- #定義字符串
- "abc"
- 'efg'
- %Q{abc} #等價於 ""
- %{hahaha} #等價於 ""
- %q!efg! #等價於 ''
- %!hello! #等價於 ''
Q:"" 和'' 二者之間的區別?
A:"" 中能夠嵌入#{}輸出表達式的值,或者是character escapes
- str = "abc"
- puts "this is #{str}" # this is abc
- puts 'this is #{str}' # this is #{str}
- puts "abc\nedf" # abc
- # edf
- puts 'abc\nefg' # abc\nefg
Q:在ruby中puts "中國" 出現"invalid multitype char<us-ASCII>"
A:ruby中的source code 默認的編碼是US-ACSII,不能解析中文。須要把源文件的編碼改為「適合」的方式,繁體是
- #new
- my_name = "tony"
- your_name = String.new(my_name)
- puts my_name.object_id #5907780
- puts your_name.object_id #5907768
- your_name[0] = "m"
- puts my_name # tony
- puts your_name # mony
- #String.try_convert
- puts "try_convert"
- puts String.try_convert("aBC") #aBC
- puts String.try_convert(12345) #nil
- puts String.try_convert("12345") #12345
- # % format string
- puts "%"
- puts "str % arg -> string"
- puts "%05d" % 123 #00123 formatstring = "%flag with precision name fieldtype"
- puts "%0b" % 123 #1111011
- puts "%5s: %08x" % ["ID", self.object_id] # ID: 005af846
- puts "%-5s: %08X" % ["ID", self.object_id] #ID : 005AF846
- puts "%-5<name>s : %08<value>X" % {name: "hash_id", value: self.object_id} #hash_id: 005AF86
- # * copies
- # + concatenation
- # << append if the object is a Fixnum it is considered to be a codepoint in the encoding
- # of str and converted to the appropriate character before being appended
- # concat
- puts "Ha" * 3 #HaHaHa
- puts "Ha" + "Ho" #HaHo
- puts "Hello" << 119 #Hellow
- puts "Hello" << "Tony" #HelloTony
- puts "concat"
- puts "Hello".concat(" Tony") # Hello Tony
- str = "hello"
- str << 119
- puts str << "Tony" #hellowTony
- #[] []=
- puts "[],[]="
- str = "Hello Ruby"
- puts str[-1] # y
- puts str[0] # H
- puts str[1] #e
- puts str[9] #y
- puts str[10] #nil
- puts str[0..2] #hel
- puts str[0...2] #he
- puts str[0,2] #he
- puts str["e"] #e
- str[0..2] = 'haha'
- puts str # hahalo Ruby
- #ascii_only?
- puts "ascii_only?"
- puts __ENCODING__ #Big5
- puts "ruby".ascii_only? #true
- str = "中國"
- puts str.ascii_only? #false
- #bytes, chars, codepoints
- #str.bytes -> enum
- #str.bytes{|byte| block} -> str
- #str.chars -> enum
- #str.chars{|char| block}-> str
- #codepoints(integers representation of the characters)
- #str.codepoints -> enum
- #str.codepoints {|integer| block} -> str
- #getbyte
- puts "bytes, getbyte"
- p "ruby".bytes.to_a #[114,117,98,121]
- puts "getbyte"
- puts "ruby".getbyte(1) #117
- result = []
- puts "ruby".bytes {|byte| result << byte} #ruby
- p result #[114,117,98,121]
- puts "chars"
- p "ruby".chars.to_a # ["r", "u", "b", "y"]
- result = []
- puts "ruby".chars {|char| result << char} #ruby
- p result # ["r", "u", "b", "y"]
- puts "codepoints"
- p "中國".codepoints.to_a # [42148, 45290]
- result = []
- puts "中國".codepoints {|b| result << b} #中國
- p result #[42148, 45290]
- #bytesize, length, size
- puts "bytesize, length"
- puts "ruby".length #4
- puts "ruby".bytesize #4
- puts "ruby".size #4
- puts "中國".length # 2
- puts "中國".bytesize # 4
- puts "中國".size #2
- #capitalize, capitalize!
