感謝做者Nolan Baker對pygame社區貢獻,爲你們奉獻這款遊戲,做者郵箱是:編程
首先打開smartsweeper文件夾,進入子文件夾smartsweeper beta,全部腳本都放在這裏網絡 這腳本主要是經過神經網絡算法,生成一個模型。
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Sun Oct 7 10:16:24 2018 做者郵件 做者微信公衆號:PythonEducation """ # # # # Copyright 2010 Nolan Baker <> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, # MA 02110-1301, USA. import random, os, math from numpy import * import numpy.random as nrand ################################################################################ # Useful Vector Functions ################################################################################ def sigmoid(x): return 1.0 / (1 + math.exp(-x)) sigmoid = vectorize(sigmoid, otypes=[float]) def sigPrime(x): # in terms of the output of the sigmoid function # otherwise would be sig(x) - sig^2(x) return x - x ** 2 sigPrime = vectorize(sigPrime, otypes=[float]) def oneMinus(x): return 1 - x oneMinus = vectorize(oneMinus, otypes=[float]) def sub(x,y): return x - y sub = vectorize(sub, otypes=[float]) ################################################################################ # Neural Network ################################################################################ class NeuralNet: def __init__(self, i, h, o): self.w_ih = mat(nrand.uniform(-.05, .05,(i,h))) self.w_ho = mat(nrand.uniform(-.05, .05,(h,o))) self.m_ih = mat(zeros((i,h))) self.m_ho = mat(zeros((h,o))) def getOut(self, i): self.h = sigmoid(mat(i) * self.w_ih) return sigmoid(self.h * self.w_ho).tolist()[0] def train(self, i, t, a = .1, b = .01): # get output of our neural network out = mat(self.getOut(i)) # calc deltas d_o = mat(asarray(out) * asarray(oneMinus(out)) * asarray(sub(mat(t), out))) d_h = mat(asarray(self.h) * asarray(oneMinus(self.h)) * asarray(d_o * self.w_ho.T)) # update weights c_ih = mat(i).T * d_h self.w_ih = add(add(self.w_ih, a * c_ih), b * self.m_ih) self.m_ih = c_ih c_ho = self.h.T * d_o self.w_ho = add(add(self.w_ho, a * c_ho), b * self.m_ho) self.m_ho = c_ho ################################################################################ # example ################################################################################ def main(): nn = NeuralNet(2,10,1) examples = [([0,1], [1]), ([1,1], [0]), ([1,0], [1]), ([0,0], [0])] for i in range(10000): print i x = random.randint(0,4) nn.train(examples[x][0], examples[x][1], 3) print nn.getOut([0,1]) print nn.getOut([1,1]) print nn.getOut([1,0]) print nn.getOut([0,0]) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Sun Oct 7 10:16:24 2018 做者郵件 做者微信公衆號:PythonEducation """ # # # # Copyright 2010 Nolan Baker <> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, # MA 02110-1301, USA. import random, pygame, os from pygame.locals import * from game import * from state import * from neural_network import * # FLOATING POINT NUMBERS BETWEEN 0 and 1 THRESH = .18 INITIAL = 1 ALPHA = .05 BETA = .01 OPEN_MIND = 1 HUG_EDGE = 1 BRN2GRN = 0 GREED = 0 EXPLORE = .7 NUM_POS = 5 THRESH = .16 INITIAL = 1 TO_DIG = 1 # low numbers make digging difficult TO_FLAG = 1 # low numbers make flagging difficult TO_UNFLAG = 1 # low numbers make unflagging easy WEIGHT = .005 ALLOW_REPEATS = 0 #percentage of repeats allowed # FLOATS LARGER THAN 1 SPEED_AMT = 1.00191 # increased threshold change CHANGE = 1.000173 # normal threshold change # INTEGERS NUM_POS = 8 MAX_MOVES = 42000 MOVES_LEARNED = 4000 SPEED_MOVES = 15000 INPUT_GRID = 5 OUTPUT_GRID = 3 # BOOLEAN SHARE_MAP = True RESET_MOVES = False # do you want your move list to empty after each game? CHEAT = False ################################################################################ # Intelligent Agent ################################################################################ class Agent: def __init__(self, game): = game self.human = 0 self.clearMoves() self.name2num_dict = {} names = "012345678f_" self.in_size = len(names) for i in range(len(names)): nodes = ([0] * 11) nodes[i] = 1 self.name2num_dict[names[i]] = nodes a = (INPUT_GRID**2)*(11) b = OUTPUT_GRID**2 self.nn = NeuralNet(a,a,b) self.cheat = CHEAT self.memory = [] self.alpha = ALPHA self.beta = BETA self.move_list = [] def switch(self): self.human = 1 - self.human