!. Loading data into Pandasgithub
You can use read_csv function and specifiy a delimiter to separate the columns. ide
2. Reading Data in Pandasoop
If you want to get multiple columns at the same time, you can change this single word to a list of column names. Note: you have to use double brackets and separate it by commas. this
we can print out the first serveral rows or last serveral rows by using pd.head() or pd.tail(). also you can print out certain rows by using pd.iloc(). spa
but if you want to iterate thru each row in the dataset, you can ues for loop and pd.iterrows() function. The easiest way to go row by row and access any sort of data you might want. code
pd.loc() function is used for finding specific data in our data set. and you can use multiple conditions to all sorts of conditional statements. orm
pd.describe() gives us like all the high level mean, standard, deviation type stats. server
pd.sort_vlaues() can do some sorting of the values instead of going from first downwards. if you want to sort values by name, you have to pass in the column name you want to sort. blog
add some comlumns
pd.iloc() to add some comlumns: if you want all the rows so the first input is going to be the colon, and then the columns, I want to add together would be HP thru Speed, so that will be the fourth column to the 9th columns. you can use sum function to add horizontally or vertically if you want to specify axis =1 / 0.
pd.drop() to drop some comlumns. Note: you have pass it back to the dataframe df.
1. Introducing the dataset
This video covers the following topics: reading a CSV file, DataFrame shape, data types, NaN
, missing values, booleans
2. Removing columns
This video covers the following topics: missing values, dropping a column, axis
parameter, inplace
parameter, dropna
3. Comparing groups (8:42)
This video covers the following topics: filtering a DataFrame, value_counts
method, normalization, groupby
4. Examining relationships (8:44)
This video covers the following topics: value_counts
method, math with booleans, groupby
with multiple columns, correlation versus causation.
5. Handling missing values (5:02)
This video covers the following topics: math with booleans, value_counts
method, filtering a DataFrame, dropna
6. Using string methods (5:55)
This video covers the following topics: searching strings, math with booleans, value_counts
method, dropna
7. Combining dates and times (9:11)
This video covers the following topics: string slicing, string concatenation, converting to datetime format, datetime attributes, value_counts
8. Plotting a time series (8:48)
This video covers the following topics: math with booleans, groupby
method, datetime attributes, line plots.
9. Creating useful plots (8:47)
This video covers the following topics: datetime attributes, value_counts
method, line plots, sorting, groupby
10. Fixing bad data (16:31)
This video covers the following topics: value_counts
method, filtering by multiple conditions, missing values, NaN
, loc
accessor, SettingWithCopyWarning