圖1 qq切換焦點
[static] void QWidget::setTabOrder(QWidget *first, QWidget *second)
Puts the second widget after the first widget in the focus order. Note that since the tab order of the second widget is changed, you should order a chain like this: setTabOrder(a, b); // a to b setTabOrder(b, c); // a to b to c setTabOrder(c, d); // a to b to c to d not like this: // WRONG setTabOrder(c, d); // c to d setTabOrder(a, b); // a to b AND c to d setTabOrder(b, c); // a to b to c, but not c to d If first or second has a focus proxy, setTabOrder() correctly substitutes the proxy.
圖2 Tab切換焦點
QPushButton *p = new QPushButton("按鈕"); QLineEdit *l = new QLineEdit("輸入框"); QCheckBox *c = new QCheckBox("複選框"); QComboBox *b = new QComboBox; setTabOrder(p, l); setTabOrder(l, c); setTabOrder(c, b);
void setFocusPolicy(Qt::FocusPolicy policy)
其中Qt::FocusPolicy 這個枚舉類型定義了一個控件能夠用來獲取鍵盤焦點的各類策略。spa
Constant | Value | Description |
Qt::TabFocus | 0x1 | the widget accepts focus by tabbing. |
Qt::ClickFocus | 0x2 | the widget accepts focus by clicking. |
Qt::StrongFocus | TabFocus | ClickFocus | 0x8 | he widget accepts focus by both tabbing and clicking. On macOS this will also be indicate that the widget accepts tab focus when in ‘Text/List focus mode’. |
Qt::WheelFocus | StrongFocus | 0x4 | like Qt::StrongFocus plus the widget accepts focus by using the mouse wheel. |
Qt::NoFocus | 0 | the widget does not accept focus. |
圖3 複選框設置NoFocuse
[slot] void QWidget::setFocus() //可經過信號槽方式設置 This is an overloaded function. Gives the keyboard input focus to this widget (or its focus proxy) if this widget or one of its parents is the active window.
void QWidget::setTabOrder(QWidget* first, QWidget *second) { //若是這兩個控件都設置爲沒有焦點則不進行焦點設置,如圖3中所示 if (!first || !second || first->focusPolicy() == Qt::NoFocus || second->focusPolicy() == Qt::NoFocus) return; /****************************************************************** QWidget *QWidget::window() const { QWidget *w = const_cast<QWidget *>(this); QWidget *p = w->parentWidget(); while (!w->isWindow() && p) { w = p; p = p->parentWidget(); } return w; } ******************************************************************/ //查看當前控件「祖先」(ancestor widget)窗口,見上面代碼 if (Q_UNLIKELY(first->window() != second->window())) { qWarning("QWidget::setTabOrder: 'first' and 'second' must be in the same window"); return; } //找到first或其子類中焦點的控件(不是很懂) QWidget *fp = first->focusProxy(); if (fp) { QList<QWidget *> l = first->findChildren<QWidget *>(); for (int i = l.size()-1; i >= 0; --i) { QWidget * next = l.at(i); if (next->window() == fp->window()) { fp = next; if (fp->focusPolicy() != Qt::NoFocus) break; } } first = fp; } if (fp == second) return; if (QWidget *sp = second->focusProxy()) second = sp; //雙向鏈表存儲焦點觸發控件順序 // QWidget *fp = first->d_func()->focus_prev; QWidget *fn = first->d_func()->focus_next; if (fn == second || first == second) return; QWidget *sp = second->d_func()->focus_prev; QWidget *sn = second->d_func()->focus_next; fn->d_func()->focus_prev = second; first->d_func()->focus_next = second; second->d_func()->focus_next = fn; second->d_func()->focus_prev = first; sp->d_func()->focus_next = sn; sn->d_func()->focus_prev = sp; //查錯 Q_ASSERT(first->d_func()->focus_next->d_func()->focus_prev == first); Q_ASSERT(first->d_func()->focus_prev->d_func()->focus_next == first); Q_ASSERT(second->d_func()->focus_next->d_func()->focus_prev == second); Q_ASSERT(second->d_func()->focus_prev->d_func()->focus_next == second); }