sublime 將tab替換爲4個空格 & 顯示空格

preferences -> settings -> 在右側的json中加入(左側的默認配置是沒法修改的,能夠在默認配置中搜到這幾個配置)json


  // The number of spaces a tab is considered equal to(一個tab至關於多少個空格)
    "tab_size": 4,

    // Set to true to insert spaces when tab is pressed(設置爲true表示按下tab鍵時插入空格符)
    "translate_tabs_to_spaces": true,

    // Set to "none" to turn off drawing white space, "selection" to draw only the
    // white space within the selection, and "all" to draw all white space(設置成"none"將關閉空格繪製,設置成"selection"只在選中的時候繪製空格,設置成"all"任什麼時候候都繪製空格)   "draw_white_space": "all",