>

/** The original animated image data for current image. If current image is not an animated format, return nil. We may use this method to grab back the original image data if need, such as NSCoding or compare. @return The animated image data */
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly, nullable) NSData *animatedImageData;

/** Total animated frame count. If the frame count is less than 1, then the methods below will be ignored. @return Total animated frame count. */
@property (nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSUInteger animatedImageFrameCount;
/** Animation loop count, 0 means infinite looping. @return Animation loop count */
@property (nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSUInteger animatedImageLoopCount;
/** Returns the frame image from a specified index. @note The index maybe randomly if one image was set to different imageViews, keep it re-entrant. (It's not recommend to store the images into array because it's memory consuming) @param index Frame index (zero based). @return Frame's image */
- (nullable UIImage *)animatedImageFrameAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index;
/** Returns the frames's duration from a specified index. @note The index maybe randomly if one image was set to different imageViews, keep it re-entrant. (It's recommend to store the durations into array because it's not memory-consuming) @param index Frame index (zero based). @return Frame's duration */
- (NSTimeInterval)animatedImageDurationAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index;



SDAnimatedImageCoder 是一個組合協議,它組合了 SDImageCoder 和 SDAnimatedImageProvider 兩個協議,同時提供了初始化方法用於生成自定義圖片類。ide

/** This is the animated image coder protocol for custom animated image class like `SDAnimatedImage`. Through it inherit from `SDImageCoder`. We currentlly only use the method `canDecodeFromData:` to detect the proper coder for specify animated image format. */
@protocol SDAnimatedImageCoder <SDImageCoder, SDAnimatedImageProvider>

/** Because animated image coder should keep the original data, we will alloc a new instance with the same class for the specify animated image data The init method should return nil if it can't decode the specify animated image data to produce any frame. After the instance created, we may call methods in `SDAnimatedImageProvider` to produce animated image frame. @param data The animated image data to be decode @param options A dictionary containing any animated decoding options (instance-level). Pass @{SDImageCoderDecodeScaleFactor: @(1.0)} to specify scale factor for animated image (each frames should use the same scale). @return A new instance to do animated decoding for specify image data */
- (nullable instancetype)initWithAnimatedImageData:(nullable NSData *)data options:(nullable SDImageCoderOptions *)options;


SDImageCoderOption 是一系列的編譯選項,用來供使用者決定編解碼的選項:

// These options are for image decoding
/** A Boolean value indicating whether to decode the first frame only for animated image during decoding. (NSNumber). If not provide, decode animated image if need. @note works for `SDImageCoder`. */
FOUNDATION_EXPORT SDImageCoderOption _Nonnull const SDImageCoderDecodeFirstFrameOnly;
/** A CGFloat value which is greater than or equal to 1.0. This value specify the image scale factor for decoding. If not provide, use 1.0. (NSNumber) @note works for `SDImageCoder`, `SDProgressiveImageCoder`, `SDAnimatedImageCoder`. */
FOUNDATION_EXPORT SDImageCoderOption _Nonnull const SDImageCoderDecodeScaleFactor;

// These options are for image encoding
/** A Boolean value indicating whether to encode the first frame only for animated image during encoding. (NSNumber). If not provide, encode animated image if need. @note works for `SDImageCoder`. */
FOUNDATION_EXPORT SDImageCoderOption _Nonnull const SDImageCoderEncodeFirstFrameOnly;
/** A double value between 0.0-1.0 indicating the encode compression quality to produce the image data. 1.0 resulting in no compression and 0.0 resulting in the maximum compression possible. If not provide, use 1.0. (NSNumber) @note works for `SDImageCoder` */
FOUNDATION_EXPORT SDImageCoderOption _Nonnull const SDImageCoderEncodeCompressionQuality;

/** A SDWebImageContext object which hold the original context options from top-level API. (SDWebImageContext) This option is ignored for all built-in coders and take no effect. But this may be useful for some custom coders, because some business logic may dependent on things other than image or image data inforamtion only. See `SDWebImageContext` for more detailed information. */
FOUNDATION_EXPORT SDImageCoderOption _Nonnull const SDImageCoderWebImageContext;


