Sublime Text3提示 Error while loading PyV8 binary:exit code 1 Try 的處理方法

解決Sublime提示 Sublime Text Error while loading PyV8 binary:exit code 1 Try to manually install Pyv8 form

Sublime Text Error while loading PyV8 binary:exit code 1 Try to manually install Pyv8 form


今天打開sublime遇到一個提示  如上圖Sublime Text Error while loading PyV8 binary:exit code 1 Try to manually install Pyv8 form 因而到網上尋找答案  解決方法以下:html

  • Go to the link provided in the dialog box and download the plugin. See below for more details
  • Go to your windows’ home directory (C:\Users\UserName on Windows 7, something like C:\Documents and Settings\UserNameon Windows XP) and make sure you can view hidden and system directories
  • Go to C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packagesand create a PyV8 directory if it does not exist
  • Change to C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages\PyV8 and copy the files contained in the archive you downloaded at the first step
  • Restart Sublime Text
  1. 去gihub下載 PyV8,鏈接地址:

  2. 而後找到你的Sublime_text_3的packages的安裝包路徑git

    a.若是你是windows系統:解壓文件至Packages\PyV8文件夾內(Preferences – Browser Packages),重啓解決。github







