環境是: 主機是windows7,虛擬機是VirtualBox的ubuntu11.04java


- 接着啓動終端,輸入以下命令
- cd /media/VBOXADDITIONS_4.0.8_71778
- sudo ./VBoxLinuxAdditions.run
- 安裝完後,要重啓ubuntu.
- 第一步End。



- sudo mkdir /mnt/shared
- sudo mount -t vboxsf virtualShare /mnt/shared
- OK,如今ubuntu能夠與windows7共享文件夾了,試下吧,哈哈
Sometimes, you just have to move files from your VirtualBox’s Ubuntu 11.04 virtual machines to a Windows 7 host, but how? It’s simple really! There are couple ways of doing it, but I prefer to keep it simple. The steps are below:
- Start VirtualBox
- Highlight a virtual machine in the list of virtual machines
- Click on Settings
- Go to Shared Folders
- Click on Add Shared Folders
- From drop down box of Folder Path, choose Other
- Pick a folder from your system that you have permission to access
- Check the box that says Auto mount
- Click OK button
- Click OK button again to save everything
- Start your Ubuntu 11.04 virtual machine (i.e., the one you have added a shared folder for)
- Inside Ubuntu 11.04 virtual machine, open up Control Center >> System >> Users and Groups
- Click on Manage Groups
- Scroll down till you see a group labeled as vboxsf, highlight it, and then click on Properties
- Place a check mark inside a box next to the user that you want to give access to shared folder(s)
- Click OK, and you have to enter your sudo’s password or root password or just a password of a user who has administrative authority
- Navigate to folder/directory labeled as media inside Ubuntu 11.04 virtual machine using either Nautilus or Terminal
- Change into the directory which begins with sf_, because a folder/directory inside media folder/directory that has sf_ prefix is a shared folder that you created earlier using VirtualBox.
- If using Nautilus, you can right click on empty space to create a folder with a folder name of your choosing. If using Terminal, you can execute this command [mkdir Testing]. Remember, you should do this as a normal user, a user which you’d gave permission to access this shared folder a bit earlier using Ubuntu. If you can create a test folder with a folder name of your choosing inside the directory with prefix sf_ in folder/directory media, it means you are officially able to transfer files and folders inside Ubuntu 11.04 virtual machine to your Windows 7 host.
- To double check to see if everything is working, navigate to your Windows 7 host and go to the shared folder that you’d allowed VirtualBox to share it with Ubuntu 11.04 virtual machine earlier. If everything is working out, you should now see a test folder/directory you had created in step 19.
That’s it! Have fun moving files from your Ubuntu 11.04 virtual machine(s) to your Windows 7 Host and vice versa!