基礎知識 java
該FlexibleSearch是內置採用hybris Commerce Suite的一個強大的檢索語言。它能採用hybris商務套件使用基於SQL語法搜索類型和物品。
一個FlexibleSearch語句的執行發生在兩個階段: 數據庫
pre-parsing(預解析)到一個SQL-compliant語句中和運行這個語句在數據庫上 api
在預解析階段,FlexibleSearch框架解析FlexibleSearch語法到SQL-compliant裏。下面的兩個代碼段表現出一個FlexibleSearch查詢和這個FlexibleSearch語句查詢的結果,這是在數據庫上執行的語句: app
FlexibleSearch查詢語句: 框架
elect {pk}, {code}, {name[de]} from {Product}在數據庫上執行的SQL語句:
SELECT item_t0.PK , item_t0.Code , lp_t0.p_name FROM products item_t0 JOIN productslp lp_t0 ON item_t0.PK = lp_t0.ITEMPK AND lp_t0.LANGPK= 9013632135395968 WHERE (item_t0.TypePkString IN ( 23087380955301264 , 23087380955663520 , 23087380955662768 , 23087380955661760 , 23087385363574432 , 23087380955568768 , 23087380955206016 ) )
該FlexibleSearch採用hybris Commerce Suite的類型系統從實際的數據庫表這樣你就能夠在類型相同級別運行查詢。不一樣於常規的SQL語句,在一個FlexibleSearch查詢中您沒必要指定明確的數據庫表名。該FlexibleSearch框架解析類型和數據庫表自動依賴關係並指定必要UNIONS和JOINS在哪裏。類型系統和數據庫表示之間的整個轉換過程是自動進行的。要訪問一個類型中FlexibleSearch查詢,請用花括號{and},如類型代碼: less
SELECT * FROM {Product}
採用hybris Commerce Suite的在某一用戶賬戶的上下文中執行FlexibleSearch查詢,使用一個會話。由於不一樣的用戶賬戶訪問在採用hybris商務套件的不一樣項目,搜索結果的數量取決於用戶的賬戶。搜索結果的數目被按類型的訪問權限定義(這些僅影響採用hybris管理控制檯的搜索結果),限制,目錄版本和類別。 flex
更多的特權用戶賬戶是,在更多的搜索結果FlexibleSearch產量在用戶賬戶的上下文中。默認狀況下,分配給會話的用戶賬戶是匿名的,因此任何FlexibleSearch查詢返回的搜索結果相匹配的默認匿名賬戶。 ui
匿名不一樣用戶賬戶的狀況下運行從FlexibleSearch查詢,該會話須要被分配給不一樣的用戶賬戶,如: this
import de.hybris.platform.servicelayer.user.UserService; ... // Injected by Spring userService.setCurrentUser(userService.getUserForUID("myUserAccount")); ...
