/** * 對數據庫加密 * * @param path path description * * @return return value description */ + (BOOL)encryptDatabase:(NSString *)path; /** * 對數據庫解密 * * @param path path description * * @return return value description */ + (BOOL)unEncryptDatabase:(NSString *)path; /** * 修改數據庫祕鑰 * * @param dbPath dbPath description * @param originKey originKey description * @param newKey newKey description * * @return return value description */ + (BOOL)changeKey:(NSString *)dbPath originKey:(NSString *)originKey newKey:(NSString *)newKey;
+ (BOOL)encryptDatabase:(NSString *)path { NSString *sourcePath = path; NSString *targetPath = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@.tmp.db", path]; if([self encryptDatabase:sourcePath targetPath:targetPath]) { NSFileManager *fm = [[NSFileManager alloc] init]; [fm removeItemAtPath:sourcePath error:nil]; [fm moveItemAtPath:targetPath toPath:sourcePath error:nil]; return YES; } else { return NO; } } + (BOOL)unEncryptDatabase:(NSString *)path { NSString *sourcePath = path; NSString *targetPath = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@.tmp.db", path]; if([self unEncryptDatabase:sourcePath targetPath:targetPath]) { NSFileManager *fm = [[NSFileManager alloc] init]; [fm removeItemAtPath:sourcePath error:nil]; [fm moveItemAtPath:targetPath toPath:sourcePath error:nil]; return YES; } else { return NO; } } + (BOOL)encryptDatabase:(NSString *)sourcePath targetPath:(NSString *)targetPath { const char* sqlQ = [[NSString stringWithFormat:@"ATTACH DATABASE '%@' AS encrypted KEY '%@';", targetPath, kEncryptKey] UTF8String]; sqlite3 *unencrypted_DB; if (sqlite3_open([sourcePath UTF8String], &unencrypted_DB) == SQLITE_OK) { // Attach empty encrypted database to unencrypted database sqlite3_exec(unencrypted_DB, sqlQ, NULL, NULL, NULL); // export database sqlite3_exec(unencrypted_DB, "SELECT sqlcipher_export('encrypted');", NULL, NULL, NULL); // Detach encrypted database sqlite3_exec(unencrypted_DB, "DETACH DATABASE encrypted;", NULL, NULL, NULL); sqlite3_close(unencrypted_DB); return YES; } else { sqlite3_close(unencrypted_DB); NSAssert1(NO, @"Failed to open database with message '%s'.", sqlite3_errmsg(unencrypted_DB)); return NO; } } + (BOOL)unEncryptDatabase:(NSString *)sourcePath targetPath:(NSString *)targetPath { const char* sqlQ = [[NSString stringWithFormat:@"ATTACH DATABASE '%@' AS plaintext KEY '';", targetPath] UTF8String]; sqlite3 *encrypted_DB; if (sqlite3_open([sourcePath UTF8String], &encrypted_DB) == SQLITE_OK) { sqlite3_exec(encrypted_DB, [[NSString stringWithFormat:@"PRAGMA key = '%@';", kEncryptKey] UTF8String], NULL, NULL, NULL); // Attach empty unencrypted database to encrypted database sqlite3_exec(encrypted_DB, sqlQ, NULL, NULL, NULL); // export database sqlite3_exec(encrypted_DB, "SELECT sqlcipher_export('plaintext');", NULL, NULL, NULL); // Detach unencrypted database sqlite3_exec(encrypted_DB, "DETACH DATABASE plaintext;", NULL, NULL, NULL); sqlite3_close(encrypted_DB); return YES; } else { sqlite3_close(encrypted_DB); NSAssert1(NO, @"Failed to open database with message '%s'.", sqlite3_errmsg(encrypted_DB)); return NO; } } + (BOOL)changeKey:(NSString *)dbPath originKey:(NSString *)originKey newKey:(NSString *)newKey { sqlite3 *encrypted_DB; if (sqlite3_open([dbPath UTF8String], &encrypted_DB) == SQLITE_OK) { sqlite3_exec(encrypted_DB, [[NSString stringWithFormat:@"PRAGMA key = '%@';", originKey] UTF8String], NULL, NULL, NULL); sqlite3_exec(encrypted_DB, [[NSString stringWithFormat:@"PRAGMA rekey = '%@';", newKey] UTF8String], NULL, NULL, NULL); sqlite3_close(encrypted_DB); return YES; } else { sqlite3_close(encrypted_DB); NSAssert1(NO, @"Failed to open database with message '%s'.", sqlite3_errmsg(encrypted_DB)); return NO; } }