SDImageCodersManager 是 Coder 的管理類,聲明以下:

@interface SDImageCodersManager : NSObject <SDImageCoder>

/** Returns the global shared coders manager instance. */
@property (nonatomic, class, readonly, nonnull) SDImageCodersManager *sharedManager;

/** All coders in coders manager. The coders array is a priority queue, which means the later added coder will have the highest priority */
@property (nonatomic, copy, nullable) NSArray<id<SDImageCoder>> *coders;

/** Add a new coder to the end of coders array. Which has the highest priority. @param coder coder */
- (void)addCoder:(nonnull id<SDImageCoder>)coder;

/** Remove a coder in the coders array. @param coder coder */
- (void)removeCoder:(nonnull id<SDImageCoder>)coder;


它遵照了 SDImageCoder 協議,同時提供了對 coder 的管理功能,並經過單例的方式來使用這個類。好比當你想解碼一個圖片時,可使用以下方法:

- (UIImage *)decodedImageWithData:(NSData *)data options:(nullable SDImageCoderOptions *)options {
    if (!data) {
        return nil;
    UIImage *image;
    NSArray<id<SDImageCoder>> *coders = self.coders;
    for (id<SDImageCoder> coder in coders.reverseObjectEnumerator) {
        if ([coder canDecodeFromData:data]) {
            image = [coder decodedImageWithData:data options:options];
    return image;

就是很簡單的從數組中依次取出 coder,而後看是否可以解碼圖片,可以就解碼。


SDImageCoderHelper 是一個工具類,用於提供一些方便方法供外界使用:


SDImageFrame 是一個模型類,用於將動圖的每一幀保存起來,聲明以下:

/** This class is used for creating animated images via `animatedImageWithFrames` in `SDImageCoderHelper`. @note If you need to specify animated images loop count, use `sd_imageLoopCount` property in `UIImage+Metadata.h`. */
@interface SDImageFrame : NSObject

/** The image of current frame. You should not set an animated image. */
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) UIImage *image;
/** The duration of current frame to be displayed. The number is seconds but not milliseconds. You should not set this to zero. */
@property (nonatomic, readonly, assign) NSTimeInterval duration;

/** Create a frame instance with specify image and duration @param image current frame's image @param duration current frame's duration @return frame instance */
+ (instancetype _Nonnull)frameWithImage:(UIImage * _Nonnull)image duration:(NSTimeInterval)duration;


動圖轉化爲 SDImageFrame 數組

+ (NSArray<SDImageFrame *> *)framesFromAnimatedImage:(UIImage *)animatedImage {
    if (!animatedImage) {
        return nil;
    NSMutableArray<SDImageFrame *> *frames = [NSMutableArray array];
    NSUInteger frameCount = 0;
    NSArray<UIImage *> *animatedImages = animatedImage.images; // 獲取動圖全部圖片幀
    frameCount = animatedImages.count; // 獲取幀數
    if (frameCount == 0) {
        return nil;
    NSTimeInterval avgDuration = animatedImage.duration / frameCount; // 總時間長度除以幀數,看每一幀的時間是多少
    if (avgDuration == 0) {
        avgDuration = 0.1; // if it's a animated image but no duration, set it to default 100ms (this do not have that 10ms limit like GIF or WebP to allow custom coder provide the limit)
    __block NSUInteger index = 0;
    __block NSUInteger repeatCount = 1;
    __block UIImage *previousImage = animatedImages.firstObject;
    [animatedImages enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(UIImage * _Nonnull image, NSUInteger idx, BOOL * _Nonnull stop) { // 枚舉全部幀,並計算時間新建 SDImageFrame 模型
        // ignore first
        if (idx == 0) {
        if ([image isEqual:previousImage]) {
        } else {
            SDImageFrame *frame = [SDImageFrame frameWithImage:previousImage duration:avgDuration * repeatCount];
            [frames addObject:frame];
            repeatCount = 1;
        previousImage = image;
        // last one
        if (idx == frameCount - 1) {
            SDImageFrame *frame = [SDImageFrame frameWithImage:previousImage duration:avgDuration * repeatCount];
            [frames addObject:frame];
    NSRect imageRect = NSMakeRect(0, 0, animatedImage.size.width, animatedImage.size.height);
    NSImageRep *imageRep = [animatedImage bestRepresentationForRect:imageRect context:nil hints:nil];
    NSBitmapImageRep *bitmapImageRep;
    if ([imageRep isKindOfClass:[NSBitmapImageRep class]]) {
        bitmapImageRep = (NSBitmapImageRep *)imageRep;
    if (!bitmapImageRep) {
        return nil;
    frameCount = [[bitmapImageRep valueForProperty:NSImageFrameCount] unsignedIntegerValue];
    if (frameCount == 0) {
        return nil;
    CGFloat scale = animatedImage.scale;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < frameCount; i++) {
        @autoreleasepool {
            // NSBitmapImageRep need to manually change frame. "Good taste" API
            [bitmapImageRep setProperty:NSImageCurrentFrame withValue:@(i)];
            float frameDuration = [[bitmapImageRep valueForProperty:NSImageCurrentFrameDuration] floatValue];
            NSImage *frameImage = [[NSImage alloc] initWithCGImage:bitmapImageRep.CGImage scale:scale orientation:kCGImagePropertyOrientationUp];
            SDImageFrame *frame = [SDImageFrame frameWithImage:frameImage duration:frameDuration];
            [frames addObject:frame];
    return frames;

