Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCurrentlyInCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'customerServiceImpl': Bean with name 'customerServiceImpl' has been injected into other beans [customerServiceImpl,followServiceImpl,cupidService] in its raw version as part of a circular reference, but has eventually been wrapped. This means that said other beans do not use the final version of the bean. This is often the result of over-eager type matching - consider using 'getBeanNamesOfType' with the 'allowEagerInit' flag turned off, for example.
@Aspect @Component public class TestAspect { @Pointcut("execution(public * com.example.demo.service.CyclicDependencyService.sameClassMethod(..))") private void testPointcut() {} @AfterReturning("testPointcut()") public void after(JoinPoint point) { System.out.println("在" + point.getSignature() + "以後乾點事情"); } }
@Service public class CyclicDependencyService { @Autowired private CyclicDependencyService cyclicDependencyService; public void test() { System.out.println("調用同類方法"); cyclicDependencyService.sameClassMethod(); } @Async public void sameClassMethod() { System.out.println("循環依賴中的異步方法"); System.out.println("方法線程:" + Thread.currentThread().getName()); } }
@EnableAsync @EnableAspectJAutoProxy @SpringBootApplication public class DemoApplication { public static void main(String[] args) { SpringApplication.run(DemoApplication.class, args); } }
// Eagerly check singleton cache for manually registered singletons. Object sharedInstance = getSingleton(beanName);
首先會在緩存中查找,DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry#getSingleton(String beanName, boolean allowEarlyReference):this
protected Object getSingleton(String beanName, boolean allowEarlyReference) { Object singletonObject = this.singletonObjects.get(beanName); if (singletonObject == null && isSingletonCurrentlyInCreation(beanName)) { synchronized (this.singletonObjects) { singletonObject = this.earlySingletonObjects.get(beanName); if (singletonObject == null && allowEarlyReference) { ObjectFactory<?> singletonFactory = this.singletonFactories.get(beanName); if (singletonFactory != null) { singletonObject = singletonFactory.getObject(); this.earlySingletonObjects.put(beanName, singletonObject); this.singletonFactories.remove(beanName); } } } } return singletonObject; }
sharedInstance = getSingleton(beanName, () -> { try { return createBean(beanName, mbd, args); } catch (BeansException ex) { // Explicitly remove instance from singleton cache: It might have been put there // eagerly by the creation process, to allow for circular reference resolution. // Also remove any beans that received a temporary reference to the bean. destroySingleton(beanName); throw ex; } });
調用DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry#getSingleton(String beanName, ObjectFactory<?> singletonFactory):
public Object getSingleton(String beanName, ObjectFactory<?> singletonFactory) { ... beforeSingletonCreation(beanName); ... singletonObject = singletonFactory.getObject(); ... afterSingletonCreation(beanName); ... addSingleton(beanName, singletonObject); ... }
... instanceWrapper = createBeanInstance(beanName, mbd, args); final Object bean = instanceWrapper.getWrappedInstance(); ... // Eagerly cache singletons to be able to resolve circular references // even when triggered by lifecycle interfaces like BeanFactoryAware. boolean earlySingletonExposure = (mbd.isSingleton() && this.allowCircularReferences && isSingletonCurrentlyInCreation(beanName)); if (earlySingletonExposure) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("Eagerly caching bean '" + beanName + "' to allow for resolving potential circular references"); } addSingletonFactory(beanName, () -> getEarlyBeanReference(beanName, mbd, bean)); } // Initialize the bean instance. Object exposedObject = bean; try { populateBean(beanName, mbd, instanceWrapper); exposedObject = initializeBean(beanName, exposedObject, mbd); } ... if (earlySingletonExposure) { Object earlySingletonReference = getSingleton(beanName, false); if (earlySingletonReference != null) { if (exposedObject == bean) { exposedObject = earlySingletonReference; } else