def clearMoves(self): self.num_moves = 0 self.closed = [] self.thresh = INITIAL #* random.random() if self.human and x, y = pygame.mouse.get_pos() if x %= y %= else: if x >= x = - 1 elif x < 0: x = 0 if y >= y = - 1 elif y < 0: y = 0 s = (x, y) else: #s = (random.randint(0,, # random.randint(0, s = (0,0) self.old_pos = s self.pos = s self.old_action = "L" self.action = "L" if RESET_MOVES: self.move_list = [] if not SHARE_MAP: self.guess = {} self.visited = {} self.certainty = {} for i in range( for j in range( if not SHARE_MAP: self.guess[(i,j)] = .5 self.visited[(i,j)] = 0 self.certainty[(i,j)] = .5 def mouse2Grid(self, pos): x, y = pos x = int(x / y = int(y / return (x, y) def getArea(self,x,y,n): area = [] for j in range(n): b = y + j - int(n / 2) for i in range(n): a = x + i - int(n / 2) if a %= b %= area.append((a, b)) return area def boardArea(self): area = [] for j in range( for i in range( area.append((i,j)) return area def threshClick(self): x,y = self.pos # get the guess for the space you're on if SHARE_MAP: out =[self.pos] else: out = self.guess[self.pos] name =[self.pos] m = self.num_moves speed = 1 if m == SPEED_MOVES: print "speeding up" if m > SPEED_MOVES: speed = SPEED_AMT self.thresh *= CHANGE * speed if m == MAX_MOVES: print "giving up" if m < MAX_MOVES: if out <= self.thresh * TO_DIG and name != "f": #print "dig" self.close(self.pos) cleared = # how many spaces we cleared #self.visited[(x,y)] += 5 #if name not in "012345678" and m > SPEED_MOVES: if cleared != 0: self.thresh = THRESH * speed elif (out * TO_UNFLAG <= self.thresh and name == "f"): #print "unflag" #self.thresh = THRESH * speed #self.wholeBoard() elif (out * TO_FLAG >= (1 - self.thresh) and name != "f"): #print "flag" self.close(self.pos) #self.visited[self.pos] += 5 self.thresh = THRESH * speed #self.wholeBoard() # if you've gone so many moves without ending the game, do it elif name == "f": else: if name == "0": pass#self.visited[(x,y)] += 10 def simMove(self): ############################################################ # MOVEMENT ############################################################ x,y = self.pos # if you're on green, move to brown (most of the time) area = self.getArea(x,y,3) von_neumann = [(x,y+1),(x,y-1),(x+1,y),(x-1,y)] possible = [] if random.random() < HUG_EDGE: for pos in area: if self.pos == pos: continue try: a =[self.pos] grn = "_f" brn = "012345678" if (a in grn) and ([pos] in brn): possible.append(pos) if (random.random < BRN2GRN and (a in brn) and ([pos] in grn) and (pos in von_neumann)): possible.append(pos) except: pass # if this isn't possible, anywhere is fine if len(possible) == 0 or random.random < EXPLORE: possible = area # find the spot you've visited least m = 9999999999 s = [] for pos in possible: if pos == self.pos: continue try: v = self.visited[pos] if v < m: m = v s = [pos] elif v == m: s.append(pos) except: pass random.shuffle(s) # move to the best guess on the board if random.random() < GREED: random.shuffle(self.best_guesses) self.pos = self.best_guesses[0] # and go to it else: self.pos = s[0] #self.visited[self.pos] += 1 def scanMove(self): x, y = self.pos x = (x + 1) % if x == 0: y = (y + 1) % self.pos = (x, y) def wholeBoard(self): p = [] for i in range( for j in range( p.append((i,j)) random.shuffle(p) for s in p: self.getNNOutOf(s) def getNNOutOf(self, p): x,y = p # figure out where your are and what's around you self.area = self.getArea(x,y,OUTPUT_GRID) self.area2 = self.getArea(x,y,INPUT_GRID) # GET INPUT FROM AREA AROUND YOU input = [] max_in = 0 for pos in self.area2: try: name =[pos] try: if int(name) > max_in: max_in = int(name) except: pass nodes = self.name2num_dict[name] input += nodes except: input += [0] * len(self.name2num_dict["0"]) self.input = input self.max_in = max_in # FIGURE OUT WHAT YOUR TARGET OUTPUT SHOULD BE # this is not used to determine where to go or what to do # it is only used durring the learning phase target = [] for i in range(len(self.area)): pos = self.area[i] try: num =[pos] target.append(num) except: target.append(.5) = target ################################################################ # get output from neural net ################################################################ # uncomment this to play perfectly (cheat) # for learning examples quicker if self.cheat: print "cheating" output = target else: output = self.nn.getOut(input) self.output = output certainty = sum(output)/float(len(output)) certainty = max(certainty, 1-certainty) self.certainty[self.pos] = certainty weight = WEIGHT # update your guesses for whether or not a square has a mine for i in range(OUTPUT_GRID**2): try: if SHARE_MAP: output[i] =[self.area[i]] * (1-weight) + output[i] * weight[self.area[i]] = output[i] else: output[i] = self.guess[self.area[i]] * (1-weight) + output[i] * weight self.guess[self.area[i]] = output[i] except: pass # this just means we're looking out of bounds def act(self): if not self.old_pos = self.pos x,y = self.pos self.getNNOutOf(self.pos) ################################################################ # Q STUFF ################################################################ ''' output = self.output out_array = [] count = 0 for a in range(OUTPUT_GRID): out_array.append([]) for b in range(OUTPUT_GRID): try: if output[count] < .5: o = 0 elif[self.pos] == "f": o = -1 else: o = 1 out_array[a].append(o) count += 1 except: out_array[a].append(0) ahha = False for s in self.memory: ahha = s.isMatch(out_array) if ahha: state = s break if not ahha: state = State(out_array) self.memory.append(state) action_i = state.getActionIndex() action = state.actions[action_i] ''' ################################################################ # EVENT LOOP - if you're drawing the board, check for events ################################################################ if self.human: found = False if for i in range(5000): event = pygame.event.poll() if event.type == QUIT: = False pygame.quit () break elif event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_r: self.switch() break if event.key == K_ESCAPE: = False pygame.quit () break if event.key == K_c: self.cheat = bool(1 - int(self.cheat)) break if event.key == K_g: = ( + 1) % 3 break # if something is clicked elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if event.button == 1: cleared = found = True ''' state.reward("L") state.punish("R") ''' if event.button == 3: found = True ''' state.reward("R") state.punish("L") ''' elif event.type == MOUSEMOTION: self.old_pos = self.pos self.pos = self.mouse2Grid(event.pos) x, y = self.pos a, b = self.old_pos if self.old_pos != self.pos: ''' if x > a: state.reward("E") state.punish("W") if x < a: state.reward("W") state.punish("E") if y > a: state.reward("S") state.punish("N") if y < a: state.reward("N") state.punish("S") ''' found = True else: self.pos = self.mouse2Grid(pygame.mouse.get_pos()) ################################################################ # BOT SPECIFIC STUFF ################################################################ elif not self.human: found = False if for i in range(10): event = pygame.event.poll() if event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_h: self.switch() if event.key == K_c: self.cheat = bool(1 - int(self.cheat)) break if event.key == K_g: = ( + 1) % 3 break if event.key == K_ESCAPE: = False pygame.quit () break if event.type == QUIT: = False pygame.quit () break found = True #self.wholeBoard() self.threshClick() self.getCertainty() self.simMove() ''' x, y = self.pos if action == "L": elif action == "R": elif action == "N": y -= 1 elif action == "E": x += 1 elif action == "S": y += 1 elif action == "W": x -= 1 elif action == "J": x = random.randint(0, - 1) y = random.randint(0, - 1) if x < 0: x = 0 if x > x = if y < 0: y = 0 if y > y = self.pos = x, y ''' ################################################################ # Remember what you've done. ################################################################ if found: m = [self.input,, self.max_in] if (random.random() < ALLOW_REPEATS or m not in self.move_list): self.move_list.append(m) #print len(self.move_list) if len(self.move_list) > MOVES_LEARNED: #r = random.randint(0, len(self.move_list)) #self.move_list = self.move_list[:r] + self.move_list[r+1:] self.move_list = self.move_list[1:] self.num_moves += 1 '''if self.num_moves == MOVES_LEARNED: