從dojo的1.7版本開始,dojo Toolkit有了重大的變化,並朝着更加先進的架構模式發展。dojo1.10延續了這樣的發展路線。雖然dojo1.10是向後兼容的,但爲了充分發揮dojo1.10的優點,一些概念也發生了變化。這些概念將成爲dojo2.0的基礎,因此你必須確保你正在正確的學習道路上。因此了可以充分的利用如今dojo的一些新特性,例如dojo/on,你必須理解一些先進的概念。java
本教程並非一個dojo變化遷移指南,但不少時候會使你想到你已經熟悉的dojo。一些技術細節能夠在該教程獲取,Dojo 1.X to 2.0 Migration Guide。編程
Again, repeat after me "the global namespace is bad, the global namespace is bad, I will not use the global namespace, I will not use the global namespace".瀏覽器
To strengthen the modularity of Dojo and leverage the concepts above, in 1.7 Dojo adopted the CommonJS module definition called Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD). This meant a fundamental re-write of the Dojo module loader which is usually exposed through the require()
and define()
functions. You can find full documentation of the loader in the reference guide. This has fundamentally changed the way code is structured.
利用上面的概念,咱們能夠增強dojo的模塊化。在dojo1.7版本時,dojo引進了CommonJS定義的模型模塊化概念,叫作異步模塊定義(AMD)。這意味着以前加載和定義模塊的函數requires()和define()函數都要須要重寫。你能夠查看到關於loader in the reference guide的完整文檔資料。這重根本上改變了代碼的結構。
Let's take for example something we would have done in "legacy":
1 dojo.ready(function(){ 2 dojo.byId("helloworld").innerHTML = "Hello World!"; 3 });
1 require(["dojo/dom", "dojo/domReady!"], function(dom){ 2 dom.byId("helloworld").innerHTML = "Hello New World!"; 3 });
The loader, just like the legacy one, does all the heavy lifting of finding the module, loading it and managing the loaded modules.
You can also get a reference to a module with require()
after that module has already loaded, by just supplying the MID as a single string argument. This won't load the module and will throw an error if it isn't already loaded. You won't see this coding style in the Dojo Toolkit, because we like to manage all of our dependencies centrally in the code. But if you choose to use this alternative syntax it would look something like this:
1 require(["dojo/dom"], function(){ 2 // some code 3 var dom = require("dojo/dom"); 4 // some more code 5 });
當你使用現代Dojo的時候,可能據說過"baseless"的概念。這個概念保證了一個模塊不會依賴任何一個其不須要的其餘模塊。在以前的版本中(dojo1.6及之前),會加載全部的功能,知道2.0版本以後。可是若是你想確保你的代碼能夠很方便的移植到新版本上,你必須中止使用dojo.*這樣的用法。This does mean you might not know where certain parts of the namespace are now。
One of the dojoConfig
options is async
. It defaults to false
and this means all the Dojo base models are automatically loaded. If you set it to true
and take advantage of the asynchronous nature of the loader, these modules will not automatically be loaded. All of this combined together makes for a more responsive and faster loading application.
另外,dojo支持EcmaScript 5規則。在儘量的狀況下,DOjo會支持ES5的一些功能,但在一些老舊的瀏覽器環境下,dojo可能模擬es5的功能。也就是說看起來像是dojo完成的功能,實際上可能不是dojo作的。
參考指南已經列出了全部的功能,裏面也包含了basic functions。
Once you get outside of the Dojo Base and Core, almost everything else would work like the following. Where you would have done a dojo.require()
1 dojo.require("dojo.string"); 2 dojo.byId("someNode").innerHTML = dojo.string.trim(" I Like Trim Strings ");
1 require(["dojo/dom", "dojo/string", "dojo/domReady!"], function(dom, string){ 2 dom.byId("someNode").innerHTML = string.trim(" I Like Trim Strings "); 3 });
1 <script> 2 dojo.require("dijit.form.Button"); 3 4 myOnClick = function(evt){ 5 console.log("I was clicked"); 6 }; 7 8 dojo.connect(dojo.byId("button3"), "onclick", myOnClick); 9 </script> 10 <body> 11 <div> 12 <button id="button1" type="button" onclick="myOnClick">Button1</button> 13 <button id="button2" data-dojo-type="dijit.form.Button" type="button" 14 data-dojo-props="onClick: myOnClick">Button2</button> 15 <button id="button3" type="button">Button3</button> 16 <button id="button4" data-dojo-type="dijit.form.Button" type="button"> 17 <span>Button4</span> 18 <script type="dojo/connect" data-dojo-event="onClick"> 19 console.log("I was clicked"); 20 </script> 21 </div> 22 </body>
1 <script> 2 require([ 3 "dojo/dom", 4 "dojo/on", 5 "dojo/parser", 6 "dijit/registry", 7 "dijit/form/Button", 8 "dojo/domReady!" 9 ], function(dom, on, parser, registry){ 10 var myClick = function(evt){ 11 console.log("I was clicked"); 12 }; 13 14 parser.parse(); 15 16 on(dom.byId("button1"), "click", myClick); 17 on(registry.byId("button2"), "click", myClick); 18 }); 19 </script> 20 <body> 21 <div> 22 <button id="button1" type="button">Button1</button> 23 <button id="button2" data-dojo-type="dijit/form/Button" type="button">Button2</button> 24 <button id="button3" data-dojo-type="dijit/form/Button" type="button"> 25 <div>Button4</div> 26 <script type="dojo/on" data-dojo-event="click"> 27 console.log("I was clicked"); 28 </script> 29 </button> 30 </div> 31 </body>
Notice how dijit.byId
isn't used. In "modern" Dojo, the dijit/registry
is used for widgets and registry.byId()
retrieves a reference to the widget. Also, notice how dojo/on
handles both the DOM node and widget events in the same way.
