該文檔包含得到以及運行Phabricator所需的最基本安裝指引。 php
Phabricator是一個LAMP應用套件,所以最基本的要求就是LAMP環境: html
注意:Phabricator的命令行接口--Arcanist,能夠在Windows上正常運行。查看詳細說明:Arcanist User Guide: Windows。
你可能也須要一個域名和一臺能鏈接互聯網的電腦。 nginx
若是你在Ubuntu或Redhat及其衍生版本上安裝,這裏有可用的安裝腳本,這些腳本能夠自動處理下面文檔中討論的大部分操做: git
若是這些能夠爲你工做,你能夠直接跳過下面的操做到配置嚮導頁。 github
不然,以下所列將是你必須安裝的: web
若是你已經設置好LAMP環境,你能夠已經得到你所需的任何東東。 sql
既然你已經安裝以上所需的東東,下面獲取Phabricator以及其依賴包: apache
$ cd somewhere/ # 切換到安裝目錄
somewhere/ $ git clone git://github.com/facebook/libphutil.git
somewhere/ $ git clone git://github.com/facebook/arcanist.git
somewhere/ $ git clone git://github.com/facebook/phabricator.git
Like everything else written in PHP, Phabricator will run much faster with APC installed. You likely need to install "pcre-devel" first: ubuntu
sudo yum install pcre-devel
Then you have two options. Either install via PECL (try this first):
sudo yum install php-pear sudo pecl install apc
If that doesn't work, grab the package from PECL directly and follow the build instructions there:
Installing APC is optional but strongly recommended, especially on production hosts.
Once APC is installed, test that it is available by running:
php -i | grep apc
If it doesn't show up, add:
..to "/etc/php.d/apc.ini" or the "php.ini" file indicated by "php -i".
XHProf is a PHP profiling tool. You don't need to install it unless you are developing Phabricator and making performance changes.
You can install xhprof with:
$ pecl install xhprof
If you have a PEAR version prior to 1.9.3, you may run into a phpize failure. If so, you can download the source and build it with:
$ cd extension/ $ phpize $ ./configure $ make $ sudo make install
You may also need to add "extension=xhprof.so" to your php.ini.
See https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=59747 for more information.