print "truncating move list" if self.num_moves == MAX_MOVES / 20: print "5%" if self.num_moves == MAX_MOVES / 4: print "1/4" if self.num_moves == MAX_MOVES / 2: print "half way"''' def getCertainty(self): ############################################################ # how certain are you that you've chosen correctly ############################################################ self.best_guesses = [self.pos] best = self.pos lowest_errors = [1] lowest = 1 global_certainty = 0 local_certainty = 0 for i in range( for j in range( if SHARE_MAP: g =[(i,j)] else: g = self.guess[(i,j)] err = min(g, 1-g) ** 2 global_certainty += 1 - err if (i,j) in self.area: local_certainty += 1 - err if (i,j) in self.closed and random.random() < .9: continue if err < max(lowest_errors): lowest_errors.append(err) self.best_guesses.append((i,j)) if len(self.best_guesses) > NUM_POS: self.best_guesses = self.best_guesses[1:] lowest_errors = lowest_errors[1:] if err < lowest: best = (i,j) lowest = err global_certainty /= float( * local_certainty /= float( * def QLearn(self, move, reward, threshold = .05, decay = .7): # while there's reward and states left while reward > threshold and move >= 0: # reward the state at 'move', an int pos = self.move_list[move][0] input = self.move_list[move][1] n = max(max(input), 0) target = self.move_list[move][2] for i in range(n): self.nn.train(input, target, reward) # then reduce your reward and move to the previous state move -= 1 reward *= decay def open(self, pos): if pos in self.closed: self.closed.remove(pos) def close(self, pos): if pos not in self.closed: self.closed.append(pos) def learn(self): # go through each move and back propogate rewards index = 0 #avg_num = 0 for index in range(len(self.move_list)): move = self.move_list[index] self.nn.train(move[0], move[1],self.alpha, self.beta) #avg_num += move[2] #avg_num /= float(len(self.move_list)) self.alpha *= OPEN_MIND self.beta *= OPEN_MIND #print avg_num #print self.alpha, self.beta def reward(self, i, amt): self.state.rewards[i] += amt def punish(self, i, amt): self.reward(i, -amt) def setPos(self, pos): self.pos = pos def getNumMineGuess(self): sum = 0 if SHARE_MAP: g = else: g = self.guess.values() for guess in g: if guess > .5: sum += 1 return sum
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Sun Oct 7 10:16:24 2018 做者郵件 做者微信公衆號:PythonEducation """ # # # # Copyright 2010 Nolan Baker <> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, # MA 02110-1301, USA. TORUS = False OPEN_FIRST = True# false to be able to lose on first click decided = False LOAD_NN = True while not decided: try: i = raw_input("Would you like to forget? (y/n) \n") if i == "y": LOAD_NN = False decided = True if i == "n": LOAD_NN = True decided = True except: print("No, that's not quite right") SAVE_NN = True SAVE_CSV = True ASCII_OUTPUT = False LEARN = True DRAW = True RECORD = False # this is really resource intensive HUMAN = False CHUNK = 100 SAVE_CHUNK = 1 SAVE_INT = 1 OUTPUT_TEXT = "win_pct,sq_err,pct_cor,cleared,cor_digs,inc_digs,cor_flags,inc_flags\n" DIFF = 0 DIFF_MINDS = False AGENTS = 1 import math, os, sys, platform, pickle, random if DRAW: import pygame from pygame.locals import * from neural_network import * from agent import * try: from numpy import * import numpy.random as nrand except: print "You need numpy! Ahh!" exit(-1) ######################################################################## # MINESWEEPER ######################################################################## class Game: def __init__(self, width, height, mines, draw = True, tile_size = 32, torus = False): self.width = width self.height = height self.mines = mines self.wins = 0 self.loses = 0 self.torus = torus self.guess = {} self.draw_board = draw if self.draw_board: pygame.init() self.surface = pygame.Surface((width * tile_size, height * tile_size)) self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.tile_size = tile_size self.tile_dict = {} names = "_012345678fime" for name in names: size = (self.tile_size, self.tile_size) self.tile_dict[name] = pygame.transform.scale(self.loadImg(name), size) self.reset() def reset(self): self.goggles = 1 self.FINISHED = False self.did_change = True self.left_clicks = 0 self.cleared = 0 self.correct_digs = 0 self.incorrect_digs = 0 self.correct_flags = 0 self.incorrect_flags = 0 self.towel_thrown = 0 self.first_click = True self.done = False self.result = -1 for i in range(self.width): for j in range(self.height): self.guess[(i,j)] = .5 self.mine_array = {} for h in range(self.height): for w in range(self.width): self.mine_array[(w, h)] = 0 self.pos_li = [] while len(self.pos_li) != self.mines: rand_x = random.randint(0, self.width) rand_y = random.randint(0, self.height) pos = (rand_x, rand_y) if pos not in self.pos_li: self.pos_li.append(pos) for pos in self.pos_li: self.mine_array[pos] = 1 self.board = {} for h in range(self.height): for w in range(self.width): self.upTile((w, h), "_") def throwTowel(self): self.towel_thrown = 1 def loadImg(self, name): return pygame.image.load(os.path.join("images", name + ".png")) def upTile(self, pos, symbol): self.did_change = True self.board[pos] = symbol #draw stuff if drawing turned on if self.draw_board: x, y = pos p = (x * self.tile_size, y * self.tile_size) self.surface.blit(self.tile_dict[symbol], p) def resize(self, w, h, m): self.width = w self.height = h self.mines = m def printBoard(self): s = "" for h in range(self.height): for w in range(self.width): try: s += self.board[(w, h)] except: s += "X" s += "\n" print s def mark(self, pos): # place a flag down or pull one up if self.board[pos] == "_": self.upTile(pos, "f") return True elif self.board[pos] == "f": self.upTile(pos, "_") return False def dig(self, pos): cleared = 0 if not self.done and self.board[pos] != "f": self.left_clicks += 1 "surely dig and clear can be merged" "things get funky with recursion" # clear a space and see if you win cleared = self.clear(pos) if self.isWon(): self.wins += 1 self.result = 1 self.done = True if cleared > 0: self.correct_digs += 1 elif cleared == 0: self.incorrect_digs += 1 return cleared def clear(self, pos, auto = False): cleared = 0 x = pos[0] y = pos[1] # if the space has a mine and it's not your first move if (self.mine_array[pos] == 1 and (not self.first_click or not OPEN_FIRST)): # go through every space on the board for h in range(self.height): for w in range(self.width): # if the space is empty and flagged if (self.mine_array[(w, h)] == 0 and self.board[(w, h)] == "f"): # mark it as incorrectly flagged self.upTile((w, h), "i") self.incorrect_flags += 1 # if the space has a mine and is flagged elif (self.mine_array[(w, h)] == 1 and self.board[(w, h)] == "f"): # mark it as incorrectly flagged self.correct_flags += 1 # if the space has a mine and is not flagged elif (self.mine_array[(w, h)] == 1 and self.board[(w, h)] == "_"): # mark it as having a mine self.upTile((w, h), "m") # mark your position as exploded self.upTile(pos, "e") # # end the game self.loses += 1 self.done = True # if it's your first click if self.first_click and OPEN_FIRST: self.first_click = False if self.torus: w = self.width h = self.height area = [((x-1)%w, (y-1)%h), (x, (y-1)%h), ((x+1)%w, (y-1)%h), ((x-1)%w, y) , (x, y) , ((x+1)%w, y) , ((x-1)%w, (y+1)%h), (x, (y+1)%h), ((x+1)%w, (y+1)%h)] else: area = [(x-1, y-1), (x, y-1), (x+1, y-1), (x-1, y), (x, y), (x+1, y), (x-1, y+1), (x, y+1), (x+1, y+1)] count = 0 for s in area: try: count += self.mine_array[s] self.mine_array[s] = 0 except: pass rh = random.randint(0, self.height - 1) rw = random.randint(0, self.width - 1) for h in range(self.height): for w in range(self.width): p = ((w + rw) % self.width, (h + rh) % self.height) if self.mine_array[p] == 0 and p not in area: if count > 0: self.mine_array[p] = 1 count -= 1 else: break # if the space is empty if self.mine_array[pos] == 0: # get your neighbors if self.torus: w = self.width h = self.height area = [((x-1)%w, (y-1)%h), (x, (y-1)%h), ((x+1)%w, (y-1)%h), ((x-1)%w, y) , (x, y) , ((x+1)%w, y) , ((x-1)%w, (y+1)%h), (x, (y+1)%h), ((x+1)%w, (y+1)%h)] else: area = [(x-1, y-1), (x, y-1), (x+1, y-1), (x-1, y), (x, y), (x+1, y), (x-1, y+1), (x, y+1), (x+1, y+1)] # if the space is unknown if self.board[pos] == "_": cleared += 1 # check all neighbors for mines mines = 0 for s in area: try: mines += self.mine_array[s] except: pass # invalid position # set your image to the number of adj. mines self.upTile(pos, str(mines)) # if the space is numbered if self.board[pos] in "012345678": # check all neighbors for flags flags = 0 for s in area: try: if self.board[s] == "f": flags += 1 except: pass # invalid position # if the number of flags is your number if ((flags == int(self.board[pos]) and not auto) or int(self.board[pos]) == 0): # clear all of the unknown spaces around you for s in area: try: if self.board[s] == "_": cleared += self.clear(s, True) except: pass # invalid position return cleared def isWon(self): cleared = 0 covered = 0 for w in range(self.width): for h in range(self.height): if (self.board[(w,h)] != "_" and self.board[(w,h)] != "f" and self.mine_array[(w,h)] == 0): cleared += 1 if (self.board[(w,h)] == "_" or self.board[(w,h)] == "f" and self.mine_array[(w,h)] == 1): covered += 1 self.cleared = cleared if (cleared == ((self.width * self.height) - self.mines) and covered == self.mines): self.FINISHED = True return True self.FINISHED = False return False def getErrors(self): sq_err = 0 correct = 0 for x in range(self.width): for y in range(self.height): err = abs(self.mine_array[(x,y)] - self.guess[(x,y)]) sq_err += err ** 2 if err < .5: correct += 1 sq_err /= float(self.width * self.height) correct /= float(self.width * self.height) return sq_err, correct ################################################################################ # example ################################################################################ def randomGame(): game = Game(4,4,3) while 1: game.reset() while not game.done: c = random.randint(0,1) x = random.randint(0, game.width - 1) y = random.randint(0, game.height - 1) if c == 0: game.dig((x,y)) elif c == 1: game.mark((x,y)) w, l = game.wins, game.loses print w,"w",l,"l",(w*100.0)/(w+l),"%" try: input() except: pass def main(): if DIFF == 0: #print "SMALL - 8x8 w/ 10 mines" w = 8 h = 8 m = 10 t = 64 if DIFF == 1: #print "MEDIUM - 16x16 w/ 40 mines" w = 16 h = 16 m = 40 t = 32 if DIFF == 2: #print "LARGE - 32x16 w/ 99 mines" w = 32 h = 16 m = 99 t = 26 if DIFF == 3: w = 8 h = 8 m = 15 t = 32 s = "" # create your game board if DRAW: os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED'] = '1' game = Game(w, h, m, draw = DRAW, tile_size = t, torus = TORUS) count = 0 frame = 0 banner = "W:0 - L:0" if DRAW: pygame.display.set_caption(banner) screen = pygame.display.set_mode((w * t, h * t)) # create your players alist = [] for i in range(AGENTS): alist.append(Agent(game)) #agent.cheat = True if HUMAN: alist[0].switch() #################################################################### # load your saved neural net from a file #################################################################### if LOAD_NN: if DIFF_MINDS: for i in range(len(alist)): try: f = open(os.path.join("data","nn" + str(i) + ".obj"), "r") alist[i].nn = pickle.load(f) print "Loading Agent " + str(i) + "'s neural network." f.close() except: try: f = open(os.path.join("data","nn.obj"), "r") alist[i].nn = pickle.load(f) for agent in alist: agent.nn = alist[i].nn print "Loading stock neural network." f.close() except: #print sys.exc_info() print "Couldn't load mind. Creating one." else: try: f = open(os.path.join("data","nn.obj"), "r") alist[0].nn = pickle.load(f) for agent in alist: agent.nn = alist[0].nn print "Loading neural network." f.close() except: #print sys.exc_info() print "Couldn't load mind. Creating one." #################################################################### # create a log file #################################################################### if SAVE_CSV: csv = open(os.path.join("data", str(count) + ".csv"), "w") csv.write(OUTPUT_TEXT) # get things started game.running = True while game.running: for agent in alist: agent.clearMoves() ################################################################ # AN INDIVIDUAL GAME ################################################################ while not game.done: for agent in alist: agent.act() if ASCII_OUTPUT: sq_err, correct = game.getErrors() clear = "clear" if platform.system() == "Windows": clear = "cls" os.system(clear) print(banner) print("Squared Error", sq_err) print("Percent Correct", correct) game.printBoard() if game.draw_board: game.clock.tick()#60) #to pace the bot for event in pygame.event.get() : if event.type == QUIT: game.running = False pygame.quit () # if the keyboard is used elif event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_ESCAPE: game.running = False pygame.quit () if ((event.key == K_r and alist[0].human) or (event.key == K_h and not alist[0].human)): alist[0].switch() if event.key == K_c: alist[0].cheat = bool(1 - int(alist[0].cheat)) if event.key == K_g: game.goggles = (game.goggles + 1) % 3 if game.goggles == 0 or game.goggles == 1: screen.blit(game.surface, (0,0)) # DRAW AGENT'S GUESS # purple = mine, yellow = not mine # transparent = certain, opaque = not sure if game.goggles == 1 or game.goggles == 2: temp = pygame.Surface((w,h)) tran = pygame.Surface((t-1, t-1)) for i in range(w): for j in range(h): g = 1 - game.guess[(i,j)] g *= 255 tran.fill((160,g,255-g)) g = int(min(g, 255-g) * 2) tran.set_alpha(int(g / 1.4)) screen.blit(tran, (i * t + 1, j * t + 1)) ######################################################## # DRAW EACH AGENT ######################################################## for agent in alist: x, y = agent.pos rx, ry = random.randint(-t/3,t/3), random.randint(-t/3,t/3) X, Y = x * t + t/2.0 + rx, y * t + t/2.0 + ry, (0,0,0), (int(X),int(Y)), 3) ######################################################## # MAKE A MOVIE ######################################################## if RECORD and game.did_change: print "recording" old_board = copy(game.board), os.path.join("video", str(frame) + ".png")) frame += 1 pygame.display.flip() game.did_change = False ################################################################ # compare agent's map of minefield to actual ################################################################ sq_err, correct = game.getErrors() ################################################################ # print results to file ################################################################ win, lose = game.wins, game.loses try: win_pct = (win*100.0)/(win+lose) except: win_pct = 0 s = (str(win_pct) + "," + str(sq_err) + "," + str(correct) + "," + str(game.cleared) + "," + str(game.correct_digs) + "," + str(game.incorrect_digs) + "," + str(game.correct_flags) + "," + str(game.incorrect_flags) + "\n") if SAVE_CSV: csv.write(s) banner = "W: " + str(win) + " - L: " + str(lose) if DRAW: pygame.display.set_caption(banner) #print "W: ", win, " - L: ", lose print s ################################################################ # START NEW FILE AFTER chunk ITTERATIONS ################################################################ count += 1 if SAVE_CSV and count % CHUNK == 0: csv.close() csv = open(os.path.join("data", str(count) + ".csv"), "w") csv.write(OUTPUT_TEXT) elif SAVE_CSV and not game.running: csv.close() ################################################################ # LEARN!!! ################################################################ if LEARN: if DIFF_MINDS: for agent in alist: agent.learn() else: nn = alist[0].nn for agent in alist: agent.nn = nn agent.learn() nn = agent.nn for agent in alist: agent.nn = nn agent.memory = alist[0].memory ################################################################ # SAVE NN ################################################################ if SAVE_NN and count % SAVE_INT == 0: if DIFF_MINDS: for i in range(len(alist)): if i % SAVE_CHUNK == count % SAVE_CHUNK: try: f = open(os.path.join("data","nn" + str(i) + ".obj"), "w") pickle.dump(alist[i].nn, f) print "Saving neural network number " + str(i) + "." f.close() except: #pass print "Couldn't save your neural network." else: try: f = open(os.path.join("data","nn.obj"), "w") pickle.dump(alist[0].nn, f) print "Saving your neural network." f.close() except: #pass print "Couldn't save your neural network." ################################################################ # RESET BOARD ################################################################ game.reset() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
運行環境是Python2.7, anaconda dom
have fun!