SELECT <selects> FROM <types> ( WHERE <conditions> )? ( ORDER BY <order> )?一個FlexibleSearch查詢包括:
一個可選的ORDER BY子句。
SQL Command / Keyword | Description / Comment | Code Example |
ORDER BY {alias:attribute} | Display results ordered by the value of attribute. | SELECT ... FROM ... ORDER BY... |
ASC | 排序結果以升序 (a...z, 0...9). | SELECT ... FROM ... ORDER BY ... ASC |
DESC | 排序結果以降序(z...a, 9...0). | SELECT ... FROM ... ORDER BY ... DESC |
DISTINCT | Eliminates double entries in the query result. | SELECT DISTINCT ... FROM ... |
OR | Performs a logical OR compare between two queries. | ... WHERE ... OR ... |
AND | Performs a logical AND compare between two queries. | ... WHERE ... AND ... |
IS [NOT] NULL | Returns the results that are [not] null | ... WHERE ... IS [NOT] NULL |
[NOT] IN | Returns the results that are [not] part of the following statement ... WHERE ... [NOT] IN ... | |
[NOT] EXISTS | Returns the results that are [not] matching a given subquery. | ...WHERE ... EXISTS ( {{ SELECT ... }} ) |
LIKE | Compares to a pattern. | ... WHERE ... LIKE '...' |
% | Wildcard matching any number of characters. | ... WHERE ... LIKE '%...'||'...%...'||'...%' |
_ | Wildcard matching a single character. | ... WHERE ... LIKE '...' || '......' ||'..._' |
LEFT JOIN ON | Merges two tables into one. | ... LEFT JOIN ... ON ... = ... |
= | True if results are equal. | |
!=, <> | True if results are not equal. | |
< | True if result 1 is less than result 2. | |
<= | True if result 1 is equal to or less than result 2. | |
> | True if result 1 is greater than result 2. | |
>= | True if result 1 is equal to or greater than result 2. | |
CONCAT | 鏈接兩個結果 - 在右邊側的例子將返回字符串結果。 | CONCAT ( 'resul', 't' ) |
:o | 外鏈接參數用於包括與在ProductsLP表(=. 表包含本地化產品)以及缺乏行匹配結果不然,例如查詢將只返回產品 與ProductsLP表中現有行,由於它只會使用JOIN。 | SELECT {p:PK} FROM {Product AS p} WHERE {p:description[en]:o} LIKE '%text%' OR {p:description[de]:o} LIKE '%text%' |
在<selects>字段中的值指定要返回的數據庫列。星號(*)將返回全部數據庫列,如SQL約定。要搜索一個屬性,指定大括號,如屬性標識符:SELECT{code}FROM {Product}。
SELECT * FROM {Category}這個查詢返回每一個數據庫列的Category表。
SELECT {pk},{code},{name[de]} FROM {Product}
該數值爲<type>在FROM子句中字段中指定採用hybris Commerce Suite的類型,嵌套在大括號{and}這是要搜索,例如:
SELECT * FROM {Product} SELECT * FROM {Category JOIN Catalog}
SELECT {p.code} FROM {Product AS p} ORDER BY {p.code}
您也能夠運行JOIN和LEFT JOIN的查詢,如:
SELECT {cj.code} FROM {SyncItemCronJob AS sicj JOIN SyncItemJob AS sij ON {sicj:job} = {sij:pk} } SELECT {p1.PK},{p2.PK} FROM {Product AS p1 LEFT JOIN Product AS p2 ON {p1.code} = {p2.code} } WHERE {p1.PK} <> {p2.PK} ORDER BY {p1.code} ASC
SELECT {code},{pk} FROM {Product}
SELECT {code},{pk} FROM {Product!}
FlexibleSearch Query | SQL Statement |
SELECT {p:code}, {p:pk} | SELECT item_t0.Code , item_t0.PK FROM products item_t0 WHERE (item_t0.TypePkString IN ( 23087380955301264 , 23087380955663520 , 23087380955662768 , 23087380955661760 , 23087385363574432 , 23087380955568768 , 23087380955206016 ) ) |
SELECT {p:code}, {p:pk} | SELECT item_t0.Code , item_t0.PK FROM products item_t0 WHERE (item_t0.TypePkString = 23087380955206016 ) |
final Set<ComposedTypeModel> excludedTypes = new HashSet<ComposedTypeModel>(); excludedTypes.add(getComposedType("mySuborderType")); StringBuilder queryString = new StringBuilder("SELECT {").append(OrderModel.PK).append("} "); queryString.append("FROM {").append(OrderModel._TYPECODE).append("} "); queryString.append("WHERE {").append(OrderModel.ITEMTYPE).append("} NOT IN (?excluded)"); final FlexibleSearchQuery query = new FlexibleSearchQuery(queryString.toString(), Collections.singletonMap("excluded", excludedTypes));
