最近在使用mysql 分頁查詢數據的時候發現返回的數據與預期的不同,顯示數據重複錯亂。html
在官方文檔 有這樣一句話mysql
If multiple rows have identical values in the
columns, the server is free to return those rows in any order, and may do so differently depending on the overall execution plan. In other words, the sort order of those rows is nondeterministic with respect to the nonordered columns.sqlOne factor that affects the execution plan is
, so anORDER BY
query with and withoutLIMIT
may return rows in different orders. Consider this query, which is sorted by thecategory
column but nondeterministic with respect to theid
columns: 數據庫
說明當order by 列中有重複值的時候,mysql server 會看本身心情隨機處理返回結果。ide
當使用mysql 進行分頁查詢出現數據不一致問題時候 能夠看看order by 後面列數據是否有重複值this
參考文獻:數據庫內核月報 - 2015 / 06code