Somehow it looks like reflect in Java.javascript
For example: We define an mothod on the Object, it called defineMethod(). It accepts two arguements, one is methodName andother is methodBody. java
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Using defineProperty() method of Object object to create method.github
Object.prototype.defineMethod = function(methodName, methodBody){ Object.defineProperty(this, methodName, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: methodBody }); } var dog = {breed: "Shelty"}; dog.defineMethod("bark", function(){ return "Woof!"; }); console.log(dog.breed); console.log(dog.bark()); //"Shelty" //"Woof!"
More useful case:api
function User(){ User.statuses = ["inactive", "active"]; _.each(User.statuses, function(status){ this.defineMethod("is"+status.capitalize(), function(){ return this.status == status; }) }, this); } var user = new User(); user.status = "active"; console.log(user.isActive()); console.log(user.isInactive()); //isActive() and isInactive() methods are created dynamcally during the running time.
Library: lodash and active-support.jsless
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