屬性 | 類型 | 必選? | 描述 |
autoContainerWidth | Boolean | 否 | 將內部可滾動的容器寬度設爲自動。 |
autoHeight | Boolean | 否 | Grid外部的高度設置爲自動。這個屬性只能和WindowScroller高階組件結合使用 |
autoWidth | Boolean | 否 | Grid外部的寬度設置爲自動。這個屬性只能和WindowScroller高階組件結合使用 |
cellRangeRenderer | Function | 否 | 負責渲染一組給定索引範圍的單元格 |
cellRenderer | Function | 是 | 負責渲染給定行列索引的單元格 |
className | String | 否 | 可選的自定義CSS類名,附加到根Grid元素上 |
columnCount | Number | 是 | 網格列的數量 |
columnWidth | Number or Function | 是 | 一個固定的列寬(數字)或一個函數返回給定索引(({index: number}): number)的列寬。若使用函數,能夠指定estimatedColumnSize來優化滾動行爲。 |
containerProps | Object | 否 | 負責添加屬性到cell-container(例如onWheel事件) |
containerRole | String | 否 | cell-ContainerARIA角色,默認是rowgroup |
containerStyle | Object | 否 | 可選的自定義行內樣式附加內部的cell-container元素 |
deferredMeasurementCache | CellMeausrer | 否 | 若CellMeasure用於計算Grid的子元素,該屬性必須是CellMeausrerCache的指針。一個共享的CellMeasurerCache引用使Grid和CellMeasurer共享計算數據 |
estimatedColumnSize | Number | 否 | 用於在全部列被計算以前預估整個Grid的寬度。被預估的整寬會在列渲染後調整 |
estimatedRowSize | Number | 否 | 用於在全部行被計算以前預估整個Grid的高度。被預估的整高會在行渲染後調整 |
height | Number | 是 | Grid的高度;該屬性決定了可見的行數量 |
id | String | 否 | 可選的自定義ID來附加到根Grid元素 |
isScrolling | Boolean | 否 | 重寫內部是否處於滾動的狀態,整個屬性主要服務於WindowScroller組件 |
isScrollingOptOut | Boolean | 否 | 防止在滾動端從新渲染可見單元格 |
onContentRenderer | Function | 否 | 使用剛渲染的Grid區域的信息調用回調函數,旨在可見行發生改變時調用:({columnOverscanStartIndex: number, columnOverscanStopIndex: number, columnStartIndex: number, columnStopIndex: number, rowOverscanStartIndex: number, rowOverscanStopIndex: number, rowStartIndex: number, rowStopIndex: number}): void |
onScroll | Function | 否 | 每當內部可滾動區域內的滾動偏移發生變化時,將調用回調:({ clientHeight: number, clientWidth: number, scrollHeight: number, scrollLeft: number, scrollTop: number, scrollWidth: number }): void |
onScrollbarPresenceChange | Function | 否 | 每當添加或移除水平或垂直滾動條時調用:({ horizontal: boolean, size: number, vertical: boolean }): void |
overscanColumnCount | Number | 否 | 渲染可見的網格切片先後的列數量。能夠減小在某些瀏覽器或設備滾動期間的閃爍。 |
overscanIndicesGetter | Function | 否 | 負責計算在指定範圍以前和以後要掃描的單元格數量 |
overscanRowCount | Number | 否 | 渲染可見的網格切片先後的行數量。能夠減小在某些瀏覽器或設備滾動期間的閃爍。 |
role | String | 否 | 可選的重寫默認ARIA,默認是grid |
rowCount | Number | 是 | 網格中行的數量 |
rowHeight | Number or Function | 是 | 固定的行高(數字)或一個函數返回給定索引的行高:({index: nmber}): number。若是使用函數,指定estimatedRowSize來優化滾動行爲 |
scrollingResetTimeInterval | Number | 否 | 在上一次滾動事件以後等待此時間,而後重置網格指針事件;默認爲150ms。 |
scrollLeft | Number | 否 | 水平偏移量 |
scrollToAlignment | String | 否 | 控制scrolled-to-cells的對齊方式。默認(自動)滾動到可能的最小數量確保指定單元格徹底可見。使用start將指定單元格對其到網格左上,使用end對齊到右下。使用center將指定單元格對其到容器中間。 |
scrollToColumn | Number | 否 | 確保可見的列索引(必要時強行滾動),優先於scrollLeft |
scrollToRow | Number | 否 | 確保可見的行索引。優先於scrollTop |
scrollTop | Number | 否 | 垂直偏移量 |
style | Object | 否 | 可選的自定義內聯樣式,附加到根Grid元素 |
tabIndex | Number | 否 | 可選的重寫默認的標籤索引。默認是0 |
width | Nubmer | 是 | Grid的寬度,這個屬性決定了可見的列的數量 |
屬性 | 描述 |
ReactVirtualized__Grid | (外部)主要元素 |
ReactVirtualizedGridinnerScrollContainer | 內部滾動區域 |
這是一個高級屬性。當網格須要其餘覆蓋的UI(例如甘特圖或日曆應用程序)的狀況下,它頗有用。使用onScroll回調或ScrollSync 高階組件能夠更輕鬆地解決許多用例。
import {defaultCellRangeRenderer, Grid} from 'react-virtualized';function cellRangeRenderer(props) { const children = defaultCellRangeRenderer(props); children.push(<div>My custom overlay</div>); return children; }function CustomizedGrid(props) { return <Grid cellRangeRenderer={cellRangeRenderer} {...props} />; }複製代碼
function cellRangeRenderer({ cellCache, // Temporary cell cache used while scrolling cellRenderer, // Cell renderer prop supplied to Grid columnSizeAndPositionManager, // @see CellSizeAndPositionManager, columnStartIndex, // Index of first column (inclusive) to render columnStopIndex, // Index of last column (inclusive) to render horizontalOffsetAdjustment, // Horizontal pixel offset (required for scaling) isScrolling, // The Grid is currently being scrolled rowSizeAndPositionManager, // @see CellSizeAndPositionManager, rowStartIndex, // Index of first row (inclusive) to render rowStopIndex, // Index of last row (inclusive) to render scrollLeft, // Current horizontal scroll offset of Grid scrollTop, // Current vertical scroll offset of Grid styleCache, // Temporary style (size & position) cache used while scrolling verticalOffsetAdjustment, // Vertical pixel offset (required for scaling) }) { const renderedCells = []; for (let rowIndex = rowStartIndex; rowIndex <= rowStopIndex; rowIndex++) {// This contains :offset (top) and :size (height) information for the celllet rowDatum = rowSizeAndPositionManager.getSizeAndPositionOfCell(rowIndex);for ( let columnIndex = columnStartIndex; columnIndex <= columnStopIndex; columnIndex++ ) { // This contains :offset (left) and :size (width) information for the cell let columnDatum = columnSizeAndPositionManager.getSizeAndPositionOfCell( columnIndex, ); // Be sure to adjust cell position in case the total set of cells is too large to be supported by the browser natively. // In this case, Grid will shift cells as a user scrolls to increase cell density. let left = columnDatum.offset + horizontalOffsetAdjustment; let top = rowDatum.offset + verticalOffsetAdjustment; // The rest of the information you need to render the cell are contained in the data. // Be sure to provide unique :key attributes. let key = `${rowIndex}-${columnIndex}`; let height = rowDatum.size; let width = columnDatum.size; // Now render your cell and additional UI as you see fit. // Add all rendered children to the :renderedCells Array.} } return renderedCells; }複製代碼
function overscanIndicesGetter ({ direction, // One of "horizontal" or "vertical" cellCount, // Number of rows or columns in the current axis scrollDirection, // 1 (forwards) or -1 (backwards) overscanCellsCount, // Maximum number of cells to over-render in either direction startIndex, // Begin of range of visible cells stopIndex // End of range of visible cells }) { return {overscanStartIndex: Math.max(0, startIndex - overscanCellsCount),overscanStopIndex: Math.min(cellCount - 1, stopIndex + overscanCellsCount) } }複製代碼
function cellRenderer({ columnIndex, // Horizontal (column) index of cell isScrolling, // The Grid is currently being scrolled isVisible, // This cell is visible within the grid (eg it is not an overscanned cell) key, // Unique key within array of cells parent, // Reference to the parent Grid (instance) rowIndex, // Vertical (row) index of cell style, // Style object to be applied to cell (to position it); // This must be passed through to the rendered cell element. }) { // Grid data is a 2d array in this example... const user = list[rowIndex][columnIndex]; // If cell content is complex, consider rendering a lighter-weight placeholder while scrolling. const content = isScrolling ? '...' : <User user={user} />; // Style is required since it specifies how the cell is to be sized and positioned. // React Virtualized depends on this sizing/positioning for proper scrolling behavior. // By default, the grid component provides the following style properties: // position // left // top // height // width // You can add additional class names or style properties as you would like. // Key is also required by React to more efficiently manage the array of cells. return (<div key={key} style={style}> {content}</div> ); }複製代碼
import React from 'react';import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';import {Grid} from 'react-virtualized';// Grid data as an array of arraysconst list = [ ['Brian Vaughn', 'Software Engineer', 'San Jose', 'CA', 95125 /* ... */], // And so on...];function cellRenderer({columnIndex, key, rowIndex, style}) { return (<div key={key} style={style}> {list[rowIndex][columnIndex]}</div> ); }// Render your gridReactDOM.render( <GridcellRenderer={cellRenderer}columnCount={list[0].length}columnWidth={100}height={300}rowCount={list.length}rowHeight={30}width={300} />, document.getElementById('example'), );複製代碼
屬性 | 類型 | 必選? | 描述 |
cache | CellMeasurerCache | 是 | 在CellMeasure和他們的父級Grid之間共享的緩存 |
