npm install react-slick
Property | Type | Description | Working |
accessibility | bool | 其餘類名內滑動器的div | Yes |
className | String | 其餘類名內滑動器的div | Yes |
adaptiveHeight | bool | Adjust the slide's height automatically | Yes |
arrows | bool | 是否要顯示左右箭頭嗎? | Yes |
nextArrow | React Element | Use this element for the next arrow button | Yes |
prevArrow | React Element | Use this element for the prev arrow button | Yes |
autoplay | bool | Should the scroller auto scroll? | Yes |
autoplaySpeed | int | delay between each auto scoll. in ms | Yes |
centerMode | bool | Should we centre to a single item? | Yes |
centerPadding | |||
cssEase | |||
customPaging | func | Custom paging templates. Example | Yes |
dots | bool | Should we show the dots at the bottom of the gallery | Yes |
dotsClass | string | Class applied to the dots if they are enabled | Yes |
draggable | bool | Is the gallery scrollable via dragging on desktop? | Yes |
easing | string | ||
fade | bool | Slides use fade for transition | Yes |
focusOnSelect | bool | 點擊響應幻燈片! | Yes |
infinite | bool | 是否圍繞幻燈片內容循環展開! | Yes |
initialSlide | int | which item should be the first to be displayed | Yes |
lazyLoad | bool | Loads images or renders components on demands | Yes |
pauseOnHover | bool | prevents autoplay while hovering | Yes |
responsive | array | 的形式的對象陣列{ breakpoint: int, settings: { ... } } 的斷點INT是maxWidth 當分辨率低於該值,以便設定將被應用。陣列中的斷點應該smalles責令最大。的設定對象來禁用那個斷點渲染轉盤使用到位「unslick」。例:[ { breakpoint: 768, settings: { slidesToShow: 3 } }, { breakpoint: 1024, settings: { slidesToShow: 5 } }, { breakpoint: 100000, settings: 'unslick' } ] |
Yes |
rtl | bool | Reverses the slide order | Yes |
slide | string | ||
slidesToShow | int | 一次可見多少個幻燈片數量 | Yes |
slidesToScroll | int | 每一個導航項要滾動多少個幻燈片 | |
speed | int | ||
swipe | bool | ||
swipeToSlide | bool | Allow users to drag or swipe directly to a slide irrespective of slidesToScroll | Yes |
touchMove | bool | ||
touchThreshold | int | ||
variableWidth | bool | ||
useCSS | bool | Enable/Disable CSS Transitions | Yes |
vertical | bool | Vertical slide mode | Yes |
afterChange | function | callback function called after the current index changes | Yes |
beforeChange | function | callback function called before the current index changes | Yes |
slickGoTo | int | go to the specified slide number |
npm install react swipe-js-iso react-swipe
import React from 'react' import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import ReactSwipe from 'react-swipe'; class Carousel extends React.Component { constructor(props){ super(props); this.state={ datalist:[], playinglist:[] } } componentWillMount(){ console.log(this.state.datalist.length) axios.get('v4/api/billboard/home').then(res=>{ //接口錯誤排除 if(res.data.data.billboards){ this.setState({ datalist:res.data.data.billboards }) } }) axios.get('v4/api/film/now-playing').then(res=>{ this.setState({ playinglist:res.data.data.films }) }) } render() { return ( <ReactSwipe className="carousel" swipeOptions={{continuous:true,auto:3000}} key={this.state.datalist.length}> { this.state.datalist.map((item)=> <div key={item.id}> <img src={item.imageUrl} style={{width:'100%'}} /> </div> ) } </ReactSwipe> ); } } ReactDOM.render( <Carousel />, document.getElementById('app') );
本地react-router4-app項目效果爲: http://localhost:8095/homeapi
npm install react-time
npm install moment --save
import React from 'react' import Time from 'react-time' class MyComponent extends React.Component { render() { let now = new Date() let wasDate = new Date("Thu Jul 18 2013 15:48:59 GMT+0400") return ( <div> <p>Today is <Time value={now} format="YYYY/MM/DD" /></p> <p>This was <Time value={wasDate} titleFormat="YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm" relative /></p> </div> ) } }
import React from 'react' import Time from 'react-time' class MyComponent extends React.Component { render() { return ( <div> <div className="film-word2"> <span>上映日期:<Time value={this.state.info.premiereAt} format="YYYY年MM月DD日上映" /></span> <span></span> </div> </div> ) } }
<div className="col-xs-5 right"> <div className="showing-date"><Time value={item.premiereAt} format="MM月DD日上映" /></div> </div>