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19.1 Chapter Organizationmysql
19.3 Principles 數據庫
19.4 Rules 服務器
Status of this section: up to date 2009-10-21app
This chapter describes MySQL replication principles, rules, and code, as it is supposed to work in version 5.1.this
The MySQL replication feature allows a server - the master - to send all changes to another server - the slave - and the slave tries to apply all changes to keep up-to-date with the master. Replication works as follows:spa
Whenever the master's database is modified, the change is written to a file, the so-called binary log, or binlog. This is done by the client thread that executed the query that modified the
The master has a thread, called the dump thread, that continuously reads the master's binlog and sends it to the slave.線程
The slave has a thread, called the IO thread, that receives the binlog that the master's dump thread sent, and writes it to a file: the relay log.
The slave has another thread, called the SQL thread, that continuously reads the relay log and applies the changes to the slave server.
MySQL的複製功能容許服務器- master -發送的全部更改到另外一臺服務器-的slave -和slave試圖以應用全部更新操做,以便跟上最新的master。複製的工做原理以下:
master上有一個線程,稱爲dump thread,即連續讀取主的二進制日誌,並將其發送到slave。
slave有一個線程,稱爲IO線程(IO thread),接收了master的dump thread發送的二進制日誌,並將其寫入文件:在 中繼日誌(relay log)。
slave上有另外一個線程,稱爲 SQL線程(SQL thread),即連續讀取中繼日誌並應用更改到slave的數據庫上。