if (!this.allowRawInjectionDespiteWrapping && hasDependentBean(beanName)) { String[] dependentBeans = getDependentBeans(beanName); Set<String> actualDependentBeans = new LinkedHashSet<>(dependentBeans.length); for (String dependentBean : dependentBeans) { if (!removeSingletonIfCreatedForTypeCheckOnly(dependentBean)) { actualDependentBeans.add(dependentBean); } } if (!actualDependentBeans.isEmpty()) { throw new BeanCurrentlyInCreationException(beanName, "Bean with name '" + beanName + "' has been injected into other beans [" + StringUtils.collectionToCommaDelimitedString(actualDependentBeans) + "] in its raw version as part of a circular reference, but has eventually been " + "wrapped. This means that said other beans do not use the final version of the " + "bean. This is often the result of over-eager type matching - consider using " + "'getBeanNamesOfType' with the 'allowEagerInit' flag turned off, for example."); } } } }
接着就是注入依賴,填充屬性,具體怎麼注入這裏就不展開了,最後會爲屬性cyclicDependencyService調用DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry.getSingleton(beanName, true),注意這裏和最開始的那次調用不同,isSingletonCurrentlyInCreation爲true,就會在singletonFactories中找到bean的單例工廠函數對象,也就是在上一步提早暴露時放入的,而後調用它的匿名實現AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory#getEarlyBeanReference:
protected Object getEarlyBeanReference(String beanName, RootBeanDefinition mbd, Object bean) { Object exposedObject = bean; if (!mbd.isSynthetic() && hasInstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessors()) { for (BeanPostProcessor bp : getBeanPostProcessors()) { if (bp instanceof SmartInstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor) { SmartInstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor ibp = (SmartInstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor) bp; exposedObject = ibp.getEarlyBeanReference(exposedObject, beanName); } } } return exposedObject; }
public Object getEarlyBeanReference(Object bean, String beanName) { Object cacheKey = getCacheKey(bean.getClass(), beanName); this.earlyProxyReferences.put(cacheKey, bean); return wrapIfNecessary(bean, beanName, cacheKey); }
... invokeAwareMethods(beanName, bean); ... wrappedBean = applyBeanPostProcessorsBeforeInitialization(wrappedBean, beanName); ... invokeInitMethods(beanName, wrappedBean, mbd); ... wrappedBean = applyBeanPostProcessorsAfterInitialization(wrappedBean, beanName); ...
public Object postProcessAfterInitialization(@Nullable Object bean, String beanName) { if (bean != null) { Object cacheKey = getCacheKey(bean.getClass(), beanName); if (this.earlyProxyReferences.remove(cacheKey) != bean) { return wrapIfNecessary(bean, beanName, cacheKey); } } return bean; }
if (isEligible(bean, beanName)) { ProxyFactory proxyFactory = prepareProxyFactory(bean, beanName); if (!proxyFactory.isProxyTargetClass()) { evaluateProxyInterfaces(bean.getClass(), proxyFactory); } proxyFactory.addAdvisor(this.advisor); customizeProxyFactory(proxyFactory); return proxyFactory.getProxy(getProxyClassLoader()); }
if (earlySingletonExposure) { Object earlySingletonReference = getSingleton(beanName, false); if (earlySingletonReference != null) { if (exposedObject == bean) { exposedObject = earlySingletonReference; } else if (!this.allowRawInjectionDespiteWrapping && hasDependentBean(beanName)) { String[] dependentBeans = getDependentBeans(beanName); Set<String> actualDependentBeans = new LinkedHashSet<>(dependentBeans.length); for (String dependentBean : dependentBeans) { if (!removeSingletonIfCreatedForTypeCheckOnly(dependentBean)) { actualDependentBeans.add(dependentBean); } } if (!actualDependentBeans.isEmpty()) { throw new BeanCurrentlyInCreationException(beanName, "Bean with name '" + beanName + "' has been injected into other beans [" + StringUtils.collectionToCommaDelimitedString(actualDependentBeans) + "] in its raw version as part of a circular reference, but has eventually been " + "wrapped. This means that said other beans do not use the final version of the " + "bean. This is often the result of over-eager type matching - consider using " + "'getBeanNamesOfType' with the 'allowEagerInit' flag turned off, for example."); } } } }