- C:\Program Files\WinPcap>rpcapd.exe -h
- rpcapd [-b <address>] [-p <port>] [-6] [-l <host_list>] [-a <host,port>]
- [-n] [-v] [-d] [-s <file>] [-f <file>]
- -b <address>: the address to bind to (either numeric or literal).
- Default: it binds to all local IPv4 addresses
- -p <port>: the port to bind to. Default: it binds to port 2002
- -4: use only IPv4 (default both IPv4 and IPv6 waiting sockets are used)
- -l <host_list>: a file that keeps the list of the hosts which are allowed
- to connect to this server (if more than one, list them one per line).
- We suggest to use literal names (instead of numeric ones) in order to
- avoid problems with different address families
- -n: permit NULL authentication (usually used with '-l')
- -a <host,port>: run in active mode when connecting to 'host' on port 'port'
- In case 'port' is omitted, the default port (2003) is used
- -v: run in active mode only (default: if '-a' is specified, it accepts
- passive connections as well
- -d: run in daemon mode (UNIX only) or as a service (Win32 only)
- Warning (Win32): this switch is provided automatically when the service
- is started from the control panel
- -s <file>: save the current configuration to file
- -f <file>: load the current configuration from file; all the switches
- specified from the command line are ignored
- -h: print this help screen
咱們點擊「Add Remote Interface」,彈出添加遠程接口的窗口:網絡