P0,107.605,137.329 P1,122.274,169.126 P2,132.559,179.311 P3,153.324,184.276 P4,171.884,174.654 P5,186.408,168.634 P6,196.566,145.204 P7,200.549,127.877 P8,211.391,118.179 P9,216.318,116.547 P10,225.197,122.796 P11,231.064,135.459 P12,240.835,143.398 P13,254.630,144.933 P14,265.055,158.761 P15,271.004,159.660 P16,274.474,173.979
import math # 壓縮結果 Compressed = list() class Point(object): def __init__(self, id, x, y): self.id = id self.x = x self.y = y def read_m(path): m = [] with open(path, 'r') as f: for i in f.readlines(): aa = i.replace('\n', '').split(",") p = Point(aa[0], eval(aa[1]), eval(aa[2])) m.append(p) return m def calc_height(point1, point2, point): """ 計算高 :param point1: Point :param point2: Point :param point: Point :return: """ area = abs(0.5 * (point1.x * point2.y + point2.x * point.y + point.x * point1.y - point2.x * point1.y - point.x * point2.y - point1.x * point.y)) bottom = math.sqrt( math.pow(point1.x - point2.x, 2) + math.pow(point1.y - point2.y, 2) ) height = area / bottom * 2 return height def DPmain(pointList, tolerance): """ 主要運行結果 :param pointList: Point 列表 :param tolerance: 容差 :return: """ if pointList == None or pointList.__len__() < 3: return pointList firspoint = 0 lastPoint = len(pointList) - 1 Compressed.append(pointList[firspoint]) Compressed.append(pointList[lastPoint]) while (pointList[firspoint] == pointList[lastPoint]): lastPoint -= 1 DouglasPeucker(pointList, firspoint, lastPoint, tolerance) def DouglasPeucker(pointList, firsPoint, lastPoint, tolerance): """ 計算經過的內容 DP算法 :param pointList: 點列表 :param firsPoint: 第一個點 :param lastPoint: 最後一個點 :param tolerance: 容差 :return: """ maxDistance = 0.0 indexFarthest = 0 for i in range(firsPoint, lastPoint): distance = calc_height(pointList[firsPoint], pointList[lastPoint], pointList[i]) if (distance > maxDistance): maxDistance = distance indexFarthest = i if maxDistance > tolerance and indexFarthest != 0: Compressed.append(pointList[indexFarthest]) DouglasPeucker(pointList, firsPoint, indexFarthest, tolerance) DouglasPeucker(pointList, indexFarthest, lastPoint, tolerance) if __name__ == '__main__': a = read_m("軌跡.txt") print(a.__len__()) # for item in a: # print(item.id, item.x, item.y) DPmain(a, 8) for i in Compressed: print("{},{},{}".format(i.id, i.x, i.y))
P0,107.605,137.329 P16,274.474,173.979 P9,216.318,116.547 P3,153.324,184.276 P1,122.274,169.126 P5,186.408,168.634 P7,200.549,127.877