import os import re import time import fcntl import logging import pygtk pygtk.require('2.0') import gtk import gobject import webkit import requests import json HOME = os.getenv("HOME") + '/.youdao-dict/' LOG = HOME + '/pyoudao.log' LOCK = HOME + '/pyoudao.lock' QUERY_URL = '' if not os.path.exists(HOME): os.mkdir(HOME) logging.basicConfig(filename=LOG, level=logging.DEBUG) class Dict: def __init__(self): self.mouse_in = False self.popuptime = 0 self.last_selection = '' # 初始化窗口 self.window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_POPUP) self.window.set_title("pyoudao") self.window.set_border_width(3) self.window.connect("destroy", lambda w: gtk.main_quit()) self.window.resize(360, 200) # 初始化垂直容器 vbox = gtk.VBox(False, 0) # 建立一個事件容器, 並註冊selection_recevied事件函數 eventbox = gtk.EventBox() eventbox.connect("selection_received", self._on_selection_received) eventbox.connect('enter-notify-event', self._on_mouse_enter) eventbox.connect('leave-notify-event', self._on_mouse_leave) # 註冊周期函數_on_timer,每隔500毫秒執行一次 gobject.timeout_add(500, self._on_timer, eventbox) # 建立一個webview self.view = webkit.WebView() def title_changed(widget, frame, title): logging.debug('title_changed to %s, will open webbrowser ' % title) import webbrowser'' + title ) self.view.connect('title-changed', title_changed) # 打包各類控件 self.window.add(vbox) vbox.pack_start(eventbox) eventbox.add(self.view) def _on_timer(self, widget): # 開始檢查選擇事件 widget.selection_convert("PRIMARY", "STRING") if self.window.get_property('visible') and not self.mouse_in: x, y = self.window.get_position() px, py, mods = self.window.get_screen().get_root_window().get_pointer() if (px-x)*(px-x) + (py-y)*(py-y) > 400: logging.debug('distance big enough, hide window') self.window.hide(); if(time.time() - self.popuptime > 3): logging.debug('time long enough, hide window') self.window.hide(); return True # 若是有字符串被選擇,則執行該函數 def _on_selection_received(self, widget, selection_data, data): if str(selection_data.type) == "STRING": text = selection_data.get_text() if not text: return False text = text.decode('raw-unicode-escape') if(len(text) > 20): return False if (not text) or (text == self.last_selection): return False"======== Selected String : %s" % text) self.last_selection = text m ='[a-zA-Z-]+', text.encode('utf8')) if not m:"Query nothing") return False word = if self.ignore(word):'Ignore Word: ' + word) return False'QueryWord: ' + word) self.query_word(word) return False # 查詢單詞 def query_word(self, word): query_url = QUERY_URL + word # 使用requests模塊獲取json字符串 js= json.loads(requests.get(query_url).text) if 'basic' not in js:'IgnoreWord: ' + word) return x, y, mods = self.window.get_screen().get_root_window().get_pointer() self.window.move(x+15, y+10) self.window.present() translation = '<br/>'.join(js['translation']) if 'phonetic' in js['basic']: phonetic = js['basic']['phonetic'] else: phonetic = '' explains = '<br/>'.join(js['basic']['explains']) web = '<br/>'.join( ['<a href="javascript:void(0);">%s</a>: %s'%(i['key'], ' '.join(i['value'])) for i in js['web'][:3] ] ) html = ''' <style> .add_to_wordbook { background: url( no-repeat; vertical-align: middle; overflow: hidden; display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; width: 24px; padding-top: 26px; height: 0; margin-left: .5em; } </style> <h2> %(translation)s <span style="color: #0B6121; font-size: 12px">< %(phonetic)s > </span> <a href="javascript:void(0);" id="wordbook" title="點擊在瀏覽器中打開" onclick="document.title='%(word)s'"></a> <br/> </h2> <span style="color: #A0A0A0; font-size: 15px">[ %(word)s ] </span> <b>基本翻譯:</b> <p> %(explains)s </p> <span style="color: #A0A0A0; font-size: 15px">[ %(word)s ] </span> <b>網絡釋意:</b> <p> %(web)s </p> ''' % locals() # 經過webview顯示html字符串 self.view.load_html_string(html, '') self.view.reload() self.popuptime = time.time() def ignore(self, word): if len(word)<=3: return True return False def _on_mouse_enter(self, wid, event): logging.debug('_on_mouse_enter') self.mouse_in = True def _on_mouse_leave(self, *args): logging.debug('_on_mouse_leave') self.mouse_in = False self.window.hide() def main(): Dict() gtk.main() if __name__ == "__main__": f=open(LOCK, 'w') try: fcntl.flock(f.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_EX|fcntl.LOCK_NB) except: print 'a process is already running!!!' exit(0) main()