確實很久沒有發表文章了,最近整理了 Android 動畫方面的教程,從通常的動畫到 Material design 中涉及到的動畫(只要是屬於 Android 動畫範疇)整個梳理了一邊。
其詳盡程度可貴一見,因爲大可能是整理的前輩文章,也因爲總體文章過於龐大,因此沒有做爲本身的獨立文章,而是做爲一個 動畫文章系列 連同 Demo 放在了 Github 上。下面列出主要目錄結構:html
English explanation can go to read this articleandroid
English explanation can go to read this articlegit
English explanation can go to read this articlegithub
English explanation can go to read this articleide
English explanation can go to read this article動畫
English explanation can go to read this readmeui
English explanation can go to read StateListAnimator and StateListDrawablethis
English explanation can go to read this article or AnimatedVectorDrawable or VectorDrawablecode