SELECT {o.PK} FROM {Order AS o JOIN ComposedType AS t ON {o.itemtype}={t.PK} }WHERE {t.code} NOT IN ('Foo','Bar')
避免空間搜索條件條款 必定要避免空間的開始和結束搜索條件來看,隨着由於= 'al' 和= 'al '是不相同的搜索條件,致使不一樣的搜索結果。
SELECT * FROM {Product} WHERE {code} LIKE '%al%'
SELECT * FROM {Product} WHERE {code} LIKE '%al%' AND {code} LIKE '%15%'
使用IS NULL操做員發現,沒有價值的全部條目:
SELECT * FROM {Product} WHERE {code} IS NULL
SELECT * FROM {Product} WHERE {code} NOT LIKE '%al%'
SELECT * FROM {Product} WHERE {code} LIKE '%al%' AND {code} NOT LIKE '%15%'
否認IS NULL運算符是不爲空:
SELECT {cat:pk} FROM {Category AS cat} WHERE NOT EXISTS ( {{ SELECT * FROM {CategoryCategoryRelation} WHERE {target}={cat:pk} }} /* Sub-select */ )
SELECT {code},{pk} FROM {Product} ORDER BY {code} DESC
SELECT {code},{pk} FROM {Product} ORDER BY {code}
SELECT {p:pk} FROM {Product AS p} WHERE {p:code} LIKE ?product
SELECT {pk} FROM {Product} WHERE {modifiedtime} >= ?startDate AND {modifiedtime} <=?endDate
使用使用的hybris Commerce Suite的API的FlexibleSearch
用使用的hybris商務套件的API FlexibleSearch查詢發生在兩個步驟,這二者均可以在一個Java的語句來完成:
final String query = "SELECT {pk} FROM {Product}" // Flexible search service injected by Spring final SearchResult<ProductModel> searchResult = flexibleSearchService.search(query);
final String query = "SELECT {" + ProductModel.PK + "} FROM {" + ProductModel._TYPECODE + "}";
String query = "SELECT {p:" + ProductModel.PK + "} FROM {" + ProductModel._TYPECODE + " AS p}\n"+ "WHERE {" + ProductModel.VARIANTTYPE + "} IS NOT NULL"
要調用使用API使用flexibleSearchService,這始終是能夠經過Spring和必須正確注射到你的服務以下:一個 FlexibleSearch聲明:
<bean id="myFancyService" class="de.hybris.platform.foobar.MyFancyService" > <property name="flexibleSearchService" ref="flexibleSearchService"/> </bean>
public class MyFancyService implements FancyService { ... private FlexibleSearchService flexibleSearchService; @Required public void setFlexibleSearchService(final FlexibleSearchService flexibleSearchService) { this.flexibleSearchService = flexibleSearchService; } ... }
final String query = "SELECT {" + ProductModel.PK + "} FROM {" + ProductModel._TYPECODE + "}"; final SearchResult<ProductModel> searchResult = flexibleSearchService.search(query); List<ProductModel> result = searchResult.getResult();
final String query = "SELECT {" + ProductModel.PK + "} FROM {" + ProductModel._TYPECODE + "}"; final SearchResult<ProductModel> searchResult = flexibleSearchService.search(query); final ProductModel product = searchResult.getResult().iterator().next();慎重
傳遞參數,建立一個Map實例持有的參數,並經過Map search(...)方法,如:
final Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String query = "SELECT {" + PriceRowModel.PK + "} FROM {" + PriceRowModel._TYPECODE "} "+ "WHERE {" + PriceRowModel.PRODUCT + "} = ?product AND "+ "{" + PriceRowModel.NET + "} = ?net AND "+ "{" + PriceRowModel.CURRENCY + "} = ?currency AND "+ "{" + PriceRowModel.UNIT + "} = ?unit AND "+ "{" + PriceRowModel.UNIT_FACTOR + "} = ?unitfactor AND "+ "{" + PriceRowModel.UG + "} = ?userpricegroup AND "+ "{" + PriceRowModel.MIN_QUANTITY + "} = ?minquantity AND "+ "{" + PriceRowModel.PRICE + "} = ?price "; params.put("product", product); params.put("net", priceCopy.isNet()); params.put("currency", priceCopy.getCurrency()); params.put("unit", priceCopy.getUnit()); params.put("unitfactor", priceCopy.getUnitFactor()); params.put("userpricegroup", priceCopy.getUserPriceGroup()); params.put("minquantity", priceCopy.getMinQuantity()); params.put("price", priceCopy.getPriceValue()); final SearchResult<PriceRowModel> searchResult = flexibleSearchService.search(query, params);
