Go 語言沒有相似 Java 或 .NET 中的異常處理機制,雖然可使用 defer、panic、recover 模擬,但官方並不主張這樣作。Go 語言的設計者認爲其餘語言的異常機制已被過分使用,上層邏輯須要爲函數發生的異常付出太多的資源。同時,若是函數使用者以爲錯誤處理很麻煩而忽略錯誤,那麼程序將在不可預知的時刻崩潰。
Go 語言但願開發者將錯誤處理視爲正常開發必須實現的環節,正確地處理每個可能發生錯誤的函數。同時,Go 語言使用返回值返回錯誤的機制,也能大幅下降編譯器、運行時處理錯誤的複雜度,讓開發者真正地掌握錯誤的處理。
-- 摘自: C語言中文網
error接口聲明瞭一個Error() string
// The error built-in interface type is the conventional interface for // representing an error condition, with the nil value representing no error. type error interface { Error() string }
Error() 方法返回錯誤的具體描述,使用者能夠經過這個字符串知道發生了什麼錯誤。下面看一個例子。數組
package main import ( "errors" "fmt" ) func main() { sources := []string{"hello", "world", "souyunku", "gostack"} fmt.Println(getN(0, sources))//直接調用,會打印兩項內容,字符串元素以及error空對象 fmt.Println(getN(1, sources)) fmt.Println(getN(2, sources)) fmt.Println(getN(3, sources)) target, err := getN(4, sources)//將返回結果賦值 if err != nil {//常見的錯誤處理,若是error不爲nil,則進行錯誤處理 fmt.Println(err) return } fmt.Println(target) } //定義函數獲取第N個元素,正常返回元素以及爲nil的error,異常返回空元素以及error func getN(n int, sources []string) (string, error) { if n > len(sources)-1 { return "", fmt.Errorf("%d, out of index range %d", n, len(sources) - 1) } return sources[n], nil } /* 打印內容: hello <nil> world <nil> souyunku <nil> gostack <nil> 4, out of index range 3 */
身爲一個接口,任何定義實現了Error() string
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // Package errors implements functions to manipulate errors. package errors // New returns an error that formats as the given text. func New(text string) error { return &errorString{text} } // errorString is a trivial implementation of error. type errorString struct { s string } func (e *errorString) Error() string { return e.s }
來實現了error接口,在使用的時候經過New(text string) error
package main import ( "errors" "fmt" ) func main() { //直接使用errors.New來定義錯誤消息 notFound := errors.New("404 not found") fmt.Println(notFound) //也可使用fmt包中包裝的Errorf來添加 fmt.Println(fmt.Errorf("404: page %v is not found","index.html")) } /* 打印內容 404 not found 404: page index.html is not found */
type NOTFoundError struct { name string } func (e *NOTFoundError) Error() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s is not found, please new again", } func NewNotFoundError(name string) error{ return &NOTFoundError{name} } func runDIYError() { err := NewNotFoundError("your girl") // 根據switch,肯定是哪一種error switch err.(type) { case *NOTFoundError: fmt.Printf("error : %v \n",err) default: // 其餘類型的錯誤 fmt.Println("other error") } } /**調用runDIYError()結果 error : your girl is not found, please new again */
本身定義異常NotFoundError只是簡單的實現Error() string
defer func(){}()
func runDefer(){ defer func() { fmt.Println("3") }()//括號表示定義function以後直接執行 fmt.Println("1") defer func(index string) { fmt.Println(index) }("2")//括號表示定義function以後直接執行,若是定義的function包含參數,括號中也要進行相應的賦值操做 } /** 執行結果: 1 2 3 */
file.Open() defer file.Close()//該語句緊跟着file.Open()被指定 file.Lock() defer file.Unclock()// 該語句緊跟着file.Lock()被指定
package main import ( "fmt" ) func main() { defer_call() } func defer_call() { defer func() { fmt.Println("打印前") }() defer func() { fmt.Println("打印中") }() defer func() { fmt.Println("打印後") }() panic("觸發異常") } 考點:defer執行順序 解答: defer 是後進先出。 panic 須要等defer 結束後纔會向上傳遞。 出現panic恐慌時候,會先按照defer的後入先出的順序執行,最後纔會執行panic。 結果: 打印後 打印中 打印前 panic: 觸發異常 --- //摘自:
func calc(index string, a, b int) int { ret := a + b fmt.Println(index, a, b, ret) return ret } func main() { a := 1 b := 2 defer calc("1", a, calc("10", a, b)) a = 0 defer calc("2", a, calc("20", a, b)) b = 1 } 考點:defer執行順序 解答: 這道題相似第1題 須要注意到defer執行順序和值傳遞 index:1確定是最後執行的,可是index:1的第三個參數是一個函數,因此最早被調用calc("10",1,2)==>10,1,2,3 執行index:2時,與以前同樣,須要先調用calc("20",0,2)==>20,0,2,2 執行到b=1時候開始調用,index:2==>calc("2",0,2)==>2,0,2,2 最後執行index:1==>calc("1",1,3)==>1,1,3,4 結果: 10 1 2 3 20 0 2 2 2 0 2 2 1 1 3 4 --- 摘自:
defer 雖然是基礎知識,其調用過程也很是好理解,可是每每在面試的過程當中會出現一些比較繞的題目,這時候不要驚慌,只須要好好思考其執行的過程仍是能夠解出來的。
在其餘語言裏,宕機每每以異常的形式存在。底層拋出異常,上層邏輯經過 try/catch 機制捕獲異常,沒有被捕獲的嚴重異常會致使宕機,捕獲的異常能夠被忽略,讓代碼繼續運行。
Go 沒有異常系統,其使用 panic 觸發宕機相似於其餘語言的拋出異常,那麼 recover 的宕機恢復機制就對應 try/catch 機制。-- 摘自: C語言中文網
// The panic built-in function stops normal execution of the current // goroutine. When a function F calls panic, normal execution of F stops // immediately. Any functions whose execution was deferred by F are run in // the usual way, and then F returns to its caller. To the caller G, the // invocation of F then behaves like a call to panic, terminating G's // execution and running any deferred functions. This continues until all // functions in the executing goroutine have stopped, in reverse order. At // that point, the program is terminated and the error condition is reported, // including the value of the argument to panic. This termination sequence // is called panicking and can be controlled by the built-in function // recover. func panic(v interface{})
func runSimplePanic(){ defer func() { fmt.Println("before panic") }() panic("simple panic") } /** 調用runSimplePanic()函數結果: before panic panic: simple panic goroutine 1 [running]: main.runSimplePanic() /Users/fyy/go/src/ +0x55 main.main() /Users/fyy/go/src/ +0x22 */
func runBePanic(){ fmt.Println(ss[100])//ss集合中沒有下標爲100的值,會形成panic異常。 } /** 調用runBePanic()函數結果: panic: runtime error: index out of range goroutine 1 [running]: main.runBePanic(...) /Users/fyy/go/src/ main.main() /Users/fyy/go/src/ +0x10f */
// The recover built-in function allows a program to manage behavior of a // panicking goroutine. Executing a call to recover inside a deferred // function (but not any function called by it) stops the panicking sequence // by restoring normal execution and retrieves the error value passed to the // call of panic. If recover is called outside the deferred function it will // not stop a panicking sequence. In this case, or when the goroutine is not // panicking, or if the argument supplied to panic was nil, recover returns // nil. Thus the return value from recover reports whether the goroutine is // panicking. func recover() interface{}
import "fmt" func main() { runError() fmt.Println("---------------------------") runPanicError() } type Student struct { Chinese int Math int English int } var ss = []Student{{100, 90, 89}, {80, 80, 80}, {70, 80, 80}, {70, 80, 60}, {90, 80, 59}, {90, 40, 59}, {190, 40, 59}, {80, 75, 66}, } func runError() { i := 0 for ; i < len(ss); i++ { flag, err := checkStudent(&ss[i]) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) return }//遇到異常數據就會當即返回,不能處理剩餘的數據 //並且,正常邏輯中參雜異常處理,使得程序並非那麼優雅 fmt.Printf("student %#v,及格? :%t \n", ss[i], flag) } } func checkStudent(s *Student) (bool, error) { if s.Chinese > 100 || s.Math > 100 || s.English > 100 { return false, fmt.Errorf("student %#v, something error", s) } if s.Chinese > 60 && s.Math > 60 && s.English > 60 { return true, nil } return false, nil } func runPanicError() { i := 0 defer func() { if err := recover(); err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } i ++//跳過異常的數據,繼續處理剩餘的數據 for ; i < len(ss); i ++ { fmt.Printf("student %#v,及格? :%t \n", ss[i], checkStudentS(&ss[i])) } }() for ; i < len(ss); i++ { fmt.Printf("student %#v,及格? :%t \n", ss[i], checkStudentS(&ss[i])) } } func checkStudentS(s *Student) bool { if s.Chinese > 100 || s.Math > 100 || s.English > 100 { panic(fmt.Errorf("student %#v, something error", s)) } if s.Chinese > 60 && s.Math > 60 && s.English > 60 { return true } return false } 結果: student main.Student{Chinese:100, Math:90, English:89},及格? :true student main.Student{Chinese:80, Math:80, English:80},及格? :true student main.Student{Chinese:70, Math:80, English:80},及格? :true student main.Student{Chinese:70, Math:80, English:60},及格? :false student main.Student{Chinese:90, Math:80, English:59},及格? :false student main.Student{Chinese:90, Math:40, English:59},及格? :false student &main.Student{Chinese:190, Math:40, English:59}, something error --------------------------- student main.Student{Chinese:100, Math:90, English:89},及格? :true student main.Student{Chinese:80, Math:80, English:80},及格? :true student main.Student{Chinese:70, Math:80, English:80},及格? :true student main.Student{Chinese:70, Math:80, English:60},及格? :false student main.Student{Chinese:90, Math:80, English:59},及格? :false student main.Student{Chinese:90, Math:40, English:59},及格? :false student &main.Student{Chinese:190, Math:40, English:59}, something error student main.Student{Chinese:80, Math:75, English:66},及格? :true