Nmap4j nmap4j = new Nmap4j( "/usr/local"); nmap4j.includeHost(""); nmap4j.excludeHost( "" ); nmap4j.addFlags("-T3 -oX - -O -sV"); nmap4j.execute(); if(!nma4j.hasError()){ NMapRun nmapRun = nmap4j.getResults(); } else { System.out.println(nmap4j.getExecutionResults().getErrors()); }
DOC: http://www.oistc.com/nmap4j/java
package com.oistc import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.nmap4j.Nmap4j; import org.nmap4j.core.nmap.ExecutionResults; import org.nmap4j.data.NMapRun; import org.nmap4j.data.host.Address; import org.nmap4j.data.host.ports.Port; import org.nmap4j.data.nmaprun.Host; /** * Thread class which can monitor and log reachability of N ports on M servers. * Once initial state is recorded and logged, subsequent scans only log state changes. * Each thread can monitor N ports on M servers with a single scan sweep, and you * can run multiple threads for different combinations of ports, servers, and protocols. * The underlying scanning tool is NMAP, and NMAP4J is used to wrap those calls * for configuration and output/error parsing convenience. * @author justin.cranford */ public class ServerReachabilityMonitor extends Thread { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(""); private final static boolean DUMP_NMAP4J_OUTPUT = true; private final static boolean DUMP_NMAP4J_DEBUG = false; private final static boolean WORKAROUND_NMAPRUN_XML_PARSE_CONCURRENCY_BUG = true; // workaround suspected Nmap4j concurrency issue with parsing NmapRun XML results public static final String JVM_PROP_OSNAME = System.getProperty("os.name"); public static final boolean JVM_PROP_ISWIN = JVM_PROP_OSNAME.toLowerCase().startsWith("win"); private ArrayList<String> addresses; // each element is an address, FQDN, or hostname private ArrayList<Integer> ports; // each element is integer 1-65535, or a range of integers private String protocol; // TCP_SYN, TCP_CONNECT, or UDP (Example: TCP_SYN works for 443 on Xsuite, but not 443 on PA Windows, so you might have to use TCP_CONNECT) @SuppressWarnings("hiding") public ServerReachabilityMonitor(final ArrayList<String> addresses, final ArrayList<Integer> ports, final String protocol) { this.addresses = new ArrayList<>(addresses); this.ports = new ArrayList<>(ports); this.protocol = protocol; this.setPriority(Thread.MIN_PRIORITY); // avoid hogging CPU if normal priority threads this.setDaemon(true); // stop when JVM stops this.setContextClassLoader(null); // release Tomcat 6+ WebAppClassLoader reference to avoid blocking war unloading during reload or stop this.setName("ServerReachabilityMonitor"); } @SuppressWarnings("hiding") public ServerReachabilityMonitor(final String address, final ArrayList<Integer> ports, final String protocol) { this.addresses = new ArrayList<>(1); this.addresses.add(address); this.ports = new ArrayList<>(ports); this.protocol = protocol; this.setPriority(Thread.MIN_PRIORITY); // avoid hogging CPU if normal priority threads this.setDaemon(true); // stop when JVM stops this.setContextClassLoader(null); // release Tomcat 6+ WebAppClassLoader reference to avoid blocking war unloading during reload or stop this.setName("ServerReachabilityMonitor"); } public void run() { final String addressesStr = CollectionToString(this.addresses, ","); final String portsStr = CollectionToString(this.ports, ","); HashMap<String,TreeMap<Integer,String>> previousAddressToPortAndState = null, currentAddressToPortAndState = null; int scanAttempts = 0; long scanTotalTime = 0L, scanCurrentStartTime = 0L, scanCurrentElapsedTime = 0L; while (true) { try { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "ServerReachabilityMonitor.run Scanning addresses '" + addressesStr + "', ports '" + portsStr + "', protocol '" + this.protocol + "'."); try { scanCurrentStartTime = System.nanoTime(); currentAddressToPortAndState = performNmapScan(this.addresses, this.ports, this.protocol); } catch(Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "ServerReachabilityMonitor.run Server '" + addressesStr + "' scan failed.", e); } finally { scanCurrentElapsedTime = System.nanoTime() - scanCurrentStartTime; // nanoseconds to execute check, so we can log fraction of milliseconds in LAN if (scanCurrentElapsedTime < 0L) { scanCurrentElapsedTime = 0L; // watch out for negatives } scanTotalTime += scanCurrentElapsedTime; scanAttempts++; LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "ServerReachabilityMonitor.run Scanned addresses '" + addressesStr + "', ports '" + portsStr + "', protocol '" + this.protocol + "' in time="+(scanCurrentElapsedTime/1000000F)+"ms [Total="+(scanTotalTime/1000000F)+"ms, Count="+scanAttempts+", Average="+((float) scanTotalTime / (float) scanAttempts / 1000000F)+"ms]."); } if (null == currentAddressToPortAndState) { // log port-level state differences between current scan and previous scan LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "ServerReachabilityMonitor.run No results."); } else { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "ServerReachabilityMonitor.run Checking results."); for (String currentAddress : this.addresses) { TreeMap<Integer,String> differentPortAndState = new TreeMap<>(); // retrieve previous state, or use empty map for previous state TreeMap<Integer,String> previousPortAndState; if (null == previousAddressToPortAndState) { previousPortAndState = new TreeMap<>(); } else { previousPortAndState = previousAddressToPortAndState.get(currentAddress); if (null == previousPortAndState) { previousPortAndState = new TreeMap<>(); } } // compare current state to previous state TreeMap<Integer,String> currentPortAndState = currentAddressToPortAndState.get(currentAddress); int numPortStateChanges = 0; for (Integer port : this.ports) { final String previousState = previousPortAndState.get(port); final String currentState = (null == currentPortAndState ? null : currentPortAndState.get(port)); if (null == currentState) { if (null == previousState) { differentPortAndState.put(port, port.toString()+"=<no data>"); // STILL NO DATA } else { differentPortAndState.put(port, port.toString()+"=<removed> ("+previousState+")"); // DISAPPEARED numPortStateChanges++; } } else { if (null == previousState) { differentPortAndState.put(port, port.toString()+"="+currentState+" <new>"); // FIRST DATA numPortStateChanges++; } else if (! currentState.equals(previousState)) { differentPortAndState.put(port, port.toString()+"="+currentState+" ("+previousState+")"); // CHANGED numPortStateChanges++; } } } // log if one or more port-level states changed (or log level >= FINE) if (numPortStateChanges > 0) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "ServerReachabilityMonitor.run Server '" + currentAddress + "' reachability changed: " + CollectionToString(differentPortAndState.values(), ", ")); } else { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "ServerReachabilityMonitor.run Server '" + currentAddress + "' reachability did not change"); } // if no current scan result, copy previous scan to current results so we can carry it forward to next comparison if (null == currentPortAndState) { if (null != previousAddressToPortAndState) { currentAddressToPortAndState.put(currentAddress, previousPortAndState); } } } // copy current scan results to previous for next scan comparison previousAddressToPortAndState = currentAddressToPortAndState; currentAddressToPortAndState = null; } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "ServerReachabilityMonitor.run Unexpected Exception.", e); } } } private static final String NMAP_PROTOCOL_TCP_SYN = "TCP_SYN"; private static final String NMAP_PROTOCOL_TCP_CONNECT = "TCP_CONNECT"; private static final String NMAP_PROTOCOL_TCP_UDP = "UDP"; private static final String NMAP_PATH_WINDOWS = "C:/Program Files (x86)/Nmap"; private static final String NMAP_PATH_UNIX = "/usr/bin/nmap"; private static final String NMAP_OPTIONS_TCP_SYN = "-n -T4 -sS -PN --disable-arp-ping --max-scan-delay 0ms --min-rate 1000000 --max-retries 0 -p "; // TCP SYN scan private static final String NMAP_OPTIONS_TCP_CONNECT = "-n -T4 -sT -PN --disable-arp-ping --max-scan-delay 0ms --min-rate 1000000 --max-retries 0 -p "; // TCP connect scan private static final String NMAP_OPTIONS_UDP = "-n -T4 -sU -PN --disable-arp-ping --max-scan-delay 0ms --min-rate 1000000 --max-retries 0 -p "; // UDP scan private static HashMap<String, TreeMap<Integer, String>> performNmapScan(ArrayList<String> addresses, ArrayList<Integer> ports, String protocol) throws Exception { final HashMap<String, TreeMap<Integer, String>> addressToPortAndState = new HashMap<>(); final String nmapAddresses = CollectionToString(addresses," "); final String nmapOptions; if (protocol.equals(NMAP_PROTOCOL_TCP_SYN)) { nmapOptions = NMAP_OPTIONS_TCP_SYN + CollectionToString(ports,","); } else if (protocol.equals(NMAP_PROTOCOL_TCP_CONNECT)) { nmapOptions = NMAP_OPTIONS_TCP_CONNECT + CollectionToString(ports,","); } else if (protocol.equals(NMAP_PROTOCOL_TCP_UDP)) { nmapOptions = NMAP_OPTIONS_UDP + CollectionToString(ports,","); } else { throw new Exception("ServerReachabilityMonitor.run Unsupported protocol '" + protocol + "'."); } Nmap4j nmap4j = new Nmap4j(JVM_PROP_ISWIN ? NMAP_PATH_WINDOWS : NMAP_PATH_UNIX); nmap4j.includeHosts(nmapAddresses); nmap4j.addFlags(nmapOptions); nmap4j.execute(); if (!nmap4j.hasError()) { String addressStr; Integer portNum; String stateStr; TreeMap<Integer,String> portStatesForAddress; NMapRun nmapRun; // workaround suspected Nmap4j concurrency issue with parsing NmapRun XML results? if (ServerReachabilityMonitor.WORKAROUND_NMAPRUN_XML_PARSE_CONCURRENCY_BUG) { synchronized (ServerReachabilityMonitor.class) { nmapRun = nmap4j.getResult(); } } else { nmapRun = nmap4j.getResult(); } if (DUMP_NMAP4J_OUTPUT) { // Dump Nmap4j output, and indicate if Nmap4j.getResult() returned good NmapRun) LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "OUTPUT (NmapRun OK: "+(null!=nmapRun)+"): " + nmap4j.getOutput()); } if (null == nmapRun) { ExecutionResults executionResults = nmap4j.getExecutionResults(); if (null == executionResults) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "NULL NmapRun, NULL ExecutionResults"); } else { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "NULL NmapRun, ExecutionResults.getOutput: " + executionResults.getOutput()); LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "NULL NmapRun, ExecutionResults.getErrors: " + executionResults.getErrors()); } } else { if (DUMP_NMAP4J_DEBUG) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "ARGS: " + nmapRun.getArgs()); LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "DEBUG: " + nmapRun.getDebugging()); } for (Host host : nmapRun.getHosts()) { for (Address address : host.getAddresses()) { addressStr = address.getAddr(); for (Port port : host.getPorts().getPorts()) { portStatesForAddress = addressToPortAndState.get(addressStr); if (null == portStatesForAddress) { portStatesForAddress = new TreeMap<>(); addressToPortAndState.put(addressStr, portStatesForAddress); } portNum = new Integer((int)port.getPortId()); stateStr = port.getState().getState(); portStatesForAddress.put(portNum, stateStr); } } } } } else { throw new Exception("ServerReachabilityMonitor.run Scan failed: " + nmap4j.getExecutionResults().getErrors()); } return addressToPortAndState; } public static String CollectionToString(Collection<? extends Object> inputCollection, String delimiter) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); if (inputCollection != null) { for (Object object : inputCollection) { result.append(object).append(delimiter); } } return(0 == result.length() ? "" : result.substring(0, result.length()-delimiter.length())); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { final boolean isNmapConcurrent = false; // true (single nmap thread scanning multiple addresses), false (multiple nmap threads scanning single addresses) final String protocol = NMAP_PROTOCOL_TCP_CONNECT; final ArrayList<Integer> ports = new ArrayList<>(); { ports.add(new Integer(443)); // HTTPS ports.add(new Integer(3306)); // MySQL ports.add(new Integer(5900)); // Hazelcast ports.add(new Integer(7900)); // JGroups ports.add(new Integer(7901)); // JGroups } final ArrayList<String> addresses = new ArrayList<>(); { addresses.add(""); // remote DNS server (unknown) addresses.add(""); // remote Debian 5 x32 test build (VMware ESX VM) addresses.add(""); // remote Debian 5 x32 test build (VMware ESX VM) addresses.add(""); // localhost Windows 7 Pro x64 (VMware Workstation VM) addresses.add(""); // LAN Windows Server 2003 R2 x32 DNS server (VMware ESX VM) } if (isNmapConcurrent) { new ServerReachabilityMonitor(addresses, ports, protocol).run(); // single nmap call in main() thread (never returns) } else { for (String address : addresses) { new ServerReachabilityMonitor(address, ports, protocol).start(); // separate nmap calls to scan addresses separately } Thread.sleep(Long.MAX_VALUE); // do not allow "main" thread to return and join, otherwise JVM will stop because ServerReachabilityMonitor threads have daemon=true } } }