若是你只檢索PKS數據庫列(也就是採用hybris CommerceS SuiteSSS項目只有PKsS),並提供了一種類型的做爲一個Java類,你能夠當即施放的PKs表示爲實際的模型實例模型。換言之,執行如下代碼返回CatalogModel實例,PKs的不是Collection的Collection:
final String query = "SELECT {" + CatalogModel.PK + "} FROM {" + CatalogModel._TYPECODE + "} ORDER BY {" + CatalogModel.PK + "} ASC"; final SearchResult<CatalogModel> searchResult = flexibleSearchService.search(query);若是檢索多個數據庫列,您會收到結果每排幾個單獨的條目,你將不可以施展的搜索結果到項實例直接,沒有就算檢索的數據庫列之一就是PK列。
觸發的hybris管理控制檯內FlexibleSearch查詢能夠有兩種方法:使用SavedQuery實例和使用ViewType實例。一個ViewType實例是一個數據庫視圖的採用hybris Commerce Suite的表明性。一個SavedQuery實例使用FlexibleSearch查詢檢索採用hybris Commerce Suite的項目,而不是使用GenericSearch的一種手段。在HMC的ViewType表示稱爲報表定義。該SavedQuery實例是HMC僅表示,它必須指定一個與resultType和僅適用於與resultType並與resultType亞型搜索。它適用於全部類型的電子商務的hybris套房。
Go to Managing SavedQuery Items in the hybris Management Console document, section Creating a SavedQuery, for details on how to create aSavedQuery using the hybris Management Console (hMC).
Go to Managing SavedQuery Items in the hybris Management Console document, section Using a SavedQuery, for details on how to call aSavedQuery using the hMC.
Go to the Creating Report Definitions Using the hybris Management Console document for details on how to create a Report Definition using the hMC.
Some FlexibleSearch queries run the risk of returning a very large number of search results, such asSELECT * FROM {Products} WHERE {code} LIKE ?search OR {name} LIKE ?search , where?search is a parameter from a text field. Managing more than some 50 or 100 search results in one single Collection is complicated and performs comparably slow. For this reason, the FlexibleSearch framework offers a paging mechanism.
To use this paging mechanism, use thesearch(...) method withFlexibleSearchQuery object as parameter. You have to set onFlexibleSearchQuery thesetNeedTotal totrue . If this parameter is set totrue , the FlexibleSearch framework splits the number of returned search results into pages. Using thestart andrange parameters, you can retrieve pages of search results. The following code snippet, for example, iterates over all the search results of the FlexibleSearch query, three at a time:
int start = 0; final int range = 3; int total; String query = "SELECT {" + UnitModel.PK + "} FROM {"+ UnitModel._TYPECODE + "} ORDER BY " + UnitModel._TYPECODE; final FlexibleSearchQuery fQuery = new FlexibleSearchQuery(query); fQuery.setCount(range); fQuery.setNeedTotal(true); do { fQuery.setStart(start); final SearchResult<LanguageModel> searchResult = flexibleSearchService.search(fQuery); total = searchResult.getTotalCount(); start += range; } while(start < total);
Be aware that every navigation, either backward or forward, through a paged search result triggers a new search query on the database. Internally, the FlexibleSearch runs the query in full and uses an offset parameter to specify the portion of all search results to return. The fact that every navigation causes a database query has three major consequences:
Complex queries cause heavy load on the database:
Executing a simpleSELECT statement is rather fast, even with millions of search results. However, if your FlexibleSearch query requiresJOIN orUNION to execute, load on the database (and, by consequence, response times) increases rapidly. As a rule of thumb, remember that the more different items are involved, the longer the execution time is. For example, the following table gives some short examples of some rather basic FlexibleSearch statements and the actual SQL queries triggered: