國內沒有不少關注PyCon的文章介紹, 生命苦短, 我用Python, 國內怎麼能缺乏關注 PyCon 的資料呢?python
- 有趣。
- 實用。
- 技術性很強。
- K 神介紹 pipenv 這種包管理工具,屬於有趣而且實用的東西。這是有趣的東西,實用的,指的關注的演講。
- 介紹社區新出彩的依賴庫,介紹一些優化類的,算法與數據結構類,異步之類的,這是技術性很強的東西。
- 像國內一些無聊的,貼中小公司壓根不能落地技術架構的,屬於裝逼而且不有趣而且不實用的東西。
- 技術性不是很強的,可是對社區頗有意義的。好比,教育推廣,以及扯扯工程師成長的內容,後者可能對我的成長頗有幫助,但這不在本人的關注之列。
▼ Python In Depth : section
▼ New Python Feature : section
Python Under The Hood : section
Async related : section
Module In Depth : section
Optimizing : section
▼ Web 開發相關 : section
Django 相關 : section
Web Developing : section
▼ 數據科學 : section
▼ 構建 / 測試 / 文檔 / 代碼質量 : section
Python In Depth
New Python Feature
- Barry Warsaw - Get your resources faster, with importlib.resources - PyCon 2018
py3.7 以後可使用 importlib.resources 來讀取包內部的非代碼文件。數據結構
- Raymond Hettinger - Dataclasses: The code generator to end all code generators - PyCon 2018
py3.7 以後引入的 dataclasses , 善用之能夠極大的減小代碼架構
Python Under The Hood
講解一些 Python 在編譯方面的姿式。app
- David Beazley - Reinventing the Parser Generator - PyCon 2018
- Emily Morehouse-Valcarcel - The AST and Me - PyCon 2018
- James Bennett - A Bit about Bytes: Understanding Python Bytecode - PyCon 2018
Async related
異步在這幾年的 IO 密集型應用中已是大勢所趨了less
- Nathaniel J. Smith - Trio: Async concurrency for mere mortals - PyCon 2018
- John Reese - Thinking Outside the GIL with AsyncIO and Multiprocessing - PyCon 2018
Module In Depth
帶你深刻 Python 的部分特性的模塊異步
- Mario Corchero - Effortless Logging: A deep dive into the logging module - PyCon 2018
- Carl Meyer - Type-checked Python in the real world - PyCon 2018
- Hillel Wayne - Beyond Unit Tests: Taking Your Testing to the Next Level - PyCon 2018
- Zekun Li - There and Back Again: Disable and re-enable garbage collector at Instagram - PyCon 2018
- vigneshwer dhinakaran - Pumping up Python modules using Rust - PyCon 2018
- Matt Davis - Python Performance Investigation by Example - PyCon 2018
- Mike Müller - Faster Python Programs - Measure, don't Guess - PyCon 2018
- Ned Batchelder - Big-O: How Code Slows as Data Grows - PyCon 2018
Web 開發相關
Django 相關
Django 相關姿式工具
- Shauna Gordon-McKeon - Beyond Django Basics - PyCon 2018
- Harry Percival - Intermediate testing with Django: Outside-in TDD and Mocking effectively
- Harry Percival - Introduction to TDD with Django - PyCon 2018
- Philip James - API-Driven Django - PyCon 2018
- Andrew Godwin - Taking Django Async - PyCon 2018
Note Taking Django Async 是這幾篇中最值得多刷幾遍的。有機會寫篇文章來解析一下。
Web Developing
- Moshe Zadka - Web Applications, A to Z - PyCon 2018
- Graham Dumpleton - Secrets of a WSGI master. - PyCon 2018
Alex Petralia - Analyzing Data: What pandas and SQL Taught Me About Taking an Average - PyCon 2018
Aly Sivji, Joe Jasinski, tathagata dasgupta (t) - Docker for Data Science - PyCon 2018
Anna Nicanorova - Data Visualization in Mixed Reality with Python - PyCon 2018
Chalmer Lowe - Statistics and probability: your first steps on the road to data science - PyCon 2018
Christopher Beacham / Lady Red - Visualizing Algorithms with Python and Programmable LEDs
Christopher Fonnesbeck - Bayesian Non-parametric Models for Data Science using PyMC3 - PyCon 2018
Kelsey Pedersen - Augmenting Human Decision Making with Data Science - PyCon 2018
The importance of exploratory data analysis and data visualization in machine learning - PyCon 2018
Jake VanderPlas - Performance Python: Seven Strategies for Optimizing Your Numerical Code
Jake VanderPlas - Exploratory Data Visualization with Vega, Vega-Lite, and Altair - PyCon 2018
- Christy Heaton - Intro to Spatial Analysis and Maps with Python - PyCon 2018
Python 在 GIS 分析和地圖上的一些應用
- Eric Ma, Mridul Seth - Network Analysis Made Simple: Part I - PyCon 2018
- Mridul Seth, Eric Ma - Network Analysis Made Simple: Part II - PyCon 2018
- Nicolle Cysneiros - Graph Databases: Talking about your Data Relationships with Python - PyCon 2018
Python 在 network 方面的分析
構建 / 測試 / 文檔 / 代碼質量
- Kenneth Reitz - Pipenv: The Future of Python Dependency Management - PyCon 2018
新時代的包管理軟件,Kenneth Reitz 親自操刀
- Dustin Ingram - Inside the Cheeseshop: How Python Packaging Works - PyCon 2018
普及 setup.py / wheels / eggs / setuptools / distutils / twine 的姿式
- Brian Okken, Paul Everitt - Visual Testing with PyCharm and pytest - PyCon 2018
PyCharm 與 pytest 集合
- Carol Willing - Practical Sphinx - PyCon 2018
用 sphinx 來寫文檔。
- Nina Zakharenko - Elegant Solutions For Everyday Python Problems - PyCon 2018
如何優雅的寫 Python
- Jack Diederich - HOWTO Write a Function - PyCon 2018
十五年的開發老司機教你如何寫一個 Function
- Kyle Knapp - Automating Code Quality - PyCon 2018
- Greg Price - Clearer Code at Scale: Static Types at Zulip and Dropbox - PyCon 2018
- Julie Qiu - Build a Search Engine with Python + Elasticsearch - PyCon 2018
- Julie Qiu - Strategies to Edit Production Data - PyCon 2018
這裏面有幾個仍是值得二刷甚至N刷的, 等我刷完了寫幾篇文章詳細介紹一下.