- #capitalize return a copy of str with the first character converted to
- # uppcase and the remainder to lowercase
- #capitalize! Modified str by converting the first character to uppercase and the
- # ramainder to lowercase .Returns nil if no changes are made
- puts "capitalize, capitalize! "
- str = "hello Ruby"
- puts "str = hello Ruby"
- puts "str.capitalize = > #{str.capitalize}" #Hello ruby
- puts "str = > #{str}" # hello Ruby
- puts "str.capitalize! = > #{str.capitalize!}" # Hello Ruby
- puts "str = > #{str}" # Hello Ruby
- puts "str.capitalize! = > #{str.capitalize!}" # nil
- puts "str = > #{str}" # Hello Ruby
- #<=>, casecmp
- puts "<=> , casecmp"
- puts "abc" <=> "Abc" #1
- puts "abc".casecmp("Abc") # 0
- puts "abc" <=> "ab" #1
- puts "abc".casecmp("ab") #1
- puts "ab" <=> "abc" #-1
- puts "ab".casecmp("abc") #-1
- #center
- puts "center"
- str = "ruby"
- puts str.center(4) #ruby
- puts str.center(5) #ruby
- puts str.center(10, '*') #***ruby***
- puts str # ruby
- #chr return the first character
- puts "chr"
- puts "ruby".chr # r
- puts "中國".chr # 中
- #clear removes the content(but not the associated encoding) of str
- puts "clear"
- str = "ruby"
- puts str.clear #nil
- puts str.length #0
- #encoding: Big5
- puts str.encoding #Big5
- #chomp, chomp!
- #chomp return new string with given record separator remove from the end of str
- #str.chomp(rs = $/) -> string
- puts "chomp, chomp!"
- str = "ruby"
- p str.chomp # ruby
- p str.chomp("y") # rub
- str = "ruby\n"
- p str.chomp # ruby
- str = "ruby\n\r"
- p str.chomp # ruby\n
- str = "ruby\r\n"
- p str.chomp # ruby
- str = "ru \n by"
- p str.chomp # ru \n by
- #chop, chop!
- #remove last character
- puts "chop"
- p "ruby".chop #rub
- p "ruby\n".chop # ruby
- p "ruby\r\n".chop #ruby
- p "R".chop.chop # ""
- #count, delete, delete!
- #str.count(<string>+)->int
- #Each string parameter difines a set of characters to count.
- #the intersection of these sets defines the characters to count in str
- #Any parameter that starts with a caret(^) is negated
- #The sequence c1-c2 means all characters between c1 and c2
- puts "count"
- str = "hello world"
- puts str.count "lo" #5 在str 中 有 3 個 l 和 兩個 0 => 3 + 2 = 5
- puts str.count "el" #4
- puts str.count "lo", "o" #2 [l,o],[o]的交集是 0 在str中出現2個
- puts str.count "ej-m" # 4 [e,j,k,l,m] 在str 中有 1個 e 3個l 總共 4
- puts "delete"
- puts str.delete "lo" # he wrd
- puts str # hello world
- puts str.delete! "e" # hllo world
- puts str # hllo world
- #crypt 加密
- puts "crypt"
- puts "ruby".crypt "ruby"
- #downcase, downcase!
- puts "downcase downcase!"
- puts "ABC".downcase #abc
- #dump
- #Produces a version of str with all nonprinting characters replaced by \nnn notation
- #and all special characters escaped
- puts "dump"
- p "ABC".dump #"\"ABC"\"
- p "ABC" #"ABC"
- #empty?
- puts "empty?"
- puts "hello".empty? # false
- puts "".empty? #true
- #encode, encode!, encoding, force_encoding
- puts "encoding"
- str = "ruby"
- puts str.encoding #GBK
- puts str.encode("utf-8") # ruby
- puts str.encoding #GBK
- puts str.encode!("utf-8") # ruby
- puts str.encoding #utf-8
- str.force_encoding("GBK")
- puts str.encoding #GBK
- #gsub, gsub! 與正則表達式連用搜索字符串
- #start_with? end_with?
- puts "start_with?, end_with"
- puts "Apache".end_with?("ache") # true
- puts "ruby code".end_with?("python", "perl", "code") # true
- puts "Apache".start_with?("Apa") # true
- puts "ruby code".start_with?("python","perl","ruby") #true
- #index
- puts "index"
- puts "hello".index("e") #1
- puts "hello".index("a") #nil
- puts "hello".index(/[aeiou]/, -3) #4
- puts "hello".index("lo",4) #nil 第二參數開始搜索的位置
- #insert
- puts "insert"
- puts "abcd".insert(0,"X") #Xabcd
- puts "abcd".insert(-1, "X") #abcdX
- puts "abcd".insert(1, "X") #aXbcd
- puts "abcd".insert(-2, "X") #abcXd
- #intern
- #Return the Symbol corresponding to str, creatin the symbol if it did not
- #previously exist
- puts "intern"
- p "ruby".intern #:ruby