--9: 查詢全部同窗的學號、姓名、選課數、總成績;
--select st1.Sid,st1.Sname,sc2.score from Student st1,SC sc2
-- where st1.Sid = sc2.sid
select t.Sid 學號,t.Sname 姓名,COUNT(Sid) 選課數,SUM(score) 成績
from (select st1.Sid,st1.Sname,sc2.score from Student st1,SC sc2
where st1.Sid = sc2.sid) t
group by t.Sname ,t.Sid 數據庫
--10: 查詢所有學生都選修的課程的課程號和課程名
select sc.cid,COUNT(sc.score)
from SC sc,Student st
group by sc.cid having COUNT(sc.sid) = COUNT(st.Sid)ci
select cid ,COUNT(cid) from SC sc group by sc.cidselect
select sc.cid,COUNT(sc.sid) from SC sc group by sc.cid
having COUNT(sc.sid)=(select count(st.Sid) from Student st )數據
select co.Cid,co.Cname
from (select sc.cid from SC sc group by sc.cid
having COUNT(sc.sid)=(select count(st.Sid) from Student st)) t
join Course co
on co.Cid = t.cid
--11: 查詢課程名稱爲「數據庫」,且分數低於60的學生姓名和分數
select Cid from Course where Cname like '數據庫'查詢
select sc.sid ,sc.score,sc.cid
from SC sc,Course co
where (co.Cname='數據庫' and sc.score<60)
select co.Cid
from Course co
where co.Cname like '數據庫'
select sc.sid , sc.score ,sc.cid
from SC sc
where sc.score<60 and sc.cid = (select co.Cid
from Course co where co.Cname like '數據庫')
*/ vi
select st.Sname ,sc.score
from (select sc.sid , sc.score ,sc.cid from SC sc
where sc.score<60 and sc.cid = (select co.Cid
from Course co where co.Cname like '數據庫')) sc
join Student st
on st.Sid = sc.sid