
Docker安裝RocketMQ Server + Broker + Console

cd /usr/local/
mkdir -p docker/rocketmq vi docker-compose.yml
version: '3.5' services: rmqnamesrv: image: foxiswho/rocketmq:server container_name: rmqnamesrv ports: - 9876:9876 volumes: - ./data/logs:/opt/logs - ./data/store:/opt/store networks: rmq: aliases: - rmqnamesrv rmqbroker: image: foxiswho/rocketmq:broker container_name: rmqbroker ports: - 10909:10909
      - 10911:10911 volumes: - ./data/logs:/opt/logs - ./data/store:/opt/store - ./data/brokerconf/broker.conf:/etc/rocketmq/broker.conf environment: NAMESRV_ADDR: "rmqnamesrv:9876" JAVA_OPTS: " -Duser.home=/opt" JAVA_OPT_EXT: "-server -Xms128m -Xmx128m -Xmn128m" command: mqbroker -c /etc/rocketmq/broker.conf depends_on: - rmqnamesrv networks: rmq: aliases: - rmqbroker rmqconsole: image: styletang/rocketmq-console-ng container_name: rmqconsole ports: - 8080:8080 environment: JAVA_OPTS: "-Drocketmq.namesrv.addr=rmqnamesrv:9876 -Dcom.rocketmq.sendMessageWithVIPChannel=false" depends_on: - rmqnamesrv networks: rmq: aliases: - rmqconsole networks: rmq: name: rmq driver: bridge


broker.conf放在./data/brokerconf/ 下data與docker-compose.yml同級目錄

mkdir data cd data && vi broker.conf
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # #
# # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # 所屬集羣名字 brokerClusterName=DefaultCluster # broker 名字,注意此處不一樣的配置文件填寫的不同,若是在 使用: broker-a, # 在 使用: broker-b brokerName=broker-a # 0 表示 Master,> 0 表示 Slave brokerId=0 # nameServer地址,分號分割 # namesrvAddr=rocketmq-nameserver1:9876;rocketmq-nameserver2:9876 # 啓動IP,若是 docker 報 connect to <> failed # 解決方式1 加上一句 producer.setVipChannelEnabled(false);,解決方式2 brokerIP1 設置宿主機IP,不要使用docker 內部IP # brokerIP1= # 在發送消息時,自動建立服務器不存在的topic,默認建立的隊列數 defaultTopicQueueNums=4 # 是否容許 Broker 自動建立 Topic,建議線下開啓,線上關閉 !!!這裏仔細看是 falsefalsefalse autoCreateTopicEnable=true # 是否容許 Broker 自動建立訂閱組,建議線下開啓,線上關閉 autoCreateSubscriptionGroup=true # Broker 對外服務的監聽端口 listenPort=10911 # 刪除文件時間點,默認凌晨4點 deleteWhen=04 # 文件保留時間,默認48小時 fileReservedTime=120 # commitLog 每一個文件的大小默認1G mapedFileSizeCommitLog=1073741824 # ConsumeQueue 每一個文件默認存 30W 條,根據業務狀況調整 mapedFileSizeConsumeQueue=300000 # destroyMapedFileIntervalForcibly=120000 # redeleteHangedFileInterval=120000 # 檢測物理文件磁盤空間 diskMaxUsedSpaceRatio=88 # 存儲路徑 # storePathRootDir=/home/ztztdata/rocketmq-all-4.1.0-incubating/store # commitLog 存儲路徑 # storePathCommitLog=/home/ztztdata/rocketmq-all-4.1.0-incubating/store/commitlog # 消費隊列存儲 # storePathConsumeQueue=/home/ztztdata/rocketmq-all-4.1.0-incubating/store/consumequeue # 消息索引存儲路徑 # storePathIndex=/home/ztztdata/rocketmq-all-4.1.0-incubating/store/index # checkpoint 文件存儲路徑 # storeCheckpoint=/home/ztztdata/rocketmq-all-4.1.0-incubating/store/checkpoint # abort 文件存儲路徑 # abortFile=/home/ztztdata/rocketmq-all-4.1.0-incubating/store/abort # 限制的消息大小 maxMessageSize=65536 # flushCommitLogLeastPages=4 # flushConsumeQueueLeastPages=2 # flushCommitLogThoroughInterval=10000 # flushConsumeQueueThoroughInterval=60000 # Broker 的角色 # - ASYNC_MASTER 異步複製Master # - SYNC_MASTER 同步雙寫Master # - SLAVE brokerRole=ASYNC_MASTER # 刷盤方式 # - ASYNC_FLUSH 異步刷盤 # - SYNC_FLUSH 同步刷盤 flushDiskType=ASYNC_FLUSH # 發消息線程池數量 # sendMessageThreadPoolNums=128 # 拉消息線程池數量 # pullMessageThreadPoolNums=128

三、啓動docker-compose up -dexpress


#先安裝pip yum -y install epel-release yum -y install python-pip #升級 pip install --upgrade pip #安裝docker-compose pip install docker-compose #校驗是否安裝成功 docker-compose -version

成功後再啓動docker:執行 docker-compose up -d服務器

