Elasticsearch 是 面向文檔 的,意味着它存儲整個對象或 文檔_。Elasticsearch 不只存儲文檔,並且 _索引 每一個文檔的內容使之能夠被檢索。在 Elasticsearch 中,你 對文檔進行索引、檢索、排序和過濾--而不是對行列數據。這是一種徹底不一樣的思考數據的方式,也是 Elasticsearch 能支持複雜全文檢索的緣由。github
Elasticsearch 使用 JavaScript Object Notation 或者 JSON 做爲文檔的序列化格式。JSON 序列化被大多數編程語言所支持,而且已經成爲 NoSQL 領域的標準格式。 它簡單、簡潔、易於閱讀。
請參考 https://www.elastic.co/guide/cn/elasticsearch/guide/current/_indexing_employee_documents.html 中的操做 將 HTTP 命令由 PUT 改成 GET 能夠用來檢索文檔,一樣的,可使用 DELETE 命令來刪除文檔,以及使用 HEAD 指令來檢查文檔是否存在。若是想更新已存在的文檔,只需再次 PUT
GET _search { "query": { "match_all": {} } } GET /_count?pretty { "query": { "match_all": {} } } #添加數據 PUT /megacorp/employee/1 { "first_name" : "John", "last_name" : "Smith", "age" : 25, "about" : "I love to go rock climbing", "interests": [ "sports", "musicxx" ] } GET /megacorp/_doc/1 GET /megacorp/_search PUT /megacorp/_doc/1 { "first_name" : "John", "last_name" : "Smith", "age" : 25, "about" : "I love to go rock climbing and swimming", "interests": [ "sports", "music" ], "homw":"shanghai" } PUT /megacorp/employee/1 { "first_name" : "John", "last_name" : "Smith", "age" : 25, "about" : "I love to go rock climbing and swimming", "interests": [ "sports", "music" ], "homw":"shanghai" } PUT /megacorp/employee/2 { "first_name" : "Jane", "last_name" : "Smith", "age" : 32, "about" : "I like to collect rock albums", "interests": [ "music" ] } PUT /megacorp/employee/3 { "first_name" : "Douglas", "last_name" : "Fir", "age" : 35, "about": "I like to build cabinets", "interests": [ "forestry" ] } PUT /megacorp/employee/4 { "first_name" : "wendeng", "last_name" : "xing", "age" : 18, "about": "I like to play basketball", "interests": [ "musics" ], "hometomn":"anhui province" } # 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