- 「What Is Cocoa?」 introduces Cocoa from a functional and broadly architectural perspective, describing its features, frameworks, and development environment.
- 「Cocoa Objects」 explains the advantages and basic use of Objective-C, plus the common behavior, interface, and life cycle of all Cocoa objects.
解釋Objective-C的基本用法和優勢,以及 Cocoa對象的常見行爲、接口、和生命週期。
- 「Adding Behavior to a Cocoa Program」 describes what it's like to write a program using a Cocoa framework and explains how to create a subclass.
描述如何使用Cocoa框架來編寫程 序,解釋如何建立一個子類。
- 「Cocoa Design Patterns」 describes the Cocoa adaptations of design patterns, especially Model-View-Controller and object modeling.
描述Cocoa採納的設計模式,特別是模 型-視-控制器對象模型。
- 「Communicating with Objects」 discusses the programming interfaces and mechanisms for communication between Cocoa objects, including delegation, notification, and bindings.討論Cocoa對象之間的通信機制和編程接 口,包括委託、通告、和綁定技術。