要麼成功、要麼失敗,沒有中斷的狀況,咱們叫它叫原子性,這種由硬件 CPU 提供支持的特性,是很是可靠的。git
由 sync/atomic 包提供操做支持。編程
func TestDemo1(t *testing.T) { var counter int64 = 0 for i := 0; i < 100; i++ { go func() { atomic.AddInt64(&counter, 1) }() } time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) log.Println("counter:", atomic.LoadInt64(&counter)) }
=== RUN TestDemo1 2020/10/11 00:24:56 counter: 100 --- PASS: TestDemo1 (2.00s) PASS
對於作減法,是沒有直接提供的方法的,而 Add(-1)這種是不能對 uint 類型使用的,能夠經過補碼的方式實現學習
func TestDemo2(t *testing.T) { var counter uint64 = 100 for i := 0; i < 100; i++ { go func() { atomic.AddUint64(&counter, ^uint64(-(-1)-1)) }() } time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) log.Println("counter:", atomic.LoadUint64(&counter)) }
=== RUN TestDemo2 2020/10/11 00:32:05 counter: 0 --- PASS: TestDemo2 (2.00s) PASS
併發編程中,在沒有使用互斥鎖的前提下,對共享數據先取出作判斷,再根據判斷的結果作後續操做,必然是會出問題的,使用 CAS 能夠避免這種問題。atom
func TestDemo3(t *testing.T) { var first int64 = 0 for i := 1; i <= 10000; i++ { go func(i int) { if atomic.CompareAndSwapInt64(&first, 0, int64(i)) { log.Println("搶先運行的是 goroutine", i) } }(i) } time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) log.Println("num:", atomic.LoadInt64(&first)) }
=== RUN TestDemo3 2020/10/11 00:42:10 搶先運行的是 goroutine 3 2020/10/11 00:42:12 num: 3 --- PASS: TestDemo3 (2.01s) PASS
func TestDemo4(t *testing.T) { var counter int64 = 0 for i := 0; i < 100; i++ { go func() { atomic.AddInt64(&counter, 1) log.Println("counter:", atomic.LoadInt64(&counter)) }() } time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) }
func TestDemo5(t *testing.T) { var counter int64 = 0 for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { go func(i int) { atomic.StoreInt64(&counter, int64(i)) log.Println("counter:", atomic.LoadInt64(&counter)) }(i) } time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) }
swap 方法返回被替換以前的舊值。
func TestDemo6(t *testing.T) { var counter int64 = 0 for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { go func(i int) { log.Println("counter old:", atomic.SwapInt64(&counter, int64(i))) }(i) } time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) }
=== RUN TestDemo6 2020/10/11 00:43:36 counter old: 0 2020/10/11 00:43:36 counter old: 9 2020/10/11 00:43:36 counter old: 5 2020/10/11 00:43:36 counter old: 1 2020/10/11 00:43:36 counter old: 2 2020/10/11 00:43:36 counter old: 3 2020/10/11 00:43:36 counter old: 6 2020/10/11 00:43:36 counter old: 4 2020/10/11 00:43:36 counter old: 7 2020/10/11 00:43:36 counter old: 0 --- PASS: TestDemo6 (2.00s) PASS
value是一個結構體,內部值定義爲 interface{},因此它是能夠接受任何類型的值。
func TestDemo7(t *testing.T) { var value atomic.Value var counter uint64 = 1 value.Store(counter) log.Println("counter:", value.Load()) value.Store(uint64(10)) log.Println("counter:", value.Load()) value.Store(100) // 引起 panic log.Println("counter:", value.Load()) time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) }
=== RUN TestDemo7 2020/10/11 10:14:58 counter: 0 2020/10/11 10:14:58 counter: 10 --- FAIL: TestDemo7 (0.00s) panic: sync/atomic: store of inconsistently typed value into Value [recovered] panic: sync/atomic: store of inconsistently typed value into Value ... Process finished with exit code 1
可使用例如上面介紹的 Add 方法。
單生產者、單消費者能夠作到免鎖訪問環形緩衝區(Ring Buffer)。
好比,Linux kernel 中的 kfifo 的實現。