SDImageFrame 數組轉化爲動圖

+ (UIImage *)animatedImageWithFrames:(NSArray<SDImageFrame *> *)frames {
    NSUInteger frameCount = frames.count;
    if (frameCount == 0) {
        return nil;
    UIImage *animatedImage;
    NSUInteger durations[frameCount]; // 建立 druation 數組
    for (size_t i = 0; i < frameCount; i++) { // 存儲每一幀的時間
        durations[i] = frames[i].duration * 1000;
    NSUInteger const gcd = gcdArray(frameCount, durations); // 獲取幀數和 durations 獲取最小公約數
    __block NSUInteger totalDuration = 0;
    NSMutableArray<UIImage *> *animatedImages = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:frameCount];
    [frames enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(SDImageFrame * _Nonnull frame, NSUInteger idx, BOOL * _Nonnull stop) { // 遍歷每個 frame 並組裝數據
        UIImage *image = frame.image;
        NSUInteger duration = frame.duration * 1000;
        totalDuration += duration;
        NSUInteger repeatCount; // 獲取同一張圖片的重複次數
        if (gcd) {
            repeatCount = duration / gcd;
        } else {
            repeatCount = 1;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < repeatCount; ++i) { // 組裝圖片
            [animatedImages addObject:image];
    animatedImage = [UIImage animatedImageWithImages:animatedImages duration:totalDuration / 1000.f]; // 合成動圖
    NSMutableData *imageData = [NSMutableData data];
    CFStringRef imageUTType = [NSData sd_UTTypeFromImageFormat:SDImageFormatGIF];
    // Create an image destination. GIF does not support EXIF image orientation
    CGImageDestinationRef imageDestination = CGImageDestinationCreateWithData((__bridge CFMutableDataRef)imageData, imageUTType, frameCount, NULL);
    if (!imageDestination) {
        // Handle failure.
        return nil;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < frameCount; i++) {
        @autoreleasepool {
            SDImageFrame *frame = frames[i];
            float frameDuration = frame.duration;
            CGImageRef frameImageRef = frame.image.CGImage;
            NSDictionary *frameProperties = @{(__bridge NSString *)kCGImagePropertyGIFDictionary : @{(__bridge NSString *)kCGImagePropertyGIFDelayTime : @(frameDuration)}};
            CGImageDestinationAddImage(imageDestination, frameImageRef, (__bridge CFDictionaryRef)frameProperties);
    // Finalize the destination.
    if (CGImageDestinationFinalize(imageDestination) == NO) {
        // Handle failure.
        return nil;
    CGFloat scale = MAX(frames.firstObject.image.scale, 1);
    SDAnimatedImageRep *imageRep = [[SDAnimatedImageRep alloc] initWithData:imageData];
    NSSize size = NSMakeSize(imageRep.pixelsWide / scale, imageRep.pixelsHigh / scale);
    imageRep.size = size;
    animatedImage = [[NSImage alloc] initWithSize:size];
    [animatedImage addRepresentation:imageRep];
    return animatedImage;


static NSUInteger gcd(NSUInteger a, NSUInteger b) {
    NSUInteger c;
    while (a != 0) {
        c = a;
        a = b % a;
        b = c;
    return b;

static NSUInteger gcdArray(size_t const count, NSUInteger const * const values) {
    if (count == 0) {
        return 0;
    NSUInteger result = values[0];
    for (size_t i = 1; i < count; ++i) {
        result = gcd(values[i], result);
    return result;


獲取設備顏色空間,在 iOS 中經過 GCD 只建立一次。

+ (CGColorSpaceRef)colorSpaceGetDeviceRGB {
#if SD_MAC
    CGColorSpaceRef screenColorSpace = NSScreen.mainScreen.colorSpace.CGColorSpace;
    if (screenColorSpace) {
        return screenColorSpace;
    static CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace;
    static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
    dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
        if (@available(iOS 9.0, tvOS 9.0, *)) {
            colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateWithName(kCGColorSpaceSRGB);
        } else {
            colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
        colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
    return colorSpace;


+ (BOOL)CGImageContainsAlpha:(CGImageRef)cgImage {
    if (!cgImage) {
        return NO;
    CGImageAlphaInfo alphaInfo = CGImageGetAlphaInfo(cgImage);
    BOOL hasAlpha = !(alphaInfo == kCGImageAlphaNone ||
                      alphaInfo == kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipFirst ||
                      alphaInfo == kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipLast);
    return hasAlpha;

獲取解碼後的 CGImage

這兩個方法的目的是對 CGImage 作一次解碼,以免圖片在被設置給 imageView 的時候再次進行解碼

+ (CGImageRef)CGImageCreateDecoded:(CGImageRef)cgImage {
    return [self CGImageCreateDecoded:cgImage orientation:kCGImagePropertyOrientationUp];

+ (CGImageRef)CGImageCreateDecoded:(CGImageRef)cgImage orientation:(CGImagePropertyOrientation)orientation {
    if (!cgImage) {
        return NULL;
    size_t width = CGImageGetWidth(cgImage); // 獲取寬度
    size_t height = CGImageGetHeight(cgImage); // 獲取高度
    if (width == 0 || height == 0) return NULL;
    size_t newWidth;
    size_t newHeight;
    switch (orientation) { // 根據方向不一樣可能寬高數據還要扭轉
        case kCGImagePropertyOrientationLeft:
        case kCGImagePropertyOrientationLeftMirrored:
        case kCGImagePropertyOrientationRight:
        case kCGImagePropertyOrientationRightMirrored: {
            // These orientation should swap width & height
            newWidth = height;
            newHeight = width;
        default: {
            newWidth = width;
            newHeight = height;
    BOOL hasAlpha = [self CGImageContainsAlpha:cgImage]; // 獲取是否有顏色通道
    // iOS prefer BGRA8888 (premultiplied) or BGRX8888 bitmapInfo for screen rendering, which is same as `UIGraphicsBeginImageContext()` or `- [CALayer drawInContext:]`
    // Though you can use any supported bitmapInfo (see: ) and let Core Graphics reorder it when you call `CGContextDrawImage`
    // But since our build-in coders use this bitmapInfo, this can have a little performance benefit
    CGBitmapInfo bitmapInfo = kCGBitmapByteOrder32Host;
    bitmapInfo |= hasAlpha ? kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst : kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipFirst;
    CGContextRef context = CGBitmapContextCreate(NULL, newWidth, newHeight, 8, 0, [self colorSpaceGetDeviceRGB], bitmapInfo); // 建立 context
    if (!context) {
        return NULL;
    // Apply transform
    CGAffineTransform transform = SDCGContextTransformFromOrientation(orientation, CGSizeMake(newWidth, newHeight)); // 根據方向和寬高建立 transform
    CGContextConcatCTM(context, transform); // 調整 CTM
    CGContextDrawImage(context, CGRectMake(0, 0, width, height), cgImage); // The rect is bounding box of CGImage, don't swap width & height // 繪製
    CGImageRef newImageRef = CGBitmapContextCreateImage(context); // 獲取 CGImage
    CGContextRelease(context); // 釋放上下文
    return newImageRef;