children | Element or Function | 是 | 能夠是一個React元素(例如<div />)或者一個函數 (例如({measure, registerChild}) => <div ref={registerChild} />) |
columnIndex | number | 是 | 經計算的列index(在父級Grid裏)或者0(使用List或Table) |
parent | Grid | 是 | 父級Grid的引用;改值是由Grid傳遞給cellRenderer,應該原樣傳遞 |
rowIndex | number | 是 | 經計算的行index(在父級Grid裏) |
Render Props
屬性 | 類型 | 描述 |
measure | Function | 執行單元格計算 |
registerChild | Function | 指定要計算的Dom元素,能夠被用做爲ref(默認是WindowScroller使用ReactDOM.findDOMNode函數) |
屬性 | 類型 | 必選? | 描述 |
defaultHeight | number | 否 | 未計算的單元格將改值初始化高度 |
defaultWidth | number | 否 | 未計算的單元格將改值初始化寬度 |
fixedHeight | number | 否 | 渲染單元格將擁有一個固定的高度,動態的寬度 |
fixedWidth | number | 否 | 渲染單元格將擁有一個固定的寬度,動態的高度 |
minHeight | number | 否 | 多個單元格的派生行高度不該該小於改值 |
minWidth | number | 否 | 多個單元格的派生列寬度不該該小於改值 |
keyMapper | number | 否 | 能夠更智能地將給定的列和行索引映射到項目ID。這樣能夠防止在修改其父級時單元格緩存失效。(rowIndex: number, columnIndex: number) => any |
import React from 'react';import { CellMeasurer, CellMeasurerCache, Grid } from 'react-virtualized';// In this example, average cell width is assumed to be about 100px.// This value will be used for the initial `Grid` layout.// Cell measurements smaller than 75px should also be rounded up.// Height is not dynamic.const cache = new CellMeasurerCache({ defaultWidth: 100, minWidth: 75, fixedHeight: true});function cellRenderer ({ columnIndex, key, parent, rowIndex, style }) { const content // Derive this from your data somehow return (<CellMeasurer cache={cache} columnIndex={columnIndex} key={key} parent={parent} rowIndex={rowIndex}> <divstyle={{, height: 35, whiteSpace: 'nowrap' }} >{content} </div></CellMeasurer> ); }function renderGrid (props) { return (<Grid {...props} columnWidth={cache.columnWidth} deferredMeasurementCache={cache} cellRenderer={cellRenderer}/> ); }複製代碼
import React from 'react';import { CellMeasurer, CellMeasurerCache, Grid } from 'react-virtualized';// In this example, average cell width is assumed to be about 100px.// This value will be used for the initial `Grid` layout.// Cell measurements smaller than 75px should also be rounded up.// Height is not dynamic.const cache = new CellMeasurerCache({ defaultWidth: 100, minWidth: 75, fixedHeight: true});function cellRenderer ({ columnIndex, key, parent, rowIndex, style }) { const content // Derive this from your data somehow return (<CellMeasurer cache={cache} columnIndex={columnIndex} key={key} parent={parent} rowIndex={rowIndex}> {({registerChild}) => (<div style={{,height: 35,whiteSpace: 'nowrap' }} > {content}</div> )}</CellMeasurer> ); }function renderGrid (props) { return (<Grid {...props} columnWidth={cache.columnWidth} deferredMeasurementCache={cache} cellRenderer={cellRenderer}/> ); }複製代碼
import React from 'react';import { CellMeasurer, CellMeasurerCache, List } from 'react-virtualized';// In this example, average cell height is assumed to be about 50px.// This value will be used for the initial `Grid` layout.// Width is not dynamic.const cache = new CellMeasurerCache({ defaultHeight: 50, fixedWidth: true});function rowRenderer ({ index, isScrolling, key, parent, style }) { const source // This comes from your list data return (<CellMeasurer cache={cache} columnIndex={0} key={key} parent={parent} rowIndex={index}> {({ measure, registerChild }) => ( // 'style' attribute required to position cell (within parent List)<div ref={registerChild} style={style}> <imgonLoad={measure}src={source} /></div> )}</CellMeasurer> ); }function renderList (props) { return (<List {...props} deferredMeasurementCache={cache} rowHeight={cache.rowHeight} rowRenderer={rowRenderer}/> ); }複製代碼
// Normally, every cell gets measured individually and is very slow.// However, with the keyMapper prop we can specify a constant return value and// tell CellMeasurer that all measurements after the first one will hit the// cache and we get a speedy solution.const cache = new CellMeasurerCache({ defaultHeight: 30, fixedWidth: true, keyMapper: () => 1, });複製代碼