今天放出如何安裝phpstorm 主題教程,教程以下:php
地址:phpstoorm-themes.com phpstorm
PhpStorm and WebStorm themes can be installed in two ways: spa
共兩種文件格式一種XML和ICLS rest
On Finder, navigate to the location where you downloaded the XML/ICLS and copy it. xml
Then press shift+command+g and go to: blog
~/Library/Preferences/<Product>/colors/ 教程
Paste the .xml or .icls file in and restart your IDE. Then navigate to Settings > Editor > Colors & Fonts and select the color scheme you just added. it
On Windows Explorer, select the XML/ICLS file just downloaded and copy it. io
Then navigate to the colors folder, located in: C:/Users/USERNAME/.<Product>/config/colors Paste the .xml file in and restart your IDE.
Then navigate to File > Settings > Editor > Colors & Fonts and select the color scheme you just added.
將下載的文件放到c盤phpstorm 目錄/config/colors下,重啓phpstorm。
進入後選擇主題便可,路徑File > Settings > Editor > Colors & Fonts。
On Linux, the color files are located in: ~/.<Product>/config/colors/ After you put your .xml files, restart your IDE.
Then navigate to File > Settings > Editor > Colors & Fonts and select the color scheme you just added.