處理 transform 的方法以下所示:

static inline CGAffineTransform SDCGContextTransformFromOrientation(CGImagePropertyOrientation orientation, CGSize size) {
    // Inspiration from @libfeihu
    // We need to calculate the proper transformation to make the image upright.
    // We do it in 2 steps: Rotate if Left/Right/Down, and then flip if Mirrored.
    CGAffineTransform transform = CGAffineTransformIdentity;
    switch (orientation) {
        case kCGImagePropertyOrientationDown:
        case kCGImagePropertyOrientationDownMirrored:
            transform = CGAffineTransformTranslate(transform, size.width, size.height);
            transform = CGAffineTransformRotate(transform, M_PI);
        case kCGImagePropertyOrientationLeft:
        case kCGImagePropertyOrientationLeftMirrored:
            transform = CGAffineTransformTranslate(transform, size.width, 0);
            transform = CGAffineTransformRotate(transform, M_PI_2);
        case kCGImagePropertyOrientationRight:
        case kCGImagePropertyOrientationRightMirrored:
            transform = CGAffineTransformTranslate(transform, 0, size.height);
            transform = CGAffineTransformRotate(transform, -M_PI_2);
        case kCGImagePropertyOrientationUp:
        case kCGImagePropertyOrientationUpMirrored:
    switch (orientation) {
        case kCGImagePropertyOrientationUpMirrored:
        case kCGImagePropertyOrientationDownMirrored:
            transform = CGAffineTransformTranslate(transform, size.width, 0);
            transform = CGAffineTransformScale(transform, -1, 1);
        case kCGImagePropertyOrientationLeftMirrored:
        case kCGImagePropertyOrientationRightMirrored:
            transform = CGAffineTransformTranslate(transform, size.height, 0);
            transform = CGAffineTransformScale(transform, -1, 1);
        case kCGImagePropertyOrientationUp:
        case kCGImagePropertyOrientationDown:
        case kCGImagePropertyOrientationLeft:
        case kCGImagePropertyOrientationRight:
    return transform;

獲取解碼後的 UIImage


+ (UIImage *)decodedImageWithImage:(UIImage *)image {
#if SD_MAC
    return image;
    if (![self shouldDecodeImage:image]) {
        return image;
    CGImageRef imageRef = [self CGImageCreateDecoded:image.CGImage];
    if (!imageRef) {
        return image;
    UIImage *decodedImage = [[UIImage alloc] initWithCGImage:imageRef scale:image.scale orientation:image.imageOrientation];
    decodedImage.sd_isDecoded = YES;
    decodedImage.sd_imageFormat = image.sd_imageFormat;
    return decodedImage;

+ (BOOL)shouldDecodeImage:(nullable UIImage *)image {
    // Avoid extra decode
    if (image.sd_isDecoded) {
        return NO;
    // Prevent "CGBitmapContextCreateImage: invalid context 0x0" error
    if (image == nil) {
        return NO;
    // do not decode animated images
    if (image.images != nil) {
        return NO;
    return YES;


+ (UIImage *)decodedAndScaledDownImageWithImage:(UIImage *)image limitBytes:(NSUInteger)bytes {
#if SD_MAC
    return image;
    if (![self shouldDecodeImage:image]) {
        return image;
    if (![self shouldScaleDownImage:image limitBytes:bytes]) {
        return [self decodedImageWithImage:image];
    CGFloat destTotalPixels;
    CGFloat tileTotalPixels;
    if (bytes > 0) {
        destTotalPixels = bytes / kBytesPerPixel;
        tileTotalPixels = destTotalPixels / 3;
    } else {
        destTotalPixels = kDestTotalPixels;
        tileTotalPixels = kTileTotalPixels;
    CGContextRef destContext;
    // autorelease the bitmap context and all vars to help system to free memory when there are memory warning.
    // on iOS7, do not forget to call [[SDImageCache sharedImageCache] clearMemory];
    @autoreleasepool {
        CGImageRef sourceImageRef = image.CGImage;
        CGSize sourceResolution = CGSizeZero;
        sourceResolution.width = CGImageGetWidth(sourceImageRef); // 獲取圖片寬度
        sourceResolution.height = CGImageGetHeight(sourceImageRef); // 獲取圖片高度
        CGFloat sourceTotalPixels = sourceResolution.width * sourceResolution.height; // 計算總像素數
        // Determine the scale ratio to apply to the input image
        // that results in an output image of the defined size.
        // see kDestImageSizeMB, and how it relates to destTotalPixels.
        CGFloat imageScale = sqrt(destTotalPixels / sourceTotalPixels); // 計算降採樣的 scale
        CGSize destResolution = CGSizeZero; // 生成對應的目標寬高
        destResolution.width = (int)(sourceResolution.width * imageScale);
        destResolution.height = (int)(sourceResolution.height * imageScale);
        // device color space
        CGColorSpaceRef colorspaceRef = [self colorSpaceGetDeviceRGB]; // 獲取設備顏色空間
        BOOL hasAlpha = [self CGImageContainsAlpha:sourceImageRef]; // 查看是否具備顏色通道
        // iOS display alpha info (BGRA8888/BGRX8888)
        CGBitmapInfo bitmapInfo = kCGBitmapByteOrder32Host;
        bitmapInfo |= hasAlpha ? kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst : kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipFirst;
        // kCGImageAlphaNone is not supported in CGBitmapContextCreate.
        // Since the original image here has no alpha info, use kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipFirst
        // to create bitmap graphics contexts without alpha info.
        destContext = CGBitmapContextCreate(NULL,
        if (destContext == NULL) {
            return image;
        CGContextSetInterpolationQuality(destContext, kCGInterpolationHigh); // 設置質量
        // Now define the size of the rectangle to be used for the
        // incremental blits from the input image to the output image.
        // we use a source tile width equal to the width of the source
        // image due to the way that iOS retrieves image data from disk.
        // iOS must decode an image from disk in full width 'bands', even
        // if current graphics context is clipped to a subrect within that
        // band. Therefore we fully utilize all of the pixel data that results
        // from a decoding opertion by achnoring our tile size to the full
        // width of the input image.
        CGRect sourceTile = CGRectZero;
        sourceTile.size.width = sourceResolution.width;
        // The source tile height is dynamic. Since we specified the size
        // of the source tile in MB, see how many rows of pixels high it
        // can be given the input image width.
        sourceTile.size.height = (int)(tileTotalPixels / sourceTile.size.width );
        sourceTile.origin.x = 0.0f;
        // The output tile is the same proportions as the input tile, but
        // scaled to image scale.
        CGRect destTile;
        destTile.size.width = destResolution.width;
        destTile.size.height = sourceTile.size.height * imageScale;
        destTile.origin.x = 0.0f;
        // The source seem overlap is proportionate to the destination seem overlap.
        // this is the amount of pixels to overlap each tile as we assemble the ouput image.
        float sourceSeemOverlap = (int)((kDestSeemOverlap/destResolution.height)*sourceResolution.height);
        CGImageRef sourceTileImageRef;
        // calculate the number of read/write operations required to assemble the
        // output image.
        int iterations = (int)( sourceResolution.height / sourceTile.size.height );
        // If tile height doesn't divide the image height evenly, add another iteration
        // to account for the remaining pixels.
        int remainder = (int)sourceResolution.height % (int)sourceTile.size.height;
        if(remainder) {
        // Add seem overlaps to the tiles, but save the original tile height for y coordinate calculations.
        float sourceTileHeightMinusOverlap = sourceTile.size.height;
        sourceTile.size.height += sourceSeemOverlap;
        destTile.size.height += kDestSeemOverlap;
        for( int y = 0; y < iterations; ++y ) { // 逐行繪製
            @autoreleasepool {
                sourceTile.origin.y = y * sourceTileHeightMinusOverlap + sourceSeemOverlap;
                destTile.origin.y = destResolution.height - (( y + 1 ) * sourceTileHeightMinusOverlap * imageScale + kDestSeemOverlap);
                sourceTileImageRef = CGImageCreateWithImageInRect( sourceImageRef, sourceTile );
                if( y == iterations - 1 && remainder ) {
                    float dify = destTile.size.height;
                    destTile.size.height = CGImageGetHeight( sourceTileImageRef ) * imageScale;
                    dify -= destTile.size.height;
                    destTile.origin.y += dify;
                CGContextDrawImage( destContext, destTile, sourceTileImageRef );
                CGImageRelease( sourceTileImageRef );
        CGImageRef destImageRef = CGBitmapContextCreateImage(destContext); // 取出 CGImage
        if (destImageRef == NULL) {
            return image;
        UIImage *destImage = [[UIImage alloc] initWithCGImage:destImageRef scale:image.scale orientation:image.imageOrientation];
        if (destImage == nil) {
            return image;
        destImage.sd_isDecoded = YES;
        destImage.sd_imageFormat = image.sd_imageFormat;
        return destImage;

