正確理解SQL Server的許可證

今天在論壇上看到有人討論若是使用SQL Server做爲SEPM的後臺數據庫,須要多少個CAL的問題:
If I do have to use SQL Server what type of licensing is required in terms of user CALs.  Is it a one-to-one relationship where each client that checks into a SEP 11 management server needs a SQL Server CAL?  Or do only the management agents on the SEPM server need a CAL since client machines technically check-in via HTTP and not directly to the database?
The SEP clients do not acess the DB directly. You'll just need to license the SQL DB for the SEPM, since the client talks to the SEPM, and then the SEPM talks to the Database.
Microsoft are very clear on SQL Licensing:
A SQL Server CAL is required for a user or device to access or use the services or functionality of either edition of SQL Server.  
This statement effectively means that if you purchase user or device CAL's you MUST purchase enough CAL's to cover all your users or clients, NOT just for SEPM's.  I will leave you to do the math, but once you hit a certain number, processor licensing is MUCH cheaper!
SQL Server的許可分爲三種:基於處理器的,基於用戶的,基於客戶端設備的。
用戶或設備數量較大時或者說SQL服務器的負載較重時,使用processer許可比較划算。反正就使用user或device許可,若是user share device,就用device的,若是一個user多個device,就用user的。
In most cases, Microsoft requires a CAL for every device that accesses or uses the services of SQL Server 2005. If you are unsure whether a CAL is required, you should contact your Microsoft sales representative or account manager. Inquires can be directed to the Microsoft Sales and Partner Information line by calling (800) 426-9400.
有意思,In most cases是什麼意思呢?不清楚就聯繫銷售?呵呵,看來還有的商量。
按照個人經驗,若是SQL做爲前端Web服務器的後端,則Web服務器的用戶須要購買許可,可是對於絕大多數Web服務器來講,用戶是不固定的,因此這種狀況都應該購買processor許可, 我想其它使用SQL做爲後臺數據庫的應用也應該是同樣的