1 var callback = function(){ 2 // ... 3 }; 4 var handle = dojo.connect(myInstance, "execute", callback); 5 // ... 6 dojo.disconnect(handle);
In "modern" Dojo, the dojo/aspect
module allows you to get advice from a method and add behaviour "before", "after" or "around" another method. Typically, if you were converting a dojo.connect()
you would replace it with an aspect.after()
which would look something like this:
1 require(["dojo/aspect"], function(aspect){ 2 var callback = function(){ 3 // ... 4 }; 5 var handle = aspect.after(myInstance, "execute", callback); 6 // ... 7 handle.remove(); 8 });
Another area that has undergone a bit of a revision is the "publish/subscribe" functionality in Dojo. This has been modularized under the dojo/topic
module and improved.
For example, the "legacy" way of doing this would be something like:
// To publish a topic dojo.publish("some/topic", [1, 2, 3]); // To subscribe to a topic var handle = dojo.subscribe("some/topic", context, callback); // And to unsubscribe from a topic dojo.unsubscribe(handle);
1 require(["dojo/topic"], function(topic){ 2 // To publish a topic 3 topic.publish("some/topic", 1, 2, 3); 4 5 // To subscribe to a topic 6 var handle = topic.subscribe("some/topic", function(arg1, arg2, arg3){ 7 // ... 8 }); 9 10 // To unsubscribe from a topic 11 handle.remove(); 12 });
1 function createMyDeferred(){ 2 var myDeferred = new dojo.Deferred(); 3 setTimeout(function(){ 4 myDeferred.callback({ success: true }); 5 }, 1000); 6 return myDeferred; 7 } 8 9 var deferred = createMyDeferred(); 10 deferred.addCallback(function(data){ 11 console.log("Success: " + data); 12 }); 13 deferred.addErrback(function(err){ 14 console.log("Error: " + err); 15 });
1 require(["dojo/Deferred"], function(Deferred){ 2 function createMyDeferred(){ 3 var myDeferred = new Deferred(); 4 setTimeout(function(){ 5 myDeferred.resolve({ success: true }); 6 }, 1000); 7 return myDeferred; 8 } 9 10 var deferred = createMyDeferred(); 11 deferred.then(function(data){ 12 console.log("Success: " + data); 13 }, function(err){ 14 console.log("Error: " + err); 15 }); 16 });
Just like dojo/promise
the old implementations are still there, but you can easily re-factor your code to take advantage of the new. For example, in "legacy" Dojo you might have written something like this:
1 dojo.xhrGet({ 2 url: "something.json", 3 handleAs: "json", 4 load: function(response){ 5 console.log("response:", response); 6 }, 7 error: function(err){ 8 console.log("error:", err); 9 } 10 });
1 require(["dojo/request"], function(request){ 2 request.get("something.json", { 3 handleAs: "json" 4 }).then(function(response){ 5 console.log("response:", response); 6 }, function(err){ 7 console.log("error:", err); 8 }); 9 });
You might be seeing a trend here if you have gotten this far in the tutorial, in that not only has Dojo abandoned its dependency on the global namespace and adopted some new patterns, it has also broken out some of "core" functionality into modules and what is more core to a JavaScript toolkit than DOM manipulation.