+ (BOOL)shouldScaleDownImage:(nonnull UIImage *)image limitBytes:(NSUInteger)bytes {
    BOOL shouldScaleDown = YES;
    CGImageRef sourceImageRef = image.CGImage;
    CGSize sourceResolution = CGSizeZero;
    sourceResolution.width = CGImageGetWidth(sourceImageRef); // 獲取圖片寬度
    sourceResolution.height = CGImageGetHeight(sourceImageRef); // 獲取圖片高度
    float sourceTotalPixels = sourceResolution.width * sourceResolution.height; // 計算總像素數
    if (sourceTotalPixels <= 0) {
        return NO;
    CGFloat destTotalPixels; // 計算目標像素數
    if (bytes > 0) {
        destTotalPixels = bytes / kBytesPerPixel;
    } else {
        destTotalPixels = kDestTotalPixels;
    if (destTotalPixels <= kPixelsPerMB) { // 若是目標像素數過小,返回 NO
        // Too small to scale down
        return NO;
    float imageScale = destTotalPixels / sourceTotalPixels; // 計算下降的 scale
    if (imageScale < 1) {
        shouldScaleDown = YES;
    } else {
        shouldScaleDown = NO;
    return shouldScaleDown;


// Convert an EXIF image orientation to an iOS one.
+ (UIImageOrientation)imageOrientationFromEXIFOrientation:(CGImagePropertyOrientation)exifOrientation {
    UIImageOrientation imageOrientation = UIImageOrientationUp;
    switch (exifOrientation) {
        case kCGImagePropertyOrientationUp:
            imageOrientation = UIImageOrientationUp;
        case kCGImagePropertyOrientationDown:
            imageOrientation = UIImageOrientationDown;
        case kCGImagePropertyOrientationLeft:
            imageOrientation = UIImageOrientationLeft;
        case kCGImagePropertyOrientationRight:
            imageOrientation = UIImageOrientationRight;
        case kCGImagePropertyOrientationUpMirrored:
            imageOrientation = UIImageOrientationUpMirrored;
        case kCGImagePropertyOrientationDownMirrored:
            imageOrientation = UIImageOrientationDownMirrored;
        case kCGImagePropertyOrientationLeftMirrored:
            imageOrientation = UIImageOrientationLeftMirrored;
        case kCGImagePropertyOrientationRightMirrored:
            imageOrientation = UIImageOrientationRightMirrored;
    return imageOrientation;

