這個地址能夠下載c, c++的編譯器,在windows下能夠用的 IDE.linux
At this point, you can reach for the port 0 trick: on both Windows and Linux, if you bind a socket to port 0, the kernel will assign it a free port number somewhere above 1024.算法
原文: windows服務器
I set the server.sin_port=0 and then I call the bind function that doesn't return any error:
Where can I get the port that was asigned by the bind function?網絡
int sd; //server descriptor struct sockaddr_in server; bzero(&server,sizeof(server)); server.sin_family=AF_INET; server.sin_addr.s_addr=htonl(INADDR_ANY); server.sin_port=htons(0); if(bind(sd,(struct sockaddr*)&server,sizeof(struct sockaddr))==-1); // error printf("%d\n",ntohs(server.sin_port)); //is still 0
All problems in computer science can be solved by another level of indirection,
except for the problem of too many layers of indirection.
– David J. Wheelerthis
Don't use bzero -- it's been obsolete for decades. It makes you look like a stupid hacker (I'm not saying you are one -- but let me guess, you've been learning socket programming by reading hacking sites, right?) Use memset() instead.
Also, why do you need to know the port number? Why are you binding without specifying the port, anyway?spa
TCP/IP 協議中的端口在報頭中佔2個字節即16位,範圍是從0-65535。端口號用來表示和區別網絡中的不一樣應用程序
(1)公認端口(Well Known Ports):0-1023之間的端口號,也叫Well Known ports。這些端口由 IANA 分配管理。IANA 把這些端口分配給最重要的一些應用程序,讓全部的用戶都知道,當一種新的應用程序出現後,IANA必須爲它指派一個公認端口。
FTP : 21
SMTP : 25
DNS : 53
TFTP : 69
HTTP : 80
SNMP : 161
(2)註冊端口(Registered Ports):從1024-49151。是公司和其餘用戶向互聯網名稱與數字地址分配機構(ICANN)登記的端口號,利用因特網的傳輸控制協議(TCP)和用戶數據報協議(UDP)進行通訊的應用軟件須要使用這些端口。在大多數狀況下,這些應用軟件和普通程序同樣能夠被非特權用戶打開。
(3)客戶端使用的端口號:49152~65535.這類端口號僅在客戶進程運行時才動態選擇,所以又叫作短暫端口號。被保留給客戶端進程選擇暫時使用的。也能夠理解爲,客戶端啓動的時候操做系統隨機分配一個端口用來和服務器通訊,客戶端進程關閉下次打開時,又從新分配一個新的端口。 總結 端口就像一道門,外部能夠經過不一樣的端口和本機上不一樣服務的進程進行交流。而IP 地址和端口標識了接入互聯網主機的惟一 一個進程。---------------------