我的人民幣按期存款-存本取息Personal CNY Time Deposit – Schedule

    存本取息按期儲蓄是指我的將屬於其全部的人民幣一次性存入較大的金額,分次支取利息,到期支取本金的一種按期儲蓄。Scheduled Interest Withdrawal is a kind of fixed savings deposit; the depositor could deposit a large amount of principal in a lump-sum, and then withdraw the interest by several times, and get back the matured principal at the maturity date.promise

1)     人民幣存本取息,定期限分爲一年、三年、五年的按期存款;There are 1-year, 3-year and 5-year periods of Scheduled Interest Withdrawal of CNY;app

2)     起存金額5000元,多存不限;The initial deposit amount is CNY 5000 without any upper limit;post

3)     執行存入日掛牌公告的相應期限檔次存本取息儲蓄存款利率。遇利率調整,不分段計息;The interest rate should be the quoted scheduled interest WDR interest rate of the relevant period of the deposit day. If the interest rate changed, the new interest rate will not be applied right away;spa

4)     支取利息的次數和日期由客戶與儲蓄機構協商肯定,由系統計算出每期支息金額,支取利息的時間計算應是月對月、日對日進行計算(針對月底狀況)。例如13開戶存款,選擇每2個月取息,客戶約定的取款時間爲335373等。客戶只能在約定日期或其後支取利息。不得提早支取(由系統自動檢查)。如到期未取息,之後可隨時取息,不計復息;The interest withdrawal frequency and date should be compromised between the customer and the bank, system will calculate and generate the interest amount the customer can withdraw each time; the interest withdrawal date shall follow the interest settlement cycle, and if the account is opened by end of the month, i.e. Jan.31st, and its interest is monthly withdrawal, so the first withdrawal shall occur in Feb.28 (or 29, if any).  Example: a customer deposits the principal at 3 Jan., and the withdrawal frequency is defined as every two months (3 Mar., 3 May, 3 Jul. and so on), so the customer could only withdraw the interest on or after 3 Mar., 3 May, 3 Jul. and so on, system should automatically check the withdrawal date to prohibit early withdrawal. If the customer doesn’t withdraw the interest at the given dates, he (or she) could withdraw it at any other subsequent date, but system will not calculate the compound interest;rest

5)     結息週期同客戶取息週期;The interest posting cycle keeps the same as the interest WDR cycle;orm

6)     每次支取利息金額=(本金×存期×利率)÷取息次數;Interest withdrawal amount at each time = (Principal * Deposit years * Annual interest rate) / No. of withdrawal times; htm

7)     只能辦理本金所有提早支取,不能辦理本金部分提早支取。提早(所有)支取本金按支取日掛牌活期利率計息,已分次付出的利息要所有扣回。(提早支取引發的利息差別在支取時從支付金額中扣除);Partial early WDR for principal should be prohibited, system only support full-amount principal early WDR. If the customer wants to early withdraw the principal, system should calculate the interest by the current quoted DD interest rate, and furthermore, the paid interest before should be deducted from it;seo

8)     存本取息存款在平常支息時不扣收利息所得稅,在銷戶時合併收取利息稅;Interest tax of the scheduled Interest WDR will not be charged at each interest withdrawal date, it should be totally charged at the account closeout date;ip

9)     逾期支取同整存整取按期存款;The processing of post maturity WDR keeps the same with time deposit;ci

10)   客戶在開戶時可約定到期日是否自動轉存,未支取利息可選擇到期後是否納入本金。Customer may request an automatic renewal for a new scheduled interest WDR, and for the interest not withdrew, it would be the customer’s option to add the un-withdrew interest to the principal after account matured.