// Convert an iOS orientation to an EXIF image orientation.
+ (CGImagePropertyOrientation)exifOrientationFromImageOrientation:(UIImageOrientation)imageOrientation {
    CGImagePropertyOrientation exifOrientation = kCGImagePropertyOrientationUp;
    switch (imageOrientation) {
        case UIImageOrientationUp:
            exifOrientation = kCGImagePropertyOrientationUp;
        case UIImageOrientationDown:
            exifOrientation = kCGImagePropertyOrientationDown;
        case UIImageOrientationLeft:
            exifOrientation = kCGImagePropertyOrientationLeft;
        case UIImageOrientationRight:
            exifOrientation = kCGImagePropertyOrientationRight;
        case UIImageOrientationUpMirrored:
            exifOrientation = kCGImagePropertyOrientationUpMirrored;
        case UIImageOrientationDownMirrored:
            exifOrientation = kCGImagePropertyOrientationDownMirrored;
        case UIImageOrientationLeftMirrored:
            exifOrientation = kCGImagePropertyOrientationLeftMirrored;
        case UIImageOrientationRightMirrored:
            exifOrientation = kCGImagePropertyOrientationRightMirrored;
    return exifOrientation;


SDImageGraphics 提供了跨平臺快捷獲取圖形上下文的函數:


CGContextRef SDGraphicsGetCurrentContext(void) {
    return UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
    return NSGraphicsContext.currentContext.CGContext;


void SDGraphicsBeginImageContext(CGSize size) {
    SDGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(size, NO, 1.0);

void SDGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(CGSize size, BOOL opaque, CGFloat scale) {
    UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(size, opaque, scale);
    CGContextRef context = SDCGContextCreateBitmapContext(size, opaque, scale);
    if (!context) {
    NSGraphicsContext *graphicsContext = [NSGraphicsContext graphicsContextWithCGContext:context flipped:NO];
    objc_setAssociatedObject(graphicsContext, &kNSGraphicsContextScaleFactorKey, @(scale), OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN);
    [NSGraphicsContext saveGraphicsState];
    NSGraphicsContext.currentContext = graphicsContext;

#if SD_MAC
static void *kNSGraphicsContextScaleFactorKey;

static CGContextRef SDCGContextCreateBitmapContext(CGSize size, BOOL opaque, CGFloat scale) {
    if (scale == 0) {
        // Match `UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions`, reset to the scale factor of the device’s main screen if scale is 0.
        scale = [NSScreen mainScreen].backingScaleFactor;
    size_t width = ceil(size.width * scale);
    size_t height = ceil(size.height * scale);
    if (width < 1 || height < 1) return NULL;
    //pre-multiplied BGRA for non-opaque, BGRX for opaque, 8-bits per component, as Apple's doc
    CGColorSpaceRef space = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
    CGImageAlphaInfo alphaInfo = kCGBitmapByteOrder32Host | (opaque ? kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipFirst : kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst);
    CGContextRef context = CGBitmapContextCreate(NULL, width, height, 8, 0, space, kCGBitmapByteOrderDefault | alphaInfo);
    if (!context) {
        return NULL;
    CGContextScaleCTM(context, scale, scale);
    return context;


void SDGraphicsEndImageContext(void) {
    [NSGraphicsContext restoreGraphicsState];


UIImage * SDGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext(void) {
    return UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
    NSGraphicsContext *context = NSGraphicsContext.currentContext;
    CGContextRef contextRef = context.CGContext;
    if (!contextRef) {
        return nil;
    CGImageRef imageRef = CGBitmapContextCreateImage(contextRef);
    if (!imageRef) {
        return nil;
    CGFloat scale = 0;
    NSNumber *scaleFactor = objc_getAssociatedObject(context, &kNSGraphicsContextScaleFactorKey);
    if ([scaleFactor isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]) {
        scale = scaleFactor.doubleValue;
    if (!scale) {
        // reset to the scale factor of the device’s main screen if scale is 0.
        scale = [NSScreen mainScreen].backingScaleFactor;
    NSImage *image = [[NSImage alloc] initWithCGImage:imageRef scale:scale orientation:kCGImagePropertyOrientationUp];
    return image;