1、實驗環境: win10 + redis3.2 + php7
2、php-redis / redis /redis圖形管理工個等安裝,此步驟略過;
4、php + mysql + redis 簡單應用
數據庫名稱:redis 數據表:redis_user
模擬 php 操做Mysql + redis 的 CURD 操做php
<?php $config = array( 'mysql'=>array( 'host'=>'', 'user'=>'root', 'pass'=>'root', 'dbname'=>'redis', 'prefix'=>'redis_' ), 'redis'=>array( 'host'=>'', 'port'=>6379 ) );
index.php 入口文件,操做Mysql時請使用主鍵IDmysql
<?php reqiure_once('Mysql.php'); //增長數據 // echo Mysql::getInstance()->table('user')->insert(['user'=>'張三','pass'=>md5('123456'),'create_time'=>date('Y-m-d H:i:s')]); //刪除數據 // echo Mysql::getInstance()->table('user')->where(array('id'=>30))->delete(); //查看單條數據 // $data = Mysql::getInstance()->table('user')->where(array('id'=>'30'))->find(); // print_r($data); //查找全部數據 // $all = Mysql::getInstance()->table('user')->field('id,user')->select(); $all = Mysql::getInstance()->table('user')->select(); print_r($all); //修改數據 // echo Mysql::getInstance()->table('user')->where(array('id'=>30))->update(['user'=>'張三adfadfasdf11111111','pass'=>md5('123456aaa')]); ?>
Mysql.php 數據庫以及redis操做文件redis
<?php class Mysql { static $instance; private $conn; private $redis; private $options = array(); //單例模式 private function __construct() { error_reporting(E_ALL^E_NOTICE^E_WARNING); require_once(__DIR__.'/Config.php'); $conn = mysqli_connect($config['mysql']['host'],$config['mysql']['user'],$config['mysql']['pass'],$config['mysql']['dbname']); if(mysqli_connect_errno($conn)) { echo "鏈接Mysql失敗:".mysqli_connect_error(); exit; } mysqli_query($conn,'set names utf8'); $this->options['prefix'] = $config['mysql']['prefix']; $this->conn = $conn; $this->redis = new Redis(); $this->redis->connect($config['redis']['host'],$config['redis']['port']); } //獲取對象實例 static function getInstance() { if(self::$instance) { return self::$instance; } else { self::$instance = new self(); return self::$instance; } } //設置表名 public function table(string $table) { $this->options['table'] = '`'.$this->options['prefix'].$table.'`'; return $this; } //設置redis鍵名 public function redis(string $key) { $this->options['key'] = $key; return $this; } //設置條件 public function where(array $where) { $condition = ''; $and = count($where) > 1 ? ' and ' : ''; foreach ($where as $key => $value) { if($key == 'id') {$this->options['user_id'] = $value;} if(strpos($key,':')) { $arr = explode(':', $key); $condition .= '`'.$arr['0'].'` '.$arr['1']. ' "'.$value.'" ' . $and ; } else { $condition .= '`'.$key.'` = ' .'"'.$value.'"' .$and ; } } $this->options['where'] = rtrim($condition,' and '); return $this; } //設置字段 public function field(string $field) { $this->options['field'] = $field; return $this; } //增長數據 public function insert(array $data) { $key = '`'.implode('`,`', array_keys($data)).'`'; $value = '"'.implode('","', $data).'"'; $sql = "insert into {$this->options['table']} (".$key.") values (".$value.");"; if( mysqli_query($this->conn,$sql) ) { $user_id = $this->conn->insert_id; $data['id'] = $user_id; //以hash類型存儲 $this->redis->hset($this->options['table'],$user_id,json_encode($data)); return $user_id; } else { return 0; } } //刪除數據 public function delete() { $where = $this->options['where'] ? $this->options['where'] : '1'; $sql = "delete from {$this->options['table']} where {$where};"; if(mysqli_query($this->conn,$sql)) { $this->redis->hdel($this->options['table'],$this->options['user_id']); return 1; } else { return 0; } } //修改數據 public function update(array $data) { $condition = ''; $where = $this->options['where'] ? $this->options['where'] : '1'; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $condition .= ", `".$key."` = '".$value."'"; } $condition = substr($condition, 1); $sql = " update {$this->options['table']} set {$condition} where {$where} ; "; if(mysqli_query($this->conn,$sql)) { $hashData = (array)json_decode($this->redis->hget($this->options['table'],$this->options['user_id'])); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $hashData[$key] = $value; } $this->redis->hset($this->options['table'],$this->options['user_id'],json_encode($hashData)); return 1; } else { return 0; } } //查找單條數據 public function find() { $field = $this->options['field'] ? $this->options['field'] : '*'; $where = $this->options['where'] ? $this->options['where'] : '1'; if($this->options['user_id']) { echo '從redis獲取數據<pre>'; $data = (array)json_decode($this->redis->hget($this->options['table'],$this->options['user_id'])); if($field != '*') { $field = explode(',', $field); foreach ($field as $value) { $arr[$value] = $data[$value]; $arr['typ'] = 'redis'; } return $arr; } return $data; } else { $sql = " select {$field} from {$this->options['table']} where {$where}; "; if($query = mysqli_query($this->conn,$sql)) { return mysqli_fetch_assoc($query); } else { return array(); } } } //查找全部數據 public function select() { $data = array(); $field = $this->options['field'] ? $this->options['field'] : '*'; $hashData = $this->redis->hgetall($this->options['table']); if($hashData) { if($field != '*') { $field = explode(',', $field); } foreach ($hashData as $key => $value) { $data[$key] = array(); $values = (array)json_decode($value); if($field != '*') { foreach ($field as $k => $v) { $data[$key][$v] = $values[$v]; } }else{ $data[$key] = $values; } } echo '從redis獲取數據<pre>'; } else { $sql = " select {$field} from {$this->options['table']} ; "; if($query = mysqli_query($this->conn,$sql)) { while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)) { $data[] = $row; } } } return $data; } public function __destruct() { mysqli_close($this->conn); } }