Well, that too has been broken up into much smaller chunks and modularized. Here is summary of the modules and what they contain:
描述 | 包含的主要函數 | |
dojo/dom | Core DOM functions | byId() isDescendant() setSelectable() |
dojo/dom-attr | DOM attribute functions | has() get() set() remove() getNodeProp() |
dojo/dom-class | DOM class functions | contains() add() remove() replace() toggle() |
dojo/dom-construct | DOM construction functions | toDom() place() create() empty() destroy() |
dojo/dom-form | Form handling functions | fieldToObject() toObject() toQuery() toJson() |
dojo/io-query | String processing functions | objectToQuery() queryToObject() |
dojo/dom-geometry | DOM geometry related functions | position() getMarginBox() setMarginBox() getContentBox() setContentSize() getPadExtents() getBorderExtents() getPadBorderExtents() getMarginExtents() isBodyLtr() docScroll() fixIeBiDiScrollLeft() |
dojo/dom-prop | DOM property functions | get() set() |
dojo/dom-style | DOM style functions | getComputedStyle() get() set() |
1 var node = dojo.byId("someNode"); 2 3 // Retrieves the value of the "value" DOM attribute 4 var value = dojo.attr(node, "value"); 5 6 // Sets the value of the "value" DOM attribute 7 dojo.attr(node, "value", "something");
1 require(["dojo/dom", "dojo/dom-attr"], function(dom, domAttr){ 2 var node = dom.byId("someNode"); 3 4 // Retrieves the value of the "value" DOM attribute 5 var value = domAttr.get(node, "value"); 6 7 // Sets the value of the "value" DOM attribute 8 domAttr.set(node, "value", "something"); 9 });
在dojo1.6時,新的API dojo/store被加入,而dojo/data API被廢棄。但dojo/data的數據存儲以及dojox/data數據存儲相關的功能一直在dojo2.0以前均可以使用。但咱們建議仍是使用的新的API。本教程不能展開詳細的介紹該概念,但你能夠在Dojo Object Store教程中查看更詳細的信息。
dijit爲了適應如今dojo世界,也進行了一些重構。但不少重構都已經在toolkit包的基礎部分完成,主要的重構目標是把功能分解成一個個小的積木,而後再粘合在一塊兒,完成複雜的功能。若是你正在建立一個自定義的小部件,你能夠閱讀Creating a custom widget教程。
If you are just developing with dijits or other widgets, then there were a few core concepts that were introduced with the dojo/Stateful
and dojo/Evented
provides discrete accessors for widget attributes as well as the ability to "watch" changes to these attributes. For example, you can do the following:
and dojo/Evented
1 require(["dijit/form/Button", "dojo/domReady!"], function(Button){ 2 var button = new Button({ 3 label: "A label" 4 }, "someNode"); 5 6 // Sets up a watch on button.label 7 var handle ="label", function(attr, oldValue, newValue){ 8 console.log("button." + attr + " changed from '" + oldValue + "' to '" + newValue + "'"); 9 }); 10 11 // Gets the current label 12 var label = button.get("label"); 13 console.log("button's current label: " + label); 14 15 // This changes the value and should call the watch 16 button.set("label", "A different label"); 17 18 // This will stop watching button.label 19 handle.unwatch(); 20 21 button.set("label", "Even more different"); 22 });
provides emit()
and on()
functionality for classes and this is incorporated into Dijits and widgets. In particular, it is "modern" to use widget.on()
to set your event handling. For example, you can do the following:
1 require(["dijit/form/Button", "dojo/domReady!"], function(Button){ 2 var button = new Button({ 3 label: "Click Me!" 4 }, "someNode"); 5 6 // Sets the event handling for the button 7 button.on("click", function(e){ 8 console.log("I was clicked!", e); 9 }); 10 });
1 require(["dojo/parser", "dojo/domReady!"], function(parser){ 2 parser.parse(); 3 });
1 <button data-dojo-type="dijit/form/Button" tabIndex=2 2 data-dojo-props="iconClass: 'checkmark'">OK</button>
1 <button data-dojo-type="dijit/form/Button" type="button"> 2 <span>Click</span> 3 <script type="dojo/on" data-dojo-event="click" data-dojo-args="e"> 4 console.log("I was clicked!", e); 5 this.set("label", "Clicked!"); 6 </script> 7 <script type="dojo/watch" data-dojo-prop="label" data-dojo-args="prop, oldValue, newValue"> 8 console.log("button: " + prop + " changed from '" + oldValue + "' to '" + newValue + "'"); 9 </script> 10 </button>
The dojo/parser
also supports auto-requiring in modules. This means you don't necessairly have to require in the module before invoking the require. If you set isDebug
to true
though, it will warn you if you are requiring modules this way
The final area to briefly touch on in this tutorial is the Dojo builder. In Dojo 1.7 it was completely rewritten. Partly it was to handle the significant changes with AMD, but it was also designed to modernize it and make it very feature rich. It is a topic too vast for this tutorial. You should read the Creating Builds tutorial for information, but be prepared to forget everything you knew about the old builder in order to embrace the "modern" builder.
最後的部分,咱們討論下dojo構建器,在dojo1.7時,該部分被重寫。一部分變化時爲了適應AMD架構,但其新的架構模式讓其對外能夠提供更加豐富的功能。這是一個很龐大的話題。你能夠在Creating Builds教程中看到更多的詳細信息。可是你要準備好忘掉一切舊的應用模式,擁抱新的現代的dojo構造器。
